
Ascension : Dawn Of The Third Evolution

Maximillian's hands cupped Julian's face, his thumbs tracing the soft contours of the latter's jaw. He leaned in, their breaths mingling in an exchange of pheromones. Julian felt the heat radiating from Maximillian's body, his own heart hammering a frantic rhythm against his ribs. Only a whisper of space separated their lips from each other. Maximillian's voice was a husky sigh against Julian's mouth. "If you don't want this, push me away." The challenge hung heavy in the air, but Julian met it head-on. "I do," he whispered, his voice thick with desire. In a single, fluid motion, he closed the distance, his lips meeting Maximillian's in a kiss that was both hesitant and hungry. ------------------ A catastrophic meteorite impact triggered the first evolution. A devastating global viral pandemic forced the second evolution. Insatiable human greed drove the third evolution. What does it feel like to play hide-and-seek with your enemy during the day, and entangle with him during the night? Julian Haas, a male omega, formerly known as Laurent Krausser, shot Atticus Bates, a male alpha responsible for his father's demise. The murder attempt failed and ended in an explosive collapse, landing Julian in a hospital. The National Bureau of Security, tasked with investigating the fiery demise of the building, brought alpha Maximillian Grant face-to-face with the enigmatic omega, the only other survivor of the tragedy. Intent on gaining a second chance for revenge, Julian started to approach Maximillian. Unable to resist Julian's seductive advances, Maximillian was soon drowning in not only the omega's intoxicating scent but also the murky secrets at the heart of the third evolution. Warning tag : NOT a slow burn romance, a lot of smut scenes

Lu_Shui · LGBT+
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207 Chs

8 - Valentine

It was as if Cupid himself, having misplaced his wings and quiver, was attempting a disastrous blind date.


"Are you there yet?" A critical voice rang out from the phone speaker, brimming with distrust.

Maximillian Grant suppressed a sigh and answered, "Yes, Mother, I am here."

"Oh, thank God," his mother exhaled out of relief on the other side of the phone. "Now Max, do me a favor and do not ruin this date again. You are making it very difficult for me to find you a wife!"


Maximillian stifled the urge to tell his mother that he never asked her to perform this meritorious service. It was Valentine's Day, and his mother's mood was especially volatile today.

A jolt of amusement shot through Maximillian as the cafe door swung open, revealing a spectacle that could only be described as ostentatious. A male omega, head-to-toe in pink, sashayed past the entrance. A tight-fitting shirt and pants formed the base, while a minx fur cloak and a pink choker completed the...unique ensemble.

It was as if Cupid himself, having misplaced his wings and quiver, was attempting a disastrous blind date. A wry smile touched Maximillian's lips. Maybe, he mused, a tiny bow and an arrow-laden choker would have been a more fitting gift than the flowers and chocolates resting on the table.

"Mother, he is here. I will talk to you later. Goodbye," Maximillian spoke.

"Be nice!!!" His mother hollered through the speaker before he ended the phone call.

A seductive smile preceded his blind date, Sasha Leibnitz, as he approached Maximillian's table. "Agent Grant," he purred, his voice dripping with honey as he slipped into the seat beside him. The sleeve of his minx fur cloak grazed Maximillian's hand, sending a subtle shiver down his spine.

Sasha shed his cloak, flexing his torso subtly in Maximillian's direction.

"Thoughts on my outfit?"

Maximillian met his gaze, a flicker of amusement crossing his features. "Pleasant," he conceded, drawing a squeal from the male omega.

A triumphant grin stretched across Sasha's face. "They all said you were an iceberg, eternally encased in winter's grip. Yet, even the most frigid heart can't resist the thaw of springtime, can it, Agent Grant?"

The arrival of a waitress at their table provided Maximillian with a welcome reprieve from formulating a response.

"Good evening, gentlemen!" she beamed at them. "May I please take your order?"

"I want an oat milk latte with double shots of espresso, drizzled with salted caramel sauce and an extra sprinkle of hazelnut on top, please," Sasha quickly said before turning to Maximillian. "And you, my love?"

A corner of Maximillian's lips tugged up in a sneer.

"Black coffee, no sugar."

"Boo," the male omega pouted his lips. "What a boring drink. We will order the food later."

The waitress left after noting down their drink orders in her tablet.

Ignoring his blind date's comment, Maximillian extended his hand toward the man.

"We have yet to meet each other formally. Maximillian Grant, Federal Agent at National Bureau of Security. Nice to meet you."

The male omega took his hand and squeezed it.

"Sasha Leibnitz, Fashion Designer, delighted to make your acquaintance."

"I heard that you are good friends with my little sister."

Sasha batted his eyelids at Maximillian.

"Indeed. I heard good things about you. Well, mostly. You know what people like to say about agents."


Over the next fifