
Asgard's god of nature

this msg is for those who are new to this novel, I am a new author that's why the first few chps are bad I have improved a little after that plz continue to read. Hello guys! I am a new author and this is my first work I don't have the story planned so I am gonna write what come to my mind. English is not my first language so please expect grammar mistakes,I apologize in advance. I wrote this story cause I was bored and not many good fanfics are out there right now. updates will be slow as I mentioned before I don't have this fanfic planned. now sorry for ranting and all.so on to the story. you know the story a guy from our world gets reincarnated to marvel universe (MCU).Born in asgard as Thor's younger twin brother.He is going to be as mentioned in the title a god of nature but as as well as animals,combat and magic. love interest will be lady sif and if I feel like it I will and another one and let me tell you I am against sex before marriage so I will make it so that by the time of canon mc will be married. disclaimer:I do not own marvel or any character related to this novel expect oc

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Jarl's Full Power and ????

I kept my bow back in personal dimension then replied to Odin.

Jarl:" I am glad you were entertained father , see how good a son I am" I said that while thinking my next move , then looked towards the stands to see an excited audience but my focus was not on them , no I was looking towards Thor who was excitedly watching our fight and thought that it is time to reveal the gap btw us to motivate him as I can see that he is starting to develop an arrogant personality and hope that it with me revealing my power he stops fooling around and takes my advice to train in developing his divinity.

I looked towards Loki and mother to see she also noticed me looking at Thor and understood that I was asking that if it was the right time, after meeting my gaze she nodded in approval. I then turned my gaze back to Odin who was waiting for my move and he also noticed my silent conversation with mother. then I said to him,

Jarl:" prepare for taking on my full power father " I then tapped the bottom of my halberd on the ground and when I tapped the ground portals opened behind me and from there many gaint animals started to pour out ,there were many different types of animals that I collected over the years , for example reptiles like snakes , lizards and crocodiles ,then felines like lions , tigers , Panthers , jaguars etc and there were different birds , different canines etc. when they came out it looked like a beast tide from those Chinese novels presented itself here.

then I ordered the beasts to attack Odin , as the beasts moved towards Odin who looked like he was going to get a little more serious, I tapped the ground again but this time I made wooden gaints and summoned at least 30 more clones of which 20 instead of different weapons used halberds and then bows and then too charged sending wooden spikes , wooden swords , wooden spears ,thick vines and tree roots ,as well as different wooden projectiles. the battle lasted for 2 hours in which Odin was forced to use his odinforce for the first time since this fight started and now I am leaning on my halberd panting hard and Odin looked like he just had a good workout which in my opinion is a amazing feat for the current me.

Odin approched me and said patting my shoulder,

Odin:" you did good son , you are going to be Asgard's strongest pillar in the future" then left. then the crowd started to disperse excitedly talking about the fight with their friends and family.

as the crowd left only my family Sif and Thor's friends remained and approched me. my mother came and hugged me and said that she was proud of me and my hard work, then left.

after that Thor his friends and Loki said their encouragements and left too. leaving me alone with sif , as she approched me I said,

Jarl:" hey you are looking as gorgeous and beautiful as always Sif" she blushed at that as in the time we spent together I never flirted with her except for when I was leaving for nidavellir. she said,

Sif:" yyyou ttoo" she strutted because of embarrassment, she looked so cute like that I couldn't just help myself teasing her.

Jarl:" what I am beautiful ? I thought I was handsome?"

Sif:" nooo that's not it you are handsome"

Jarl:" just handsome?" I asked while closing our distance , she was going red as our distance closed but did not back away , I reached with my hand and held her chin then said " you are just so cute that I can't help teasing you, she started to sputter and speaking nonsense but before she could even utter a word I released my hand from her chin moved it to her cheek then the back of her head and pulled her into a kiss which was short chaste kiss ,then looked into her eyes and said,

Jarl:" I love you" as I said that her eyes started to water and she threw her arm around me and hugged me tightly while saying,

Sif:" I love you too , I love you too, I love you too" then pulled out a little but still in in my arms then I again kissed her ,this time passionately.

the ever annoying for some of the audience ttttime skip....

50 years. . . .

since I confessed my love for Sif and she accepted we were pretty much in separable and made out daily, but no sex and I also found out that my earlier assumption was right and she is a masochist and loves being ordered around by me, however I keep it in check and don't do any physical harm to her , well if spanking counts then a little.

also remember that in the Thor 1 movie it was mentioned that Thor went to midgard and blurted out his and his friends adventures and showed his powers and led to them believing asgardians as gods. well that happened a few years back and this time their is the legend of his op brother in their too(narcissist). also I have made new discoveries of my powers and also that the dwarf prince who I got along with remember ( well not like he is important to the story for us to remember , if that's what you are thinking then you are correct as I did not even bother to give him a name , poor dwarf) well he visited a few times and I too visited him like a true friend should 'not really I went for more books on runes ,but don't mind the small details' .

anyway I am thinking of going on a vacation on midgard ,to relax a bit from all the training and the duties of being a royal ,yeah you heard it duties as unlike Thor who runs away from them and Loki who always finds ways around them , well I do them not cause I love them 'i hate them' but because I want to be the king of Asgard and for that I am preparing ,now you are wondering why I want to be a king and thinking things like leave it to Thor , well i want the authority that it offers and having access to the forces of a kingdom that stroke fear in the Galaxy with just its name , well most small kingdoms and galactic empires forgot about us but the ones who are truly old know that even if we asgardians isolated ourselves from outside we are not be underestimated.