
True Conversion

The appearance of many hated enemies suddenly shocked everyone present.

Everyone saw the culprits, or at the very least, people related to these culprits finally appeared.

"These people...!" One of the Commanders that followed Nightwing saw them.

"Oh...? Brother?" Ikarod had a look of delight.

Many Featherf-folk had joined Nightwing's army, and all had murderous intentions for Ikarod. But as Ikarod followed the terrifying Nightwing, they could only look in hatred and could not touch him.

But now, the crown prince was before Ikarod!

"My lord truly values me! To think that he would grant me the joyous treat of vengeance!" 

Several Antibodies of Crown power were pressing their hands on a Cardinal and stopping the Cardinal from moving.

The Cyclops Barakan Doragan was shocked as he saw the Cardinal.

"Well... if it isn't Cardinal Terrdon!" Barakan laughed.

The club behind him trembled, and the form of Grandite Doragan.