
Ash: The Untouchable

Addicted_69 · LGBT+
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26 Chs

20. Gifting Poison

The butler opened the door to the guest room, where my unnie was. I looked back as the butler closed the door behind me, and I trust he puts Astra somewhere.

After I heard the noise of the door closing, I put off my mask as it would be disrespectful. She greeted me first. " How have you been, Ash ? "

" It's been a while, unnie. And I'm doing fine. " I said while walking to the couch opposite to her so I could face her.

When I sat, I saw the table had a few sweets and lemon tea. I took a sip of it as she asked, " Did you get the poisons I gave you ? If so, why are you here so quickly? I thought they would last longer. "

" Thay did. I'm here for another reason. " My unnie raised one eyebrow as she was curious, and I continued. " I wanted to check on the twins as well as give you these "

When I finished speaking, I beamed a container of the herbs and flowers that she had never seen before. I also gave her the water bottles filled with the lake water I got from where nata is.

" In Evania the Rockey Mountain Gate. If you head northwest from there by constant walking, you will arrive in about seven days. "

" You can find a valley there full of these. Trough I don't recommend sending normal people as they might die from stepping onto the grass field of these poisones herbs. " I said, pointing at the herbs that were on the table.

" You can nullify its effects by drinking this water, " I again pointed, but now at the water bottles.

" Thank you, Ash. " She was happy about the new poison. I could see a genuine smile ok her face as making poisons and experimenting with them is her hobby.

After seeing her inspect the herbs, I just smiled and stood up, leaving the room. " She knows that our family doesn't really like chitchat and just does thayre business, so our conversations are short, but she knows I consider her as am ally too. So in our terms we are quite close.

I was walking down the hall, heading to the lab where the twins were. I left a few poison flowers and herbs with me as well as the water since I'm planning to give some to them, too.

As I was getting close, I heard the bickering from behind the door. I opened and stepped into the room. They were surprised that someone came in, but then thayre surprised faces were replaced by a happy one as they gave me a quick and simple hug.

" What brings you here ? " Thay asked. " Got something for you. " When I said that, I beamed a few of the herbs and flowers and a bottle of the lake water that were the same ones I gave to unnie.

They started browsing through them as I said, " I gave the rest to your mother as well as the location where you could find more of these. "

" In the end, I didn't use the sleeping balls. do you want them back ? " I asked Cortney. Jer eyes didn't leave the herbs. Just like her mother.

" No need, instead tell me if there was anything wrong with the other poisons I gave to you, " she said. " They were good. They worked just as the description said. "

She finally looked at me and said " good " with a small smile. Then they bothe hugged me and said thanks.

I put my .ask on again and walk out of thayre laboratory, knowing they will now be stuck there for a few days with the new toys I gave them.

I asked a few maids for Astra, and they went to pick him up. We mat at the enternce of thayre mansion. " I'm done with my business here. "

After that, we started heading to the to the Zephyr Empire of Wind where Ishtar is. I would have gone back to see my brother a bit, but Astra was with me, and I reather my identity is kept secret.

Belladonna wasn't so far off from Zephyrs territory, so it didn't take long to get there. If we wanted to get on the floating islands, we need to take an air balloon.

But to get on one, I need an identity. Only a few people knew me, so I can't get an ID card from just anywhere. Luckily he managers of the main branches know me as a few others too.

There are only two managers in Zephyr territory. One is on the islands, and the other one is in the north of Zephyr territory. That's where the night eleves are, too. They don't really get along with people, but our assassins are exceptional, I guess.

We have quite a lot in common with dark elves, so we have been able to live with them peacefully.

It was northwest from Belladonna. This time, we only had to take one break before getting there.

They live in trees, and they have houses and hanged bridges, latters, and ropes that are almost everywhere. But thay di have fighting field on. the ground.

I was about to enter when two guards stopped me. I showed them my family emblem of our family, and they immediately got out of the way.

When I got inside, I loved this place it wasn't really noise, but not quite either. I saw a few dark elves and a few human assassins fighting in the arena.

When I looked around, I mostly only found dark elves and assassins. It's rare to find assassins walking in the open. Now Astra seemed out of place, not me.

It was already evening, so I saw quite a few people as they mostly stayed inside when the sun's up. I headed to a bar, and when I entered and when the bartender saw me, he smiled.

I sat next to the counter when he asked, " What a pleasure to have such a guest as yourself come here, what can I do for you ? " Alyster asked.

He was the manager of this branch, and he also had one of the strongest assassin groups. Sometimes, our assassin groups poses a dark elf, too. There is no discrimination between the captins of successful assassin teams, so it isn't hard for a dark elf to rise to a position of captain if they are skilled enough.

" Nothing much, just four IDs." Alystar noded in response and didn't ask for what I needed them for.

" One more thing, can you cover up our tracks as much as possible ? we are being hunted by assassins from The Great Empire of Light. Thanks to him. " Alystar raised one brow, and I just sighed.

Me and Alyster talked for a while to catch up, and he also shared the statistics with the Zephyr Empire and the things I should know.

I'm not really good at drinking, and Alyster saw my flushed cheeks and said, " I think that's enough for you, buddy. "

" I'll send someone to give you more updates on the Zephyr Empire as well as to give you your IDs." Then he looked at Astra and gave him some directions as well as some keys to take me to rest.

I was walking while having my arm around his shoulder to support not falling. I think he said something about me being too slow, but I'm not sure as my head was fuzzy.

The next thing I knew, he threw me over his shoulder while grabbing my legs. " Don't move or your fall."

' Bastard I almost threw up ', not that it bothered me since everything was going to end up on him.

I think we went to some inn, and with the keys he have he unlocked the door and threw me on the bed.

" Fuck, can't you be more gentle " I cursed at him as I crashed to a big bed. " Ha, I'm a dog. How would I know how to do that ? " He said with hateful eyes. I guess he is a bit drunk, too, or else he wouldn't show his true colors and only teased me with a smile.

" Forget it, just give me some water. " he beamed out a water bottle and opened it. I was about to take it from him and drink it, but the daring son of a bitch pored the water on me. " Better ? " he said with a sarcastic smile.

I couldn't take it anymore, and thogether with the influence of the alcohol I transformed into my panter form and my black nails were now longer and much more harder making me able to use them as claws.

I pulled my claws out and scratched him. He managed to block my attack with his hand through his clothes are tore and his hand was scratched.

A small fight broke out. We didn't use any big moves to destroy this place and make as little noise as possible. Trough I can't say the same to the interior of the room since I think I remember using them as a shield and as my footing. Not to mention, I think I remember a few times Astra crashed into some.