

"Echelons of Ascension: Chronicles of a Warrior's Promise" is an epic tale of determination, resilience, and the unyielding pursuit of one's destiny in a world where combat defines life itself.

J14S07 · Fantasy
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62 Chs


With newfound determination, Blake turned his attention to the task at hand – allocating the point he had just earned. "Jay," he said, his voice steady despite his exhaustion, "let's put this point to good use."

"Of course," Jay replied. "What would you like to invest in?"

"Strength," Blake decided without hesitation. "I need more power to protect myself and overcome these challenges."

"Understood," Jay said, preparing to make the necessary adjustments.

But as Blake focused on his internal system, attempting to allocate the point, he noticed something strange. His baseline stats seemed... different, somehow.

"Jay," he began, confusion lacing his words, "did my stats change?"

"Let me check," Jay responded, concern apparent in his tone. A moment later, he confirmed, "Yes, your baseline stats have indeed changed. This is... unexpected."

"Changed how?" Blake asked, unable to hide his surprise.

"Your strength has increased, but so have your agility and endurance," Jay explained. 

Blake's mind raced with the implications of this development. He had expected to gain power through investing points strategically, yet now it seemed that his destiny was not entirely in his own hands.

"Is this... normal?" he queried, a note of trepidation creeping into his voice.

"I'm not sure," Jay admitted. – this could be both a blessing and a curse."

"True," Blake mused, considering the potential advantages and drawbacks of this unexpected twist. "On one hand, I might become more well-rounded. On the other hand, there's no telling how these changes will affect me in the long run."

"Indeed," Jay agreed solemnly. "We'll need to be cautious moving forward and pay close attention to any further changes."

As Blake mulled over this unforeseen development, the air around him seemed to thicken with anticipation. What did this mean for his journey? And how would it impact his quest for power and survival?

"Whatever happens," he vowed, steeling himself for the unknown, "I won't let this stop me. I'll adapt, learn, and grow stronger – no matter what."

And so, with unanswered questions lingering in their minds and shadows creeping ever closer, Blake and Jay pressed onward, venturing deeper into the heart of darkness, their fates bound together by an enigmatic system and an unyielding will to survive.