
Ascension Of The Corpse God

In a far off universe, the Gods are struggling. The invasive Voro race are threatening to devour everything and everyone. To combat the threat, they create the Gift, a system given to the masses to grant them the strength to defend themselves. Meanwhile, in another universe, Nox is living a life of death and misery. Ostracised by society due to the trail of bodies that follows in his wake, he tries desperately to survive while dealing with his dark power. But when malicious undercurrents lead to Nox’s untimely demise, he comes to discover a new world that holds the potential to change his fate forever. It may even hold the secrets to his strange ability. Join Nox as he climbs the ranks and reaches the peak! *I'm currently aiming for 5/6 chapters/week but when university resumes, that's likely to decrease. Nevertheless, I'll be hoping for a minimum of 4 chapters/week. Once the novel progresses some more, I'll happily introduce bonus chapters for power stones and reviews if people are eager to see the next chapters* **Chapters are always minimum 2000 words long but often more like 2500** ***The cover art is not my property. It was made by @cleanfantasyart on Pinterest. If you are the owner and would like me to remove it, please get in contact. ***

BreathOfAdventure · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Behind The Veil

Vanishing from the meeting, Reina reappeared in a quaint private room of the palace. Of course, quaint in this case was relative as this room alone still featured more space than entire castles back on Earth. The room was mostly barren and unassuming with only a simple wooden chair to fill the enormous space.

Reina headed towards the chair, and with each step, her demeanour changed. While she resembled a fragile but elegant baby swan to start with, each step taken morphed her presence into one with overwhelming confidence, commanding respect. Before she sat down, she spread her arms into the air. Closing her eyes, a wave of immense power radiated from her figure. The force flowed in every direction and lined the walls of the room, isolating the space within the room. Oddly, the power she displayed was very much different to her normal power and, if the other Gods had seen her use it, would've been stricken with fear and fury.

Finally free to act as she pleased, Reina sat in the chair and sighed in comfort. All it took was a brief snap of the fingers to uncover the truth behind the deception.

The room, previously pristinely white and sparkling with light and glamour, plunged into darkness. The chair, previously plain and simple, became a grand throne lined in purple gemstones and embroidered with violet fabrics. It towered over the rest of the room which had become dark and gloomy except for a grand carpet spanning the length of the room. Had a human entered the room, they would have immediately gasped for breath. The entire space was devoid of air, and most other Domains for that matter, having been devoured by the throned figure.

The figure which, like the room, underwent a drastic transformation.

The woman's figure grew larger until it fit snugly into the grand throne like a glove. Her hair remained black and straight but erupted with radiant hints of purple, much like the room around her. Her eyes, previously dark and lifeless, began to shine with an incredible vitality and came to match her purple hair in an enchanting combination. Black, skin-tight leather did little to conceal her curvaceous figure as it threatened to burst free at any second. Legs crossed, her head resting gently upon her palm, a sly grin spread wide across her immaculately featured face.

Reina had not attended the meeting. The Voro Matriarch had.

"Well, that went about as well as expected. Those puny Minor Gods and their revolting love for each other, always so trusting. It makes me shiver just thinking about it. What was that old fossil thinking making such disgusting creatures?" the Matriarch's face soured at the thought of having to sit through that meeting.

To her, the Gods were unbearably artificial and simpleminded. Their father seemed to care little about making them strong or independent, ensuring only that they cooperated with each other.

"And to think, despite his best efforts, his dearest son betrayed him. I wonder what he would think of that?" a glint of mischief shot through her eyes.

Turning to a faraway corner, the Matriarch gloated,

"What do you think, sweet little Reina? Do you remember that look of despair on your brother's face that day? 'You'll regret this day!', hahahahah. Ah, such delightful memories" she mocked, her smile growing ever wider.

The recipient of her derision appeared no different than a husk of a woman. Kneeled on the ground, head slumped and weak, her bones visible and protruding through the flimsy rags that covered her body. Chained to two enormous stone monoliths, her arms were outstretched and lined with strange vein-like pipes. With each second, the structures' elaborate engravings shone with a sinister light and the woman's powerful presence seemed to diminish a little.

Despite that, her frail head gradually raised until the woman's eyes were firmly fixed on the Matriarch. They contained a lifeless abyss that seemed to bellow death but burned with an incredible indignation. No words left her mouth, but her intent was delivered loud and clear.

"Ooooo feeling rebellious as ever it seems. To think that even after all these years you still have so much strength, even under the power of my ancestor's treasure no less. It seems you Major Gods are really something, huh?" the Matriarch teased.

Tapping the throne's armrest, a thick vein-like tendril emerged from above and presented itself to her. Taking the end in hand, she plunged it deep into her skin. Immediately, an intense euphoria washed over the Matriarch's body as she shivered in pleasure.

"Oh, how I have come to relish the taste of your power. Such a wonderous concoction of life and death is the power of reincarnation."

While the Matriarch savoured every second, Reina only seemed to grow increasingly feeble as her head collapsed low under its unbearable weight. Feeling her power slowly slip away left her downtrodden. She had tried so desperately to resist, to fight as her brother would've wanted. And yet, thousands of years had passed, and she had remained, alone, helpless. Perhaps it was finally time to accept the facts. No-one was coming to save her. These thoughts only accelerated the siphoning process.

The matriarch smirked smugly at the sight,

"Just a few thousand years more and I'll have firm control over this worlds' reincarnation cycle, and I'll be just a small push away from the Supreme God Realm. That's when the fun really begins" she licked her lips in anticipation of the cosmos begging to be devoured.

