

"Echelons of Ascension: Chronicles of a Warrior's Promise" is an epic tale of determination, resilience, and the unyielding pursuit of one's destiny in a world where combat defines life itself.

J14S07 · Fantasy
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62 Chs

The Sleeping Giant.

Blake took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the nimble sword in his hand. It was a reassuring presence, a tangible reminder that he wasn't completely defenseless in this twisted labyrinth. With each step, his confidence inched back, pushing away the lingering tendrils of fear and doubt. The pain in his arm throbbed with each heartbeat, but he knew he had no choice but to press on.

"Alright, Jay," Blake muttered, gripping the sword tighter. "Let's keep going."

"Agreed," Jay replied. "Stay sharp. We don't know what else might be lurking in here."

As Blake turned a corner, he heard an unsettling sound echoing through the maze. It was a guttural noise, like the grinding of stone against stone, accompanied by deep, rhythmic breathing. The sound sent shivers down his spine, but curiosity pulled him forward.

"Jay... do you hear that?" Blake whispered, his voice barely audible.

"I do," Jay responded, his tone cautious. "It sounds... familiar, somehow. We should proceed with caution."

Blake nodded and continued onward, his senses heightened as he followed the unnerving noise. The walls of the maze seemed to close in around him, suffocating and oppressive, but he pushed the sensation aside and focused on the task at hand.

Finally, the source of the noise came into view. Blake entered a large chamber, its high ceiling lost in darkness, and at the center of the room lay a sleeping giant. The creature was easily three meters tall, its muscular form wrapped in a tattered cloth that did little to hide its powerful physique. Despite its monstrous size, there was an undeniable allure to the being – a magnetism that drew Blake's gaze and held it fast.

"Whoa..." Blake breathed, unable to take his eyes off the slumbering behemoth. "Have we just stumbled across one of the monsters that roam the Netherworld surface?"

"Seems like it," Jay replied, his voice tinged with awe. "I've never seen anything like this before. It's... strangely attractive."

"Right?" Blake agreed, feeling a sudden flush of heat on his cheeks. He shook his head to clear the strange thoughts that threatened to cloud his focus. "But we can't just stand here and gawk at it. We need to find a way past it."

"Absolutely," Jay concurred. "Stay quiet, and keep your sword ready. We have no idea what this creature is capable of."

With his heart pounding in his chest, Blake crept forward, his eyes locked on the sleeping giant. As he moved through the chamber, the weight of the nimble sword in his hand reminded him of his purpose – to survive the maze and escape the Netherworld.

"Alright," he thought, steeling himself for the journey ahead. "Let's do this."