
Ascension of Kings: The Chronicles of Roland

In a world where realms are forged by the ambitious and the divine, Roland, a man adrift in the monotony of Earth, finds himself thrust into a realm of endless possibilities. The humdrum of his mundane existence shattered, Roland is transported to a realm beyond imagination, where the line between reality and fantasy blurs into obscurity. As he awakens in this new land, Roland finds himself amidst a vast expanse of untamed wilderness, where towering mountains kiss the heavens and sprawling forests whisper secrets lost to time. Here, amidst the raw beauty of nature, he learns that he is but one among billions chosen to partake in a grand experiment—an experiment to determine who among them shall ascend to the pinnacle of power and become the revered King of Gods.

Sabiraq · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
28 Chs


Roland and his team were scattered around their room, some sleeping, others lost in thought, when suddenly, a hologram of MC appeared in the center of the room, startling everyone awake.

"Good morning, everyone," Daisy announced cheerfully. "It's time to wake up and today is the start of next phase of Round 3."

The team groaned and stretched, shaking off sleep as they gathered around the hologram.

" This time, you will be participating in a football match, but not just any football match. Prepare yourselves for a game where your skills and abilities will be pushed to the limit."

"The rules are simple. Each team must score as many goals as possible within the given time. Use any means necessary, but remember – teamwork is key." said MC as he again flicked his finger

Suddenly 20 uniform appeared in the Room with team 21 written in front and their name on the back.

" You will be team 21, when your match is about to start you will be giving heads-up untill then you can watch the matches happening from the screen. Good luck" said the MC as his hologram vanished.

The stadium buzzed with anticipation as two teams took to the field, their colors vibrant against the lush green turf.

Roland and his teammates watched intently from the screen in their room, their eyes glued to the action unfolding before them.

The screen showed the stadium shimmered to life, its virtual stands filled with cheering spectators as two teams prepared to clash on the field.

Roland and his teammates watched from the comfort of their room, the excitement palpable in the air as the match began.

From the very first kick, it was clear that this would be no ordinary football match.

The players moved with a grace and agility that seemed almost supernatural, their movements enhanced by the magic coursing through the air.

As the ball sailed across the field, trailing sparks of light in its wake, the players unleashed their skills, performing gravity-defying kicks and acrobatic flips that left the crowd in awe.

Each goal was a spectacle of its own, with the ball twisting and turning in impossible ways before finding the back of the net.But it wasn't just the players who were infused with magic.

The very field itself seemed to come alive, responding to the players' every move with bursts of elemental energy. Fire erupted from the ground as a striker unleashed a powerful shot, while gusts of wind carried the ball effortlessly past defenders.

As Roland and his teammates watched, their eyes wide with wonder, they couldn't help but be swept up in the excitement of the game.

They cheered and gasped with each spectacular play, their hearts racing with adrenaline as the match reached its climax.

And then, in the final moments of the game, with the score tied and tension hanging thick in the air, the ball soared towards the goal in a blinding flash of light.

Time seemed to stand still as it sailed through the air, its path guided by the magic of the players' combined efforts.And then, with a resounding thud, it struck home.

The stadium erupted into cheers as the winning team celebrated their victory, their joy echoing through the holographic stands.

Roland and his teammates cheered along with them, their spirits lifted by the magic of the game they had just witnessed.

As the match finished, leaving the room bathed in soft light, Roland and his teammates exchanged excited glances. They knew that their own matches awaited them, but for now, they allowed themselves to bask in the magic of the game they had just experienced.

And as they turned their attention to their upcoming matches, their hearts filled with determination and excitement, they knew that they were ready to take on whatever challenges lay ahead, armed with the skills and camaraderie that would see them through to victory.

As the match ended, Roland's team gathered in a huddle, their minds buzzing with excitement and nervous energy.

But with only 11 players allowed on the field and 20 members in their team, they knew they needed to make some tough decisions.

"We need to decide who will play in each match," Roland said, his voice firm.

"We have five matches ahead of us, so we'll have to take turns."

Arguments broke out among the team as everyone vied for a chance to prove themselves on the field. Some argued for their combat prowess, while others touted their agility and speed.

"We should prioritize those with magical abilities," suggested one member, pointing to Roland and a few others who possessed powerful spells.

"But what about those of us with exceptional physical skills?" countered another.

"We can't afford to overlook our strength and speed."After much debate and deliberation, they finally reached a consensus.

They would rotate players for each match, ensuring that everyone had a chance to participate.

It wasn't an ideal solution, but it was the best they could come up with given the circumstances.With the matter of participation settled, they turned their attention to their positions on the field.

Roland, was chosen as the captain of the team, he imediately took charge of the discussion.

"We need to play to our strengths," he said, pacing back and forth as he addressed the group.

"We have a diverse set of skills among us, and we need to leverage that to our advantage.

"They spent hours strategizing and planning, discussing formations and tactics that would give them an edge over their opponents.

Some volunteered for specific roles based on their abilities, while others deferred to Roland's judgment.In the end, they emerged with a plan – a fluid formation that allowed them to adapt to any situation on the field.

Roland would lead from the midfield, using his magic to control the flow of the game.

Lira would serve as their primary striker, with support from the agile rogue and warrior players.

With their positions decided and their strategy in place, they felt a renewed sense of confidence and determination.

They were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead on the football field, united as a team and prepared to fight for victory.