
One Purpose

The message echoed out that even some of the guards heard it.

The expressions of some of the guards and the Champions all changed.

"What?!" A tall mage shouted.

"Lies!" A Champion Spearman also cried.

The Champions of each respective kingdom to where Esmeralda and Gradier belonged to all shouted.

"I see now that this is a ploy! Of course! Why else would my viscount team die without any reason in an unknown part of this mountain! Esmeralda was supposed to go up to the cave, yet her dead body was found at one of the furthest outposts! They were led there and ambushed by the Steele family! You are the Necromancer worshipers! Along with that Querk Stonefist!"

"Of course! That explains it! Viscount Gradier doesn't have any reason to go there! Yet there he was!"

"Fools! They were supposed to go up with Querk! The fact that they together proved that they were all in it together! What plans do your three kingdoms have?" Ordeus shouted.