
Asgard: God of Vengeance

Reincarnated as an Asgardian Prince in the world of the MARVEL universe. He was born as the youngest prince, a few hundred years after Thor and Loki. Born with eyes like no other, that made the all seeing Heimdall seem mediocre. Blessed with talent and burdened with future knowledge, Watch as he grows in power, as he strives to save Asgard from it's predetermined fate, He is Vengeance, Born to seek revenge and destroy the wretched cycle and the gods above, that toy with him and Asgard. He is Vali Odinson. -------- /This is more or less an AU FanFiction. MC is an OC and his name is borrowed from a character of Norse Mythology. I do not own any other character, other than a few OC's in the novel. Based the novel on the movies, but will start introducing comic elements as it goes on./ MC is a Grey character, if you dislike manipulative MC's, this novel is not for you. He's a realist, a bit cold and uncaring, bar his close family. No harem btw. /It’s my first novel, so yeah, help me out with some constructive criticism to improve my writing./

7rox · Movies
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33 Chs

Major Upgrades

As Vali who had left the palace after his meeting with Odin, prepared for one last 'seclusion', he knew that he couldn't have any distractions. His personal guards followed behind and soon he arrived at his meditation spot, deep into the mountains.

He turned towards Skarf, and spoke with a tone that permitted no refusal, "I'm at a crucial period with my meditation, and I won't be coming out for quite a while. It might take a few years at the least, so deliver just enough food for my sustenance, weekly."

"And it's on you to stop anyone from disturbing me during the upcoming years, is that understood?" said Vali as he turned towards Frodi.

Both of them solemnly nodded, and swearing to fulfill their duties with their lives if needed.

'Mother should hear about me reinforcing my mind from father, so the chances of her coming here are not high.' thought Vali as he walked towards his meditation spot. He had dug a small cave here, and planned to expand it in the future. But for now, this would do.

He soon began his meditation, as he relaxed his body and let himself sink into his mindscape. He floated in the dark space, above his black planet owing to the black ocean which covered 99% of it. The ocean seemed to stretch beyond the planet weirdly, something that wouldn't make sense in reality.

He had wanted to create more planets and make it solar system before, but his mindscape had hit its limit. He couldn't go further than a planet, so he had to do the best he could with it.

He started to move the oceans outside the planet to surround it, as it magically surrounded the planet's atmosphere completely. At this point, the spherical planet had disappeared and was surrounded by a ball of black water.

He spent the next few years reinforcing the core of the planet, using all of the ocean which was outside the ball of water, and soon the indefinite ocean shrank over the years till only a gigantic black ball was left behind.

The planet was hidden completely in the centre of the black ball of stationary water. The inside of the planet however was completely the same, the atmosphere and everything remained unaffected. But the planet had been completely reinforced, starting from its core, to the oceans in it.

The ocean inside the planet was black as well, and he had to fix it first before its final optimization. The ocean was partially influenced by his divinity, and it was difficult to change with a flip of a hand. So, he spent a few years using his will to remove every trace of his divinity's influence on it.

Once he was finished, he could see the clear oceans churning and his mind started working at an incomputable speed. If before, he had a perfect memory that allowed him to go back and watch everything second by second. Now, he could remember anything by just thinking about it, and could learn anything several times faster than before.

It was like all the gears were put in their rightful places, well-oiled and were now running like clockwork. But he wasn't done just yet; he looked at the dark ball of water surrounding the atmosphere of the planet. He tapped into his divinity, flooding the ball of water with it. Soon, the ball of water turned from black to a thick red.

If anyone could even see the hidden 'blue planet' and wanted to enter it, they'd have pass through a ginormous bloody-red spherical mass of liquid. Entering the bloody ball would mean, having to face the will of 'Vali in his own mindscape', and the madness that would corrode their will.

Contrary to this, the planet inside was peaceful as it housed the core of his consciousness. It was also tethered to his soul, so he figured why not connect his mindscape with his eyes as well. And that's exactly what he did, and this was where all the chaos began.

As he channeled magic into his eyes in reality, he also attempted to link its gaze with his mindscape. The moment his mindscape linked with his starry eyes, he could feel his magic rapidly draining from his body constantly flowing into his eyes.

If there was anyone beside him right now, they would have noticed his eyes glowing like torches as it was flooded with all Vali's magic, depleting his container and almost leaving behind a dry husk. Inside his mindscape was entirely different scenario; as soon as his eyes were connected, his entire mindscape went on a LSD trip.

He felt as if he was hallucinating, as his mindscapes previous limit of only one planet was broken, and he could see stars coming into being around his planet, akin to the stars in his eyes. He had only wanted to link his eyes with his mindscape, but as his mind was put through a blender, he didn't know what was happening.

He soon calmed down and his inner persona appeared above his core in his mindscape, and he instantly felt the changes taking place. His eyes had spiritually fused into his mindscape, making his mindscape a lot stronger than beings at his level. He was sure that he could create more planets, a lot easily now.

And that's what he did with a little twist, he spent a while creating as many planetoids as possible till he hit his limit, and arranged them around his core planet in a formation that held several defensive measures. Once, he was quickly done with his mindscape, he examined his almost century-old piece of work.

He was insanely satisfied as he could feel that it would be nigh impossible for beings anywhere close to his level, to even think of breaching his mind. And even beings at a higher level should be held back with some difficulty, though he wasn't sure about that since he hadn't faced an attack at that level yet.

