
Ascension or journey from world to world

The cover I used does not belong to me. I found it on the Internet, and it belongs to the corresponding person. Also, all the works that I use in this fanfiction do not belong to me, and in no case do I pretend to be. This is just fan-made literature written for fun. English is not my native language. This story is about a young man and his travels to different worlds. Dying in his native world, a young man meets a god who fulfilled 5 of his wishes. What will be next? This we will find out later. I can say that I have plot ideas. Let us begin this journey.

PerfyX · Anime & Comics
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87 Chs

Battle against Kaido

New world. Wano Country.


On the seashore separating Udon and Onigashima, four people stood.

These people were Ray and his wives.

They looked at the sky filled with black clouds, in which hundreds of lightning flashed from time to time. Lightning strikes were accompanied by very loud thunder, the rumble of which was heard even in the capital of Wano Country.

This weather was unnatural, it was caused by the power of the Chinese Dragon's Conqueror's Haki, who was flying through the sky and roared loudly.

"So this is what an awakened mythical zoan looks like," looking at the dragon flying in the sky, Shirahoshi said with a surprised expression on her face.

"Zoan-type users who were able to awaken their devil fruit can turn into their enlarged form of Zoan... Is that all?" tilting her head to the side, Hiyori asked.

"Mmm. No. Besides that, their bodies become stronger and tougher, and they get various passive abilities from their beast. In the case of Kaido, all this is not particularly noticeable, his body was incredibly strong and tough even without awakening his devil fruit. Like Big Mom, Kaido has been predisposed to Armament Haki from his very birth.

Such people are very rare in this World, but the power of their Haki can reach an incredible level. Remember Otohime and Oden. Otohime never trained her Observation Haki, but she was still able to develop it to almost the highest level. If she trained and wanted to become stronger, then her Observation Haki would not be weaker than that of Shirahoshi. Oden is similar to Kaido and Big Mom, he was born with a predisposition to Armament Haki," while continuing to look at the Chinese Dragon flying in their direction, Ray replied.

"His Armament Haki will not protect him from my katana," holding the katana in her left hand, Hiyori said.


The dragon finally reached ashore and stared at Ray's group.

"You... You are the arrogant child who does not know his place. <Shirogami no Akuma> Ray, what a loud and arrogant nickname. Did you kill Orochi? Unforgivable. First, you killed Donquixote Doflamingo, the man who was supposed to create artificial devil fruits for me. Now you have killed my ally Orochi, the man who controlled the creation of weapons for my army. Unforgivable. You. Must. Die," the Dragon growled loudly.

<Bolo Breath>

Kaido did not wait for Ray's answer, he simply attacked his group with his destructive fiery breath.

Kaido considered himself the strongest in the whole world. Therefore, he was about to return to Onigashima, thinking that his enemies could not block his attack and immediately died.

<Ice Beast Crystal Formation>

A calm male voice was heard.

Immediately after these words, Kaido felt a sudden decrease in temperature.




An invisible wave of icy energy spread in all directions and froze the entire shore, sea and Kaido fire attack.

Kaido watched this with wide eyes.

[He... froze the fire... How? Is it possible!?]

Kaido moved his eyes to Ray's group and saw that they were standing in the same place and were looking at him with bored facial expressions.

He did not like the way they looked at him and Kaido began to get angry.

Ray's group did not pay attention to him, they looked at Hiyori and wished her good luck.

"Hiyori, do you want me to use <Amol Saiqa> on your katana?" looking at Hiyori with a questioning look, Ray asked.

"Mmm. No. I don't want to accidentally cut him in half with one swipe of the blade. And I want to defeat him with my own strength," shaking her head, Hiyori answered with a smile

Ray nodded and kissed her forehead.

"Be careful and never underestimate your enemy," Ray whispered.

Hiyori smiled tenderly and nodded.

"Sister, you're stronger than this dirty man, so remember to cut off his little dragon," Hancock said gravely with her hands on Hiyori's shoulders.

Ray felt a shiver run down his spine. He simply smiled wryly and looked at Kaido sympathetically.

Shirahoshi looked at Hiyori and nodded her head, she fully supported what Hancock advised her.

Ray, Hancock, and Shirahoshi stepped aside and sat on a large white cloud.

Hiyori drew her katana and traced her index finger along its blade.

Katana began to tremble joyfully and glow with a black light.

Hiyori smiled and turned her gaze to Kaido, who just floated in the sky and continued to look at Ray and his wives.

"I thought a coward like you wouldn't give us time to talk," Hiyori said scornfully.

Hearing her words, Kaido's eyes filled with rage and thirst for blood.

"How dare you call me a coward !?" Kaido roared loudly.

"You are a coward and a wretched worm. How exactly did you defeat my father, Kozuki Oden? No. No, No. You didn't even defeat HIM, you won the war against him, that's true. But you lost to him in a one-on-one battle. After all of this, how dare you call yourself the strongest? You, like the last coward, attacked my father from the back, when your subordinates distracted him by showing him captured Momonosuke. I agree that "In war, all means are good". You won this war, but you have no right to call yourself the strongest. Because, you are the same coward as Orochi," looking at Kaido as trash, Hiyori said.

