
Ascension Of a Soulsborne Player

Xavier is one of the unluckiest people in the world. He is affected by a disease that has made him bedridden for his whole life. His only salvation was Souls-like games. After spending most of his life in the bed, playing games and making barely enough money from stocks, his life finally gives out in the age of 26. Just when he accepted the fact that he had died, the unimaginable happened... he reincarnated in a fantasy world. But Xavier knows better than to blindly trust strength, because nothing in the world in free, and everything requires a proper compensation. Follow Xavier as he clears dungeons, slays powerful enemies, understands the foreign concept of 'magic' and becomes one hell of a force to reckon with. {COVER PAGE NOT MINE. I GOT IT FROM PINTEREST LOL. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/31666003620716834/}

Daoist9lionL · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Anna's powers and Xavier's mind

After all of the horniness subsided, I finally remembered my original plan to loot the slave storage. But Anna wouldn't let me go, she was terrified at the thought of my departure.

"It's okay Anna, I'll just be a minute! you're gonna be okay! I have put my best defensive spells here, you don't need to worry!", I tried to convince her to let me go.

"No! You won't leave me again! stay here with me! Let's leave this place! I can't stay here anymore!", she nagged.

This was getting annoying very quickly. I usually have a lot of patience with things like grinding, searching and doing tedious, repetitive tasks. But I was always horrible at keeping my composure when I had to deal with other people, be it my friend or foe.

"Damnit, Anna! Let me go!", I snatched my leg from her grip. She was quite weakened, so I easily succeeded, but that made Anna fall on her face.

That was a bit too far. I quickly helped Anna get back up, and looked at her in the eye. She was still crying.

'Damnit! I'm not very good at these kinds of things! Shit shit shit! Should I just put her to sleep and sneak out?', I brainstormed ideas to get away from Anna.

I decided to listen to Anna's story and then act.

She told me all her story.

Apparently, it had been 12 days since she had been reincarnated. She was killed by a construction failure back on Earth. She also has the 'GUIDE SYSTEM', but it's a bit different from mine. It's color is blue, and it's query system works on karma. The more good things she does, the more karma she can obtain, and if she does bad things, her karma decreases. She also told me that she can buy answers to questions from the guide, but it's not that simple. If she does lots of bad things, her karma goes into the negatives, and the Guide's color turns purple. She can then buy answers to questions that take Negative karma as a currency.

Basically, there are questions that take Karma, and questions that give karma. The questions that take karma can only be asked when the karma is in the positives, and the questions that give karma can be asked when the karma is in the negatives.

Quite interesting. Very different from mine, where I just get FP if I do any difficult task, be it good or bad.

Also, it seems, she has almost no talent for magic, or swordsmanship. She can't fight at all. But she can do something that is far more interesting than that. She can Enchant items, create magical artifacts and use something called Rune Magic.

Rune magic is a type of magic which has many uses, but it's most commonly used way is to make large-scale barriers. There aren't many runesmiths in the world of Arcadia, which makes them somewhat of a rarity.

She can also use this Rune magic to enchant items and make magical artifacts that have a specific function.

'So she's a strictly Production-based class. I wonder if she can make potions too...', I deduced.

She's also somewhat like me, in terms of food and water consumption. She needs 2 meals a week, and 5 liters of water per week. She also only needs around 5 hours of sleep every week.

Compared to me, who needs only 1 meal a week, 3 liters of water a week and no sleep at all, she's still lacking.

Also, she's obviously not an Arch-Human, like me. She is a High Elf, and has 1000 years of lifespan, which is more than me, by approximately 250 years. My lifespan is around 700-800 years.

The first time I saw my lifespan, I was almost tempted to just lay around all day long, since I can live for that long anyways.

Being a High Elf, she has very strong resistance to poisons, darkness and light.

Anyways, after in the 11th day, she was still wandering the wilderness, eating fruits and berries to survive, when suddenly, she was kidnapped by the fools I killed. They tried to put her to sleep using the same kind of poison they used on me, but she retaliated, which led to a battle. She knew how to fight, but there was a swordsman who used Aura (Most probably the one I killed) among them. She didn't stand a chance against a fully-armed, Aura-wielding swordman.

After telling me the whole story, she asked me, "How did you get me out of there? there were people guarding the place, right?". She had clearly calmed down a lot from before.

"I killed them all. The swordsman you talked about, is now deep-fried and has icicles embedded in his corpse. The men who kidnapped you have all been electrocuted, charring their corpses beyond recognition.", I said in a calm and cold tone.

I didn't know how Anna would react to that. From what I knew, Anna was a very righteous person. The type to report criminals, instead of killing them.

"Thank you...", she said while she rested her head on my shoulder, crying softly.

'Damn! she sure cries a lot! I'm not even wearing a shirt and her snot and tears are sticking to my body! EEEUU!! IT SUCKS!', I tried to hold in my disgust. I wasn't a mysophobe or germophobe or anything like that, I was just disgusted by the idea of someone else's bodily fluids touching me without my permission. If it was anyone other than Anna doing that to me, I would have incinerated them without mercy.

After about 20 minutes, all the crying and weeping was over. She looked like she was ready to let me go do my business.

I stood up, and walked away from Anna.

"Come back as soon as possible, okay?", she told me in a soft tone.

"yeah, sure.", I shrugged and continued on.

'who the fuck does she think she is? 'Come back as soon as possible'... what a joke! I know you were my childhood friend, but I'm not the same person as I once was.', I grumbled to myself in my mind.

I indeed had a soft spot for her in the past, but not anymore. I was not the same naive person from back then. I now always expected the worst out of anything. There was nothing in my life that I didn't see with negativity. I couldn't help it. Out of all the things that gave me great joy, like my parents, Anna, and my grandparents, they were also the ones to hurt me the most by either leaving me, or becoming sad for me (Anna). I knew better than to blindly enjoy things from after my parent's death. I figured if I expected the worst possible outcome out of everything, I won't be hurt again. Sure, I won't be happy, but I won't be sad as well...


[Status Screen]

[Name: Xavier]

[Race: Arch-Human(Variant) {->}]

[STR: 9]

[STM: 10]

[CON: 9]

[INT: 254]

[WIS: 22]

[MAG: 23]

[FP(Fame Points):120]

[Title(s): Otherworlder{Total Immunity to soul-type magic}; Sorcerer (2nd Circle)]



[Status Screen]

[Name: Anna]

[Race: High Elf]

[STR: 6]

[STM: 8]

[CON: 12]

[INT: 248]

[WIS: 30]

[MAG: 15]

[Karma: +20]

[Title(s): Otherworlder{Total Immunity to soul-type magic}; Runesmith]

We can finally see what kind of person Xavier is. He is most definitely not a very good-natured person. He is extremely selfish, and always on guard. He is the oppsite of friendly, and not a very sociable person. He has suffered all his life, so he expects the worst from everything he sees and experiences.

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