
Ascension of the Goddess of Decay

Hello, everyone. If you're reading this, you may have read my other stories. I'm starting this one as a bit of a "getting back into it" story. (The synopsis will be further down) Both stories I've written will continue in the near future. (I have to re-read them because I've experienced a massive bout of memory loss.) Apologies for those of you waiting, but I had unavoidable circumstances that impeded my writing experiences. The cover isn't mine but it's been lightly photoshopped. If you want it taken down, tell me. (Signed by Author on April 25th, 2023) Anyways, time for the synopsis: Lia was a simple girl in her previous life. Well not really, considering she was the hit woman for the largest mafia organization that operated within the United States. Over the years, her exceedingly high kill count, and overall success rate was something to be afraid of. Her personality was something akin to pure confidence, bordering on arrogance. She dealt with people the same way she did her enemies. By ruining their lives in the most horrific ways. IE: Setting them up for FBI investigations, having their houses repossessed by the government, or even having them framed for a serious crime. Lia was someone that no one wanted to ever cross. If you did cross her, you might as well have signed your own death certificate! That was until she was smacked in the head by a falling piano. While following through on a hit, no less! I mean, come on! A piano?! that's unfathomably crazy. Well, despite getting hit by a literal piano, she still managed to finish the job. But the very next day, she choked on a sandwich and nearly died! Her luck seemed to have literally bottomed out. This "streak of bad luck" had continued in her life for years! Literal years! She had come so close to dying so many times that she was genuinely confused as to how this could happen to someone! From falling down a flight of stairs to nearly breaking her neck during a cartwheel (despite having so much experience that she could do them with her eyes closed.) Lia had experienced so many near-death experiences that she had become entirely immune to the weird circumstances happening around her. Eventually, the bad luck did catch her. She was minding her own business, walking through the streets of Seattle when a coin rolled across the ground and tripped someone else, who dropped an umbrella, which she tripped over. Her fall had her land directly into the flow of moving traffic. She was then hit by a small square-body pickup truck. It had a small sticker of a smug smiling face attached to its front bumper. Lia had died because of what was essentially a coin. A coin had actually managed to kill a human being. Not just any human, but one of the most feared people within the US. Warnings for all readers: -This novel will (at some point) contain lesbian sex scenes. -System tag doesn't mean in the most literal way. (you'll find out more if you read it.) -This may become a Yuri harem novel (haven't decided.) -Will contain very strong LGBTQ+ themes

Rhasha_Trulin · Fantasy
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49 Chs

Tournament Intermission (Part 1) Silvana and Her Dolls.

Lia and Lacey were swiftly transported out. The blinding flash was only disorienting for a moment. When their eyes adjusted, They were standing in a large room, and glowing magical signs directed the flow of people. Lia wasn't sure how many had officially made it through, but she didn't care all that much.

She and Lacey began following signs indicating where those within the top 10 would go. After a few minutes of walking, they were out on the streets of Haven. The signs led them to a very bougie hotel. It had a large glass revolving door and was painted gold and silver.

Lacey's eyes were wide as they entered. She was from a small town, and the entire experience so far was foreign to her. She counted herself lucky for having met Lia. In her mind, this was all thanks to her.

Lia chuckled softly. "I've seen better. My family's palace is better, although... this will do nicely."

Lacey's eyes almost popped out of her head. "Wait. You're from the...royal family!" Gears in her mind began clicking into place. So many things now made sense. According to hearsay and rumors, the Darkova family had birthed a genius. She had heard the rumor from a traveling alchemist that once visited her village.

Lia nodded. "Come now, we have to greet the staff and get our rooms."

The two of them stepped forward. Most of the individuals loitering around the lobby wore noble dresses or had on tight business suits. There was only one person who stood out, a woman wearing a long dark robe with a large witch's hat atop her head. Straight blonde hair reached her lower back, but it didn't hide her pointed ears. The hat itself was adorned with a white feather and a silver gemstone.

Three life-sized porcelain dolls sat around her, chatting and pouring tea. One of them spoke, their voice was the equivalent of a young girl's. "Miss! This one would like to know when we can meet them."

The Witch chuckled. "Soon dear, very soon." The witch patted the doll's head softly and it skipped off back to the other two, joining their ongoing tea party.

Lia and Lacey began to approach them, and The Witch turned toward them. "Greetings! Ah, it's you two. Would you like some tea?"

Lia nodded as she sat down. "I'm not opposed. We have to wait for the others, yes?"

Silvana nodded as she clapped her hands twice in succession. A doll quickly got up and ran toward them, pulling tea cups and a hot tea kettle from thin air.

Lia looked at the doll with curiosity as she spoke to Silvana. "You imbued them with spacial magic?"

She nodded as the doll happily approached. "This one would like to know the flavor of choice, Miss!"

Silvana smiled warmly at the doll. She found them so cute, and they were a great help to her all the time. Truthfully, she held a lot of affection for them. She viewed each and everyone of them as if they were her own children. "Just hibiscus is fine, Kii"

(pronounced Ki)."

The doll merrily and expertly poured the tea. Lia wondered if some difficulties were involved with pouring when you have ball joints instead of human bones and ligaments.

After pouring the tea, Kii stood to the side, its hands folded over her short torso in a cute maid-like fashion.

Lia and Lacey had never been around dolls like this. Of course, Lacey had owned dolls. They weren't life-sized and didn't speak and have some form of...life?

Lia spoke to Silvana as she drank the tea. It tasted extraordinary. The dolls were skilled at brewing tea. "So, these dolls... did you create them?"

Silvana looked thoughtful for a moment. "I...hmm...I guess I kind of did. It's hard to explain, but I will try." She paused as she attempted to gather a way to vocalize her thoughts.

"These dolls are made of porcelain, but it's also made with my magic. Their personalities and mannerisms are...changed by the nature of the magic. They were people once."

Lia's eyes widened. "They were people? What happened?"

Silvana looked at the doll standing faithfully to the side. She put on a warm smile. "You can go play now, Kii."

The doll nodded happily. "Thank you, Miss!"

After Silvana was sure the doll had returned, she turned to Lia. "They can sometimes get upset hearing about it. It's best if they don't remember, although some choose to."

She paused for a moment. "Dolls were people once, downtrodden with no life left for them. Some of them suffered terrible fates, others have endured abuse, and even more, have barely escaped their tragedies with their previous life in shambles. Regardless, they come to me for a new beginning. They come to me when they can no longer put the past behind them."

Lia nodded. "I see. So you..help them?"

Silvana tilted her head to the side. "Yes, and also no. The magic makes them forget, and the process to become a doll is painless and entirely reversible. Sometimes, they choose to return to the world, but most do not. By the time they seek me out, their past burdens have become far too much to handle, and their new life is far less complex. It's an exchange of sorts. I get cute little helpers and they get a brand new life. It may be more beneficial to them, sure, but it's an exchange nonetheless." She took a sip of her tea as she finished speaking.

Lia looked thoughtful. "I see. Have there ever been doll rebellions?"

Silvana nodded. "Of course. Dolls still feel emotions, even if they are dulled, in a sense. If they are mistreated, they may turn on their witch."

Lia spoke under her breath, but Silvana heard it regardless. "Interesting."

Silvana and Lia chatted away, mostly about the nature of dolls, for quite some time. They waited roughly an hour before everyone else began to show up.

Once they were all there, Silvana addressed the dolls. "Alright, you three. Pack everything up! We'll be staying away from home tonight."

They all nodded and spoke in unison. "Yes, Miss Silvana~"

Lacey: "I'd never be able to become a Doll. I have too much to do!"

Author: A little insight into Silvana, the benevolent witch. I figured this would be interesting to read as a wind-down chapter after all the action up till now.

P.S From Author: Leaving a review would help to get the novel more popular. No pressure at all tho, I'm content to just see people reading and enjoying it.

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