
Ascension of the Worthless (OLD)

Adonis Lock is an untalented boy. Given to the Green Valley sect by his family, he is faced with constant bullying and harassment by other disciples. One day, while contemplating taking his life he falls asleep, only to be met with his ancestor that gives him a chance to change his life around. *Author note: This is my first story, so if there is any mistake or something is not good, please tell me in the comments or reviews. **Also I am doing this as a hobby, so the schedule of uploads may be all over the place plus the chance that I may drop the story. ***Art is made by Yodayo AI art

CrimsonHelix · Fantasy
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76 Chs

No Longer Trash

The fourth sister sighed at Byron's question.

"Seems you heard what happened then."

"Obviously, but those rumors have to be exaggerated, right?"

"Well, it depends on what you heard."

Byron told his fourth sister about what he heard from his minion.

"Everything they said was pretty much what happened."

Byron slightly shook at this.

"Fourth sister...you're not lying to me now...right?" Byron had an aggravated look.

The fourth sister sneered at this and said, "Fourth brother, why would I lie about this?"

Byron stayed quiet for a few seconds; the fourth sister sighed and said, "You believe it or not, it doesn't affect me in the slightest. I wanted a late-night snack, but seeing you made me lose my appetite."

Byron's forehead had veins pop out when he heard that. He stayed still, controlling his anger.

When his fourth sister went back to her room, he muttered to himself, "There has to be something else to this, there's no way my trash brother gained such power out of nowhere."

He started coming up with theories on how Adonis received such strength, but his thoughts were interrupted when he heard a voice that gave him chills.

"I suggest you cease thinking about how Adonis gained so much power."

Byron broke out in a cold sweat; he started breathing heavily as trauma from his past started reappearing in his mind. He slowly turned around and saw his second brother standing there.

"Se-second brother, what wakes you up so late?"

Byron knew that his second brother loves to sleep, so for him to be up so late confused him.

"I knew you were going to come here, so I stayed up until you arrived."

"Ah, you waited for me, I'm flattered," Byron said with fear in his voice.

"Don't be; isn't it normal for an older brother to look out for their younger sibling?"

Byron nodded; he said something else in his thoughts.

'Like you ever tried to be my older brother.'

Byron then asks about what he said before, "By the way, what do you mean I should stop looking into Adonis?"

"I mean, you won't find anything if you tried to do that."

"How do you know? Have you actually tried to look into it?"

"Father has quite a few people constantly watching Adonis 24/7, and they reported that he awakened his talent randomly one day."

"But that doesn't make any sense, even for late bloomers; they don't take that long to awaken their talent. The fifth brother is already 18!"

"I know, but how else do you explain it? Do you have any good ideas?"

Byron thought about it; but couldn't come up with any sensible idea about how it could happen.

"That's all I'm here for; you should accept that Adonis is no longer trash."

Byron gritted his teeth at his words, he will try to find the reason for Adonis's sudden rise, but he couldn't accept that Adonis wasn't weak anymore.

'I show you and the entire world, that our brother will always be trash!!'

Byron walked out of the Lock families suite and went back to his hotel, where he thought about a plan to discover Adonis's change.




There were now only 16 sects left; there were only four more days before the end of the All-Sect tournament. Any Sect would have celebrated this achievement; however, the Green Valley team was doing anything but celebrating. Instead, they were preparing for their fights with the tougher sects.

They were the first match of the day, and their opponent had three Ascent Stage cultivators.

Considering they couldn't predict which disciple would be sent out, that this opponent would be stronger than all the others, and that they have two disciples trying to get 1-Spark. It wasn't an ideal situation. But they think they could pull through as long as they can play their cards well.

In the first match, the Green Valley Sect sent out one of the extras to be safe, and luckily they did, as the other sect sent out an Ascent Stage cultivator. The extra got thrashed, and the Sect Leader thought that sending Mila out will only make the sect retreat their disciple while sending out more of the weaker ones will only dwindle their numbers. So, she thought of sending one of the disciples that haven't been shown yet.

They sent out Lena despite having yet to gain a spark; they gave Lena specific instructions to make sure this fight was her win. The Ascent Stage cultivator stayed as they could see that Lena didn't have a 1-Spark. During the battle, Lena looked like she was struggling, but she was only acting, waiting for the moment when her opponent would become too arrogant and make an opening.

It worked; the Ascent Cultivator became too arrogant and tried to finish it quickly, but Lena used that chance to use Gale Blitz, speeding behind her opponent, then used Cyclone Drill to strike their vitals, breaking their barrier, and letting Lena win.

The Sect Leader retreated Lena and the next battles were between Jewel, Madeline, and Klein against the Refinement Stage cultivators of the opponent sect. They eliminated five before Klein was met with an Ascent Stage cultivator and was beaten up. Green Valley sent out Juniper and yet again caught their opponent off-guard.

Through Adonis's training, Juniper became amazing at manipulating her mana, letting her use it to enhance her senses to a high degree. With it, Juniper dodged all attacks the Ascent cultivator sent; while she covered the arena in Lust Energy. Due to Adonis's pure "Mana" the Lust Energy in Juniper became so strong; she could start to manipulate it.

The Lust Energy made the Ascent cultivator lose focus and try to go for something else. Juniper used this to hit their opening and break their barrier with a few techniques, letting her win.

Juniper retreated, and the Sect Leader sent out one of the extras. The opponent sect sent out a Refinement Stage 5-Spark cultivator; the extra barely won the fight, only to be met with the opponent's last Ascent cultivator and getting pummeled.

The opponent sect kept their Ascent cultivator in, so the team sent out Mila. Mila defeated them without going into Blood Form, however, one of the attacks the Ascent cultivator sent, hit Mila directly causing her to need medical attention, and therefore, Mila retreated.

Now, it was Adonis's turn to show off a bit more.