

"Echelons of Ascension: Chronicles of a Warrior's Promise" is an epic tale of determination, resilience, and the unyielding pursuit of one's destiny in a world where combat defines life itself.

J14S07 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
62 Chs


With a surge of determination, Blake stepped forward onto the path where the goblin zombies had emerged. The air was heavy with an oppressive silence, only interrupted by the rustling of leaves underfoot and the distant echoes of other creatures lurking in the shadows.

  "We don't have the luxury of underestimating any threat."

As they ventured deeper into the gloom, the dim light filtering through the dense foliage above did little to dispel the darkness that enveloped them. The eerie beauty of the place belied its deadly nature, as gnarled roots twisted around ancient trees like serpents waiting to strike.

"Blake!" Jay's sudden exclamation broke through his thoughts. "To your right!"

Blake turned just in time to see a goblin lunging at him with a vicious snarl, its eyes gleaming with malevolence. He ducked instinctively, narrowly avoiding the creature's outstretched claws, which left deep gouges in the tree behind him.

"Damn, that was close!" Blake muttered, adrenaline surging through his veins. As he faced the goblin, his fatigue and wounds from previous battles momentarily forgotten, he knew that every victory would bring him closer to becoming stronger.

"Keep it off balance, and watch for its attacks!" Jay advised urgently.

"Got it," Blake replied, his eyes fixed on the goblin as it circled him, searching for an opening.

The dance of death commenced, with Blake dodging and weaving around the goblin's relentless strikes. Each movement brought him closer to understanding the monster's patterns, and he felt his confidence growing. He could do this. He would do this.

"Enough!" he shouted, seizing an opening. With a powerful thrust, he drove his wooden stick through the goblin's chest, piercing its black heart.

As the goblin's lifeless body crumpled to the ground, Blake stood over it, panting heavily. The monster's thick blood oozed onto the soil, a stark reminder of the battle he had just fought.

"Congratulations, Blake," Jay said, pride evident in his voice. "You've earned .2 points for your efforts."

"What a rip-off, let the man have a fucking point at least." frustration clearly visible on Blakes face.