
Ascension of the Samsara Sage

Regard inquired, his face solemn. "The path of a Sage is fraught with peril; are you certain you want to walk it?" Max responded immediately. "Yes." *** Max had hoped to enjoy his new life as a rich noble after being reincarnated into a magical world by God, but fate had other plans for him, as he was declared a cripple and unable to use magic for the rest of his life. But, as they say, when one door closes, another one opens, and Max is given the opportunity to change his fate; to become the hero or to once again live an insignificant life without meaning... What would he choose? In the Samsara, where humans who wield magic are known as Magicians and those capable of summoning dimensional beings are known as Summoners, Max will become a Sage that controls the laws of the world. Thus, the ascension of the Samsara Sage begins in a world where magic reigns supreme! *** Update rate : 2 chaps a day. *** Hope y'all enjoy reading this work as much as I enjoyed writing. Anyway, bless me with your Powerstones and gifts, thanks in advance UwU *** Note : I am not the owner of the image. If the owner doesn't want me using their work, I would be happy to take it down.

_DreamWeaver · Fantasy
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377 Chs


Let's rewind time a bit…

Dan had just attacked Max for the third time with the latter narrowly escaping once again. "Darn it, why can't he just stay still?... And how the hell is he able to react fast enough to dodge our sneak attacks?"

Dan scowled as he gestured for his summon to move forward again. Right now, he was able to see Max clear as day but the latter might as well be a blind bat.

He had been a Summoner for quite some time and so far, he had learned to use this special ability of his to his advantage. He hadn't met anyone able to pinpoint his location after his summon used, Invisible.

With it, he could deal damage to his opponent without having to worry about getting discovered. It was the perfect ability for him.

Thus, he calmed his nerves as he moved toward Max again. "This time, I just need to attack faster… or maybe go with two attacks at once…" he slowly pulled out a saber and stood at the ready.

At that moment, the clearing was suddenly plunged into darkness. He looked up to find the golden brown liquid pouring down. He smirked.

"Trying to tag us?... Do you think I haven't thought of that possibility?... Hehe, young man, you are still too green."

He did not think much of the attack as he continued his approach.

Just then, the liquid was gone and what followed were liquid drops falling.

As he was thinking up ways to take Max's neck, the oil drops struck.

Several drops landed on his summon's body with the creature screaming out in pain as it began to squirm about.

Dan, on the other hand, fell on his butt as he struggled to hold on when an oil drop touched his cheek. His eyes went wide as the pain shot through his body.


It was at this moment he knew… he'd fucked up.


Gibby dropped onto Max's head and sighed. "I kinda feel bad for them." The screams of the barbarians echoed throughout the forest as they struggled to find shelter.

"Mn." Max held the stick given to him by frog grandma. He felt something from it but couldn't quite make it out.

He had already pinpointed the location of his target, now all that was required was a weapon to mete out punishment.

The stick in his hand was a good choice.

"I wonder what it's good for." Max knew the frogs would never use something that didn't have some sort of arcane or weird capabilities thus he tapped into the stick to understand it.

Sure enough… he wasn't disappointed.

The moment he opened his eyes, he tightened his grip around the stick as Ordena flowed into it, causing it to grow until it was slightly taller than him when standing erect.

"I see… so you are more of a staff. Nice."

He spun the staff a few times to get a feel for it.

Just as Dan's screams were coming to an end, Max made his move.

His target was a few meters ahead, thus he dashed forward.

Dan was still in great pain from the corrosive effects of the oil drops, unfortunately, he had no defensive equipment thus he could only try protecting his vitals while praying for it to end.

As the oil drops came to an end, he slowly opened his eyes only to find a shadow above him. "This…"

Max swung down and struck Dan's summon in the head.

Unable to even scream out, the creature dropped to the ground unconscious, finally undoing the effects of its ability.

Dan was left speechless. "He found me…"

Max, on the other hand, took a moment to study the creature he just knocked out. It was a giant green chameleon with spikes on its back as well as a tail end that looked a lot like a mace.

Max cut off the flow of Ordena to the staff causing it to shrink back as he muttered. "Just another Servant class. Its ability is somewhat useful though."

He made a rough assessment before turning his attention to Dan, the latter still shocked by what happened.

"It would seem you were unable to take me down, just like your subordinates…" Max said with a sinister smile.

Dan realized his predicament just as the chameleon went up in smoke with the summoning canceled.

"Don't you dare touch me…"

Max grinned. "Why shouldn't I?"

"… Because I can kill them!" Dan roared as he rose to his feet and charged toward Lara and her group.

Max's smile wore off. "Do you think I'd let you do as you please!"

Dan paused in his tracks. He slowly looked down at his chest area to find a stick sticking out, all bloodied.

"Ugh." He tried to speak but only managed to cough up blood. The stick was then pulled out.

With a thud, he collapsed to the ground and his blood dyed the green grass.

He was dead.

The other barbarians saw this and quickly ordered a retreat, remaining here would only result in death.

Max snorted as he kicked at the body. "Try and be better in your next life."

Just then, a voice called out. "Max!"

He looked over to find Lara running toward him. Even as she ran, there was a certain grace to her.

He moved as well and they met in the middle, enveloping themselves in a hug.

"Mom," Max muttered with a sense of longing.

Lara pulled away just to take a better look at him. "You have gotten so strong since you left home." She had a bright smile on her face, happy to be reunited with her only child.

"It's nothing, I'm glad nothing happened to you, I don't know what I'd do if you were badly hurt," Max said.

Lara felt touched as she put up her hand due to Max being slightly taller and ruffled his hair.

Just then, Laura and the other ladies came over.

"Thank you for saving us, young master."

Mom's are cool >.<

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