

"Echelons of Ascension: Chronicles of a Warrior's Promise" is an epic tale of determination, resilience, and the unyielding pursuit of one's destiny in a world where combat defines life itself.

J14S07 · Fantasy
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62 Chs

Trapped and Wounded.

"Left or right?" Blake murmured, standing at a fork in the maze.

"Hard to say," Jay replied. "Both paths look just as sinister."

Blake sighed and chose the left path, his fingers grazing along the damp, moss-covered walls. The air was thick with an earthy smell that clung to the back of his throat. Each sound he made seemed to reverberate through the corridors, reminding him that he was not alone. 

"Careful now," Jay warned. "There's no telling what we might find around these corners."

"Trust me, I'm being cautious."

As Blake rounded another bend, he noticed a peculiar rock jutting out from the floor. Before he could process its significance, his foot caught on it. In an instant, the shifting rock activated a trap. An arrow shot out from a hidden alcove, impaling his arm. 

"Ah, damn it!" Blake cried out, gripping his injured arm as pain seared through him. Blood oozed between his fingers, staining the cold stone beneath him.

"Blake! Your arm… We need to do something about that wound!" Jay exclaimed, panic evident in his voice.

"Y-Yeah, I know," Blake managed to gasp. He took a deep breath, gritting his teeth against the pain as he tore a strip of fabric from his tattered shirt. 

"Okay, you can do this. Just… wrap it tightly, apply pressure…" His thoughts raced, trying to recall any first aid knowledge he had acquired way back in school, before entering the Neitherworld.

"Good, now keep it elevated," Jay instructed. "I'll help guide you through the maze while you focus on your arm."

"Thanks, Jay," Blake replied, his voice strained with pain. With the makeshift bandage applied, he continued forward, leaning heavily against the wall for support. His heart pounded in his chest, not only from the pain but also from the fear of what might lie ahead.

"Stay focused, Blake," he thought to himself. "You've survived worse than this. You can keep going."

Despite the pain and uncertainty, Blake continued moving forward, his determination unwavering as he navigated the treacherous maze that stood between him and his ultimate goal. Little did he know, greater challenges still awaited him within its winding depths.