At this point his core memories and thoughts were secured at Mt. Core; his inner thought process was the clear ocean that constantly churned and sped up his thoughts and finally, his surface thoughts were the stars surrounding the planet and planetoids. And all of these, were secured by the doorway which were his powerful eyes.

They worked both ways as well, as he was confident that he could probe another person's mind by just looking at them with his eyes. He finally relaxed as he left his mindscape, satisfied with almost a century of hard work.

He had just left his mind, when his body collapsed backwards, thus allowing him to analyze his body which was completely depleted of magic. His body was screaming for rest, as he cursed inwardly. His eyes draining his entire body wasn't within his calculations; this could've been a problem any other time.

He left his thoughts for later, as he knew that his body needed to recover. His monstrous body had never felt this weak since he was born, and it certainly was a new experience for him. He crawled towards the corner of the cave with his eyes closed, before he drifted into a slumber.

He awoke after a few days, moving his still slightly worn out body as he sat up, he felt a presence close to him outside the cave. He figured who it was and called out, "Skarf, Bring in the food!"

He had Skarf deliver highly nutrient food packed with magic and energy, every week right beside the cave. He must have stayed behind after noticing the food that was untouched from last week. After all, Vali would never skip an energy meal that could possibly weaken the body, that he so religiously trained.

Skarf walked in with a basket, and entered the cave for the first time ever. He saw the weakened Prince who had his eyes closed, and was shocked. He panicked for the first time in decades, since this was his invulnerable and hallowed prince.

He was about to call for help when he saw Vali lift his hand, and speak questioningly in an annoyed tired tone, "What are you waiting for? Hand over the basket!"

Skarf hurried over before placing it beside Vali, and asking with clear worry in his tone, "My lord, what's going on?"

Vali chomped on his food eagerly even with his eyes closed, and he felt the highly nutritious energy flooding his body instantly. He could already move a lot better than a few seconds ago.

As soon as he finished eating everything, he replied languidly with, "What does it look like? Obviously, I depleted all the magic in my body. My body is now magic deficient, so get me more of this food and I don't want to hear any questions."

The days went by and Vali slowly recovered. It wasn't like he was doing nothing during these days; his mind was working at full capacity unlike his body, so he thought about the feasibility of a few plans of his that he was unsure about, before he optimized his mind.

When his body regained enough magic to comfortably move around, he slowly opened his eyes for the first time in a long time. His eyelids fluttered as his glowing bluish starry eyes came into view, and to Vali it looked like the world had changed.

If before he could see everything around the realm from a bird's eye view, after using his magic for its consumption, then it was whole new ball-game now. He could see through the mountains he was currently seated in, and when he focused, his sight honed in like a hawk allowing him to directly see through almost everything in perfect clarity.

He had obtained something akin to x-ray vision, 360 vision and something else he couldn't understand yet. The most significant advantage he had gained was that, all these were passive abilities of his eyes that required no consumption.

He looked towards his guards who were patiently seated outside the mountain region, and observed them with his eyes. He could see through their internals with ease, and when he channeled magic into his eyes for the first time after the fusion, he was stunned.

He could see hazy balls of light within their bodies, and from what he could deduce, they were their souls. They were a mixture of colors and he expertly assumed that they denoted the emotions that one felt at that moment. At this point, he wouldn't be surprised if he obtained something like a 'penance stare' or something.

He was extremely satisfied with his eyes, and they truly embodied their name 'truth eyes' now. He would be able to detect lies and anticipate hostile movements by just examining their souls and emotions, incase their minds were guarded. He then stared at his guards for a few seconds and instantly invaded their mindscape, reading through their core memories.

Frodi was meditating while attempting to improve his senses, and Skarf on the other hand was weirdly asleep while standing but his surface thoughts were erratic, prepared to get into battle any second.

He then left their minds and he could still read their surface thoughts by just looking at them casually. It didn't even need the activation of his eyes, and it was pretty much passive as long as he thought of it. His eyes had just gone through a major upgrade, while it didn't help in battle, it was everything he would want and more.

Channeling magic into his eyes activated his soul vision and also enhanced the already extreme clarity in eyes, to almost go microscopic. He guessed that this, and his soul vision were all obtained after he indirectly tethered his eyes with his soul.

He turned towards the direction of the palace, as his vision seemed to worm through all the deadly enchantments and saw Odin on his throne. Odin who had just sensed a probe and blocked it, raise his eyebrows looking in mild surprise in Vali's direction.

Well, that was Allfather for you. He might not have any special eyes but Asgard itself, was just a tiny place in the universal domain of his 'Odin-force'.

'Well, now I am one step closer to having omniscience on Asgard, at the least. It's time to rest for a few years and collect my thoughts to begin my plans.' thought Vali inwardly who didn't let the false sense of omniscience get to his head.


|| Thank you Mudit R Chadha for the coffee, You're a madlad! Hope you have a great day! ||

Hand over the power stones! NOW!

[ P@ treon.com/7rox ] or [ buymeacoffee.com/7rox ]

Won't be posting any advanced chapters there, though you can donate 3$ and buy me a cup of coffee for the time I've spent writing, if you're interested. Peace.

2k+ chapters again? Sheeeeesh!

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