
Ascension of Kings: The Chronicles of Roland

In a world where realms are forged by the ambitious and the divine, Roland, a man adrift in the monotony of Earth, finds himself thrust into a realm of endless possibilities. The humdrum of his mundane existence shattered, Roland is transported to a realm beyond imagination, where the line between reality and fantasy blurs into obscurity. As he awakens in this new land, Roland finds himself amidst a vast expanse of untamed wilderness, where towering mountains kiss the heavens and sprawling forests whisper secrets lost to time. Here, amidst the raw beauty of nature, he learns that he is but one among billions chosen to partake in a grand experiment—an experiment to determine who among them shall ascend to the pinnacle of power and become the revered King of Gods.

Sabiraq · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
28 Chs


As the team settled into the room, tension began to brew. The heated debates over the day's events were starting to take their toll.

"I can't believe you got me killed out there!" shouted Tom, a fierce warrior who had been a pawn during the match.

He glared at Marcus, the team's self-appointed leader and king.

"Your reckless moves almost cost us our life!"Marcus, a tall, stern man with a commanding presence, shot back,

"You revived, didn't you? Sometimes sacrifices are necessary for victory.

"We didn't knew about revival," grumbled Lila, another teammate who had been a knight and barely survived.

"You weren't the one getting torn apart."

"Enough!" Roland intervened, his voice calm but firm. "Arguing won't help us. We need to focus on the next challenge."

Tom scowled but fell silent, crossing his arms. Lila shook her head, muttering under her breath. Roland could feel the unity of the team fraying at the edges. He knew he had to do something to keep them together.

"Okay! How about we watch some of the matches happening now" said Roland.

As everyone agreed they made there way towards the screen.The screen was big and was lined with enchanted mirrors displaying the ongoing matches, each one a window into a different battlefield.

Forgeting the argument just now. The room buzzed with a mix of tension and excitement as the teammates watched their competitors fight for survival.

"Did you see that move?" one of Roland's teammates, a burly warrior named Garret, exclaimed.

His eyes were glued to a match where a knight had just executed a flawless series of attacks, taking down three pawns in quick succession.

"Impressive," Roland muttered, his gaze shifting between the various mirrors.

He was analyzing each move, trying to glean as much information as possible about their potential rivals.

"But remember, it's not just about strength. Strategy is key."

To his left, a young woman named Elara nodded. She was their designated bishop, known for her agility and keen intellect.

"He's right. watch how they coordinate, how they adapt to different situations."As they observed, one particular match caught everyone's attention.

A team led by a formidable figure, a tall man with a scar running down his face, was dominating their game. His commands were precise, his movements almost inhumanly swift.

Each member of his team moved with a sense of purpose, executing complex maneuvers with deadly efficiency.

"Who's that?" Garret asked, leaning closer to get a better look.

"That's Marcus," Elara answered, her voice tinged with apprehension.

"I've heard of him. He's known for his ruthless tactics and his ability to turn any situation to his advantage.""Great," Roland sighed.

"Just what we need, another psychopath."As the match continued, Marcus's team forced their opponents into a corner, systematically eliminating each piece.

The final move was a brutal checkmate, the enemy king falling to Marcus's queen.

The room fell silent, the intensity of the match leaving everyone in awe.

"We need to be careful of them," Elara said, breaking the silence.

"They're clearly one of the stronger teams."Roland nodded, his mind racing with thoughts of strategy and counter-strategy.

"We will be. But remember, they have weaknesses too. We just need to find them."

The mirrors shifted to another match, this one featuring a team that relied heavily on magic.

Spells flew across the board, creating a dazzling display of light and sound.

One of their bishops, a sorcerer with flowing robes and a staff crackling with energy, was particularly impressive.

"That's Arin's team," Garret noted.

"They've got some serious magical firepower.

"Magic can be tricky," Roland mused.

"But it can also be unpredictable. If we can disrupt their rhythm, we might have a chance."

The team continued to watch, discussing strategies and analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of each group. Roland felt a growing sense of camaraderies among his teammates, despite his earlier vow to keep his distance. They were all in this together, their survival dependent on their ability to work as a cohesive unit.

Feeling restless and still on edge, Roland began to scan the mirrors for any sign of his old friends. He focused, channeling his willpower through the enchanted glass, and soon found a match featuring David.

His heart skipped a beat.David stood in the middle of a chaotic battlefield, his presence commanding and fierce. He was playing the role of a knight, moving with precision and strength. His team was up against a formidable opponent, but David's leadership was spectacular. He parried attacks with ease, using his magic to enhance his physical abilities.Roland watched as David's sword burning with fire, slicing through an enemy pawn with a single, powerful strike. His movements were fluid, a deadly dance that left his enemies in awe.

Roland couldn't help but feel a pang of pride. David had always been strong, but seeing him now, in the heat of battle, was something else entirely.

"That's David," Roland said, more to himself than anyone else."Your friend?" Elara asked, noticing the intensity in Roland's gaze.

"Yeah. He was just a fire mage before. Now he learned to use sword. He's... incredible," Roland replied, a mix of admiration and worry in his voice.

He watched as David's team fought valiantly, their coordination and strength evident. Despite the odds, they managed to corner their enemy, and with a final, devastating blow, David delivered the checkmate.The arena erupted in cheers, and Roland felt a surge of relief. David had won. His team would survive another round.

Soon the round finished and MC gave them a day to rest untill the start of next round.

Roland glanced at his team, a mix of determination and exhaustion on their faces.

"Get some rest, everyone," he said.

"Tomorrow, we start preparing for whatever comes next."

The team dispersed, each member finding a bed to settle in. Roland remained by the mirrors, his mind replaying the day's events.

He knew the road ahead would be tough, but he also knew they had what it took to succeed.As he prepared to rest, his thoughts drifted to his friends from the earlier rounds. He hoped they were safe, and that their paths would cross again under better circumstances.

With a final glance at the now-dark mirrors, Roland lay down on one of the beds and closed his eyes, readying himself for the battles to come.