The process continued for an indeterminate time until both of them raised their heads and looked to the sky. They felt it, a portal quickly opening and closing.

"It seems that freeloader has finally returned to his own universe. I don't know when he'll be back again; it appears I'll have to accelerate my plans" the Matriarch thought as she shot a glance at the emaciated Reina.

Reina; however, had an entirely different reaction to the event. She swiftly drooped her head low, feigning weakness. Her eyes desperately avoided the Matriarch's as they remained fixed on the floor, covered by the last of her brittle hair. Within them, a spark began to glisten.

The Matriarch's attempts to devour her power had almost succeeded but she could afford to concentrate the last of her strength to exert one final action on the reincarnation cycle. It was risky, it could hasten the Matriarch's absorption of her power, making her all but unstoppable. Despite that, it was a risk she absolutely had to take.

After all, a glimmer of hope had just appeared. From the portal, a soul had managed to slip back into this universe. While it was rather different, it carried an unmistakable aura, one she longed to feel every day since then.

"Brother, you've finally returned."

Reina desperately tried to hold back her tears.

"I'm sorry. This is all I can do for you now. Please grow strong quickly. We still have a chance" she prayed silently.

Summoning all the determination she could muster from her sickly frame, she commanded the power of reincarnation. With it, the newly arrived blue and black spark faded until it was indistinguishable from the countless others around it. A final mighty push from Reina sent it speeding through the path of reincarnation where it suddenly vanished, headed to the mortal world.

Heaving a sigh of relief, her entire body slumped, the rate at which her power drained doubling in an instant.

"Oh? What's going on? She was fine just a minute ago, no? Now she looks on the verge of death. Did she do something? But how did it evade my senses?" the Matriarch puzzled at the strange development.

"Perhaps she finally gave up?"

This seemed the most plausible answer but remembering her ardent gaze earlier, she remained sceptical. Humming in confusion and tapping on the arm of her throne for a few moments, she reached a decision.

"Verus! Attend me!" she commanded.

From the void, an old man emerged on the billowing carpet. His hair was silver-white with violet tips, luscious, and slicked backwards. His face was stern and wrinkled but retained a hint of youthful handsomeness. Donning a simple black suit with purple accents gave him a mature and refined look.

"I am ever your humble servant, my Queen." the man bowed low in subservience.

"Investigate any irregular humans being born over the next twenty years and report back to me. Anyone with talents that exceed normal human standards" the Matriarch instructed.

"It would be my pleasure, my Queen. Shall you be needing this servant for anything else?"

The Matriarch pondered for a second. Suddenly a glint of realisation shone in her eyes as she continued,

"Also, find out about any peculiar individuals related to Death's Domain."

The man hesitated at those words,

"My Queen, please forgive me but if I may speak freely."

The Matriarch raised her eyebrows but gave her servant a brief nod.

"As I am sure you are aware, since Morax's demise, the Domain of Death has been restless, unruly. The chaos has given birth to those of all races who have forsaken their Gods' gift, instead opting to harness the power for themselves. Necromancers and abominations of all kinds have sprouted from the masses and sowed distrust among the mortals. Such beings have become increasingly common in the recent years. To investigate them all would be an exercise in futility, my Queen."

The Matriarch clenched her fists at his words, a malicious glint emerging in her eyes. Her smile didn't diminish but only grew and became increasingly sinister.

The man gulped nervously at her actions, bowing even deeper.

"It shall be as you command, my Queen. Please excuse me" he promptly vanished before the Matriarch could unload her rage.

Her smile remained as the Matriarch let her thoughts run wild.

She well understood the situation the universe had found itself in. After all, had she not been the perpetrator of all the chaos? Had she not prepared the perfect battlefield for her race to thrive? The various races of the universe had grown fearful, distrustful of one another. They isolated themselves in their castles and homes as they pointed their pitchforks towards each other, rather than the great enemy looming overhead. The enemy that intended to engulf them all very soon.

The thought of the feast to come brought her some comfort, but still, an ominous feeling lurked in her mind that she couldn't shake. Something was wrong.

"Is he still alive?" she debated; her teeth clenched at the possibility.

Looking over at Reina being sucked dry in the corner, the Matriarch regained her confidence.

"Even if he lives still, I'll just have to devour this entire universe before he can derail things" she smiled, eyes closed, dreaming of the heaven that awaited her.

- - - - -

Elsewhere in the universe, in a sea of blue sparks. One in particular stood out, for it seemed to rush erratically passed the others. Its depths were tainted with a deep abyssal flame that, despite appearing feeble and small, burned with zealous determination.

"I finally made it back. I'm finally home" the black flame thought silently, somehow appearing far more sentient that the other flames, including its resident.

"I just need to make it to the mortal world, and I can finally rest. The boy should be able to handle things for a short time while I recover."

It continued along the path until a strange energy surged from the surroundings and concealed it within an ethereal capsule.

"Sister? This is her power. She can feel me" the thought seemed to bring the consciousness some conflicting feelings.

Suddenly, its travelling speed rocketed, barely giving the consciousness any time to react.

"Why is she doing this? Why is she rushing me back so eagerly? And why hide my presence? Is something wrong?"

There was no time to consider; however, as before it knew it, the flame had broken through the barrier to the mortal world.

"Just wait for me dear sister. I am on my way. And when I get there, I'll make sure you know the truth."

Chapter 6! Secrets are starting to be reveiled; everything is not as simple as it seems :). I hope you all enjoy, any feedback would be greatly appreciated!

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