
Ascension of the Goddess of Decay

Hello, everyone. If you're reading this, you may have read my other stories. I'm starting this one as a bit of a "getting back into it" story. (The synopsis will be further down) Both stories I've written will continue in the near future. (I have to re-read them because I've experienced a massive bout of memory loss.) Apologies for those of you waiting, but I had unavoidable circumstances that impeded my writing experiences. The cover isn't mine but it's been lightly photoshopped. If you want it taken down, tell me. (Signed by Author on April 25th, 2023) Anyways, time for the synopsis: Lia was a simple girl in her previous life. Well not really, considering she was the hit woman for the largest mafia organization that operated within the United States. Over the years, her exceedingly high kill count, and overall success rate was something to be afraid of. Her personality was something akin to pure confidence, bordering on arrogance. She dealt with people the same way she did her enemies. By ruining their lives in the most horrific ways. IE: Setting them up for FBI investigations, having their houses repossessed by the government, or even having them framed for a serious crime. Lia was someone that no one wanted to ever cross. If you did cross her, you might as well have signed your own death certificate! That was until she was smacked in the head by a falling piano. While following through on a hit, no less! I mean, come on! A piano?! that's unfathomably crazy. Well, despite getting hit by a literal piano, she still managed to finish the job. But the very next day, she choked on a sandwich and nearly died! Her luck seemed to have literally bottomed out. This "streak of bad luck" had continued in her life for years! Literal years! She had come so close to dying so many times that she was genuinely confused as to how this could happen to someone! From falling down a flight of stairs to nearly breaking her neck during a cartwheel (despite having so much experience that she could do them with her eyes closed.) Lia had experienced so many near-death experiences that she had become entirely immune to the weird circumstances happening around her. Eventually, the bad luck did catch her. She was minding her own business, walking through the streets of Seattle when a coin rolled across the ground and tripped someone else, who dropped an umbrella, which she tripped over. Her fall had her land directly into the flow of moving traffic. She was then hit by a small square-body pickup truck. It had a small sticker of a smug smiling face attached to its front bumper. Lia had died because of what was essentially a coin. A coin had actually managed to kill a human being. Not just any human, but one of the most feared people within the US. Warnings for all readers: -This novel will (at some point) contain lesbian sex scenes. -System tag doesn't mean in the most literal way. (you'll find out more if you read it.) -This may become a Yuri harem novel (haven't decided.) -Will contain very strong LGBTQ+ themes

Rhasha_Trulin · Fantasy
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49 Chs

Interlude (Optional)

Miriel stood in front of a girl. His form was, of course, godly and he seemed to be at a loss for words. According to his orders, he was to transmigrate this person to the world he had sent "The Calamity" to.

The gods had been up in arms about the whole situation with Lia. Somehow, she had defied all of their predetermined rules and somehow retained the information of her past life. At least, that's what their divination division had said.

Divination is never 100%. It doesn't always work and the information received is always in some form of riddle. Regardless, from what everyone gathered, Lia Sarovitch was able to retain her memories. The whole situation caused panic and mass chaos in the higher realm. It was this incident that granted her the title: "The Calamity".

Just yesterday, the order had come down to transmigrate this individual from her world. Perhaps in an attempt to slow her down or maybe kill her, Miriel wasn't sure. It wasn't his job to question things like this. Of course, that didn't stop him from looking at the girl in front of him with the strangest expression he'd ever made.

The girl's voice was soft and she seemed genuinely excited. "Y...You're going to send me to see her..? That's possible?! I'm so happy."

Miriel watched the girl as she shook herself back and forth, jumping in pure joy. How could someone this infatuated with The Calamity be of any help to the gods? He inwardly shook his head. It wasn't his job to question orders. "Yes. We're going to send you there. Your only task is to locate Lia Sarovitch."

The girl smiled and began jumping up and down. "Yay!!! I'm so happy. I thought my life had lost all meaning when she died! I didn't go to the funeral, I barely ate, never left home. I was ready to end my life! Without her, life was meaningless anyway. How good could living be without my dear sweet Lia?!?"

Miriel watched on, his face taking an even more confused expression. His thoughts were pretty conflicted. 'I feel like I'm doing a disservice to the realm itself.'

The girl continued. "But then the gods came down and told me I HAD to go find her again! It's so joyous! What a wonderful day! Ahhh! Lia Lia! Lia!! Lia! Lia! Lia! Lia! I'm going to find you again, my love! This time we'll be together forever! No pathetic, stupid, worthless family to get in the way. No jobs! Nothing. Just me, you, and immortality!"

Miriel coughed a bit to clear his throat. "I see. Are you ready to be transported then?"

The girl rapidly began nodding. "Do not worry mister! I'll find her no matter what. She can't escape me. She'll never escape me again." Her voice trailed off at the end. It was almost too faint for Miriel to hear.

She had almost spat the words out. As if saying them had caused her some amount of physical discomfort. Miriel inwardly flinched at her words as he sent a beam of light into her chest. She disappeared soon after.


Miriel stood there as he removed a small stone from his pocket and crushed it, signifying the mission was done. He was pretty sure this would backfire somehow.

Miriam, the Angel of New Beginnings, appeared beside him. "Brother, have you done as the commander asked?"

Miriel wasn't startled at her appearance. "Of course, sister. It is our duty to serve. Have there been any more insights from the Divination Division?"

She shook her head. "It is unfortunate, but The Calmity's future is uncertain. The Division will likely conduct insights into the woman we had just transmigrated. You have given her boons, yes?"

Miriel nodded. "Of course, she has been granted a system and multiple high-ranked talents. I just worry this plan of theirs will backfire in some spectacular way."

Miriam nodded. "I am worried as well, but perhaps all will end well. The Division has yet to be wrong on any matters such as this."

Miriel spoke with a distant voice. "I can only hope it remains that way. That girl, Ve, seems...unstable."


Ve awoke in a grassy field. Her mind swam with thoughts before she suddenly jumped up. She looked down at herself and realized she was wearing her previous life's clothes. "Oh! I can't look like this for Lia! Hmm...Maybe I should try and dazzle her with how strong I am. Or attempt to be a mysterious person to gain her interest! Oh, this is going to be so so so much fun."

She began to set off, finding a town within a day's march. "Hehe. I'm coming Lia, and we're going to be perfect for each other this time."

Very short, but it introduced someone who will be important much later. I would write more, but I'm very tired. Apologies!

-I hope you all enjoy it regardless.

Rhasha_Trulincreators' thoughts