Hiyori covered her katana with a layer of Armament Haki.

Enma became completely black, and thick black smoke and small discharges of black lightning bolts came out of its blade.

She did not wait for Kaido's response and very quickly attacked him with a vertical slash.

<Moon Sickle>

Swinging a katana, Hiyori launched a huge blade of silver energy towards Kaido.

Seeing a massive attack, Kaido took a deep breath and exhaled a compressed fire wave. This wave of fire was like a plasma beam that could very easily cut through any solid object.


Both attacks collided high in the sky and numerous lightning bolts appeared around them.

Kaido continued to exhale a fiery wave and was very vulnerable. Hiyori decided not to miss this opportunity and began to rise into the sky using <Geppo>. She moved very fast and instantly appeared in the sky above Kaido.

Kaido felt her presence but did not manage to defend himself.

<Rapid Slash>

Hiyori disappeared from her place and appeared on the shore.


Kaido felt pain on his back and roared loudly and began to fall to the ground.


Big Dragon fell to the ground and shook the entire shore. A huge crater and a cloud of dust appeared at the place of his fall.

"Girl, you are the second person who was able to wound me. What's your name?" Kaido's gruff voice was heard, and his silhouette began to be seen in a cloud of dust.

"You decided to ask the name of your executioner just now? Pfff. You don't need to know my name because you will die soon," Hiyori said with a cold expression on her face.

This time, Kaido did not get angry and did not answer. He stepped out of a cloud of dust and looked down at Hiyori.

This is the first time that Hiyori sees Kaido live and she was surprised at his size.

Kaido is a tanned, seemingly middle-aged man who cuts an imposing figure due in equal measures to his extreme height and muscle bulk, making him easily dwarf normal humans. Overly top-heavy in build, he has an extremely broad, well-muscled torso with wide-set shoulders attaching to strong, thick arms, and legs that are somewhat out of proportion, far less heavily built than his arms yet about the same length.  

Kaido's head, atop his bulky neck, is disproportionally small as well, and has a massive pair of gray, sharp-pointed horns come out of its sides, curving slightly to the front, then upward.

He is dressed in a bluish-purple, feathered overcoat draped on his shoulders, without sleeves, and below a lavender, tight-fitting, open shirt that has long sleeves. He has a black bracelet with golden spikes above each of his wrists. The rest of his lower wear consists of simple, baggy pants of gray-green color, tucked below the knees into simple, blackish boots.

Kaido held in his left hand a huge metal kanabō covered in spikes.

He raised his kanabō and attacked Hiyori.

<Raimei Hakke>

Kaido disappeared from his place and appeared in front of Hiyori, inflicting a horizontal blow to her with his kanabō.

Hiyori directed the tip of the katana to the ground and dealt a vertical slash from bottom to top.


The Katana and the kanabō could not reach each other, between them there was a clash of two Conqueror's Haki.

Kaido's kanabō emitted black bolts of lightning, and Hiyori's katana emitted emerald and silver bolts of lightning.

Due to the clash of the two Kings and their Haki, the sky above them was divided into two halves, the whole earth was covered with a huge number of cracks, and numerous lightning flashed high in the sky.

Hiyori has not yet used all her powers, she always adhered to the rule that Ray taught her, "If you can count to ten, stop at seven, but tell everyone that you can count to only five." Hiyori can instantly defeat and kill Kaido if she uses her <Dragon Aura> or <Divine Area> against him. But she did not want such an easy victory, she wanted to defeat him with the help of the power that she received thanks to her own efforts. But this does not mean that because of this, she will restrain her power.

Hiyori began to use more and more power. Kaido began to feel a little pressure, but he continued to resist and use all his power.

Suddenly, a flintlock pistol materialized in Hiyori's left hand.


Not far from the battlefield of Hiyori and Kaido.

"Ohhh. Hiyori-nee uses it!!!" seeing the flintlock pistol materializing in Hiyori's hand, Shirahoshi shouted joyfully.

"Mmm. She decided to end this battle and finally kill Kaido," arms crossed on her big breasts, Hancock nodded.

Ray said nothing, he continued to look at Hiyori with a gentle smile on his face and pride in his eyes.


Kaido saw the pistol appearing in Hiyori's hand and for the first time in many years felt mortal danger. He wanted to break the clinch and jump to the side, but his arms and legs did not move. He could not even stop releasing his Conqueror's Haki. Because in the clash of two Kings, there is only a winner and a loser.

Hiyori pointed a gun at Kaido and pulled the trigger.

<Zafkiel: Bet>

An emerald energy bullet flew from the barrel of a pistol, which hit Kaido and penetrated his body. Hiyori saw that the bullet worked and Kaido became a little slower, but that was not enough. Kaido was too strong for this bullet.

<Zafkiel: Zayin>

Hiyori fired again at Kaido and a round barrier appeared around them, the time inside which completely stopped.

Hiyori took a step back and walked away from Kaido. She saw lightning bolts frozen in the air and realized that the time around them had completely stopped.

Unlike Ray's other wives, as the future Goddess of Space and Time, Hiyori did not feel much pressure on her body when she stopped a time or accelerated herself, but she could not maintain this barrier for more than thirty seconds.

In addition to stopping time, the barrier stops all the effects and abilities that exist on any object. This means that inside this barrier, even the immortal will become mortal and Hiyori can easily kill it.

Hiyori looked at Kaido and sheathed her katana.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

<Judgement Cut>

Kaido was surrounded by two dark blue spheres... the spheres disappeared after a few seconds and Hiyori opened her eyes.

She looked at Kaido again and nodded with a smile.


Hiyori snapped her fingers and the barrier surrounding her immediately disappeared.



As soon as the barrier disappeared, Kaido completed his attack and hit the ground. The force of the blow was so huge that all Udon began to tremble and collapse.

He raised his head and saw Hiyori standing a few meters from her former place.

Kaido's face filled with shock and surprise, he began to recall that Hiyori shot him with some strange bullets and began to check his body for new wounds.

Finding nothing, he looked at Hiyori and laughed,

"Wororororo. It is useless. Your attacks have not done me any damage and now I will kill you."

"Idiot. You're already dead."

Kaido and Hiyori turned their heads and they saw a flash of flame appearing next to them from which Ray, Shirahoshi and Hancock came out.

"Omae wa mou shindeiru," with stars in their eyes, said Astoria, Zesshi, and Bonney, who suddenly appeared next to them.

Seeing the sudden appearance of the otaku trio, Ray looked at them with a blank expression on his face.

Hancock, Hiyori and Shirahoshi covered their mouths with the sleeves of their kimonos and began to giggle.

"Nani!? Where did these women come from !?" Kaido shouted.

"He said it!!!"  hugging and congratulating each other, Astoria, Zesshi and Bonney joyfully shouted.

Kaido raised his kanabō and wanted to attack three women... but... he was already dead.

Taking one step, Kaido turned into a bloody fog, and his kanabō fell to the ground.

Ray did not waste time and waved his hand in the direction of the fog.


Thick black energy instantly devoured all the fog and returned to Ray.

<Great Sage>: {The process of absorbing an object filled with vital energy has begun. Standby time is 58 hours. The expected result is 10% of the energy for the evolution of the <Great Sage> in the <Wisdom King Raphael>.}

Hearing what the <Great Sage> said, Ray was very surprised and began to smile.

Seeing Ray's facial expression changing, his wives thought that devouring of Kaido had given him some useful ability.

"Hubby, what ability did this rare mob give?" going up to Ray and hugging his arm, Astoria asked.

"Did you get a card that increases stamina and strength!?" hugging Ray's other arm, Zesshi asked.


Ray sighed wearily and answered,

"You both spend too much time in DMMO-RPG."


Astoria and Zesshi closed their right eye and stuck out their tongue with a cute expression on their faces.

[Moe. Moe. Moe. Moe.] seeing how cute they were, Ray thought.


"Yes. Having completely absorbed Kaido, <Great Sage> will receive 10% of the energy for his evolution into <Wisdom King Raphael>," Ray replied.

"So he can evolve into that same Super Computer!?" Bonney asked with a shocked expression.

The other girls were also shocked and surprised at this. They knew that the <Wisdom King Raphael> was hundreds of times superior to the <Great Sage>, his only minus was cold calculation and absolute emotionlessness.

"<Wisdom King Rafael>... I'm sure he can analyze the Sacred Gears, Zanpakuto and other complex things and bloodlines," Shirahoshi said with wide eyes.

"Incredible. I wonder if he can create Yamato and improve all our weapons and Astral Dresses?" tilting her head, Hiyori asked.

"We will become much stronger if our Astral Dresses become the materialization of all our laws, and not just the main and the primary," putting her hand on her chin, Zesshi thoughtfully said.

The girls nodded, that was really so. Their Astral Dresses were materializations of only main laws. Because of this, they could not fight using all their power.

Putting on the Astral Dress, they lose the opportunity to use their secondary laws. For instance. Bella cannot use lightning, time and poisons when she wears her Astral Dress. Daphne also loses the ability to use fire, time and space, the exception is <Mahapadma>, although this ability stops time, but it was created on the basis of Ice and Cold.

While the girls were discussing the possibilities of <Wisdom King Raphael>, Ray stepped aside and began to create spatial traps. He was sure that the <Gorosei> already knew that he and his wives were in Wano Country. Considering the bald swordsman's abilities, Ray was certain that they would appear here shortly. His Observation Haki warned him of the same.

He looked at the sky and smiled coldly.

"I am waiting for you. Since you are in a hurry to die, I will organize your funeral."

Enjoy reading ✌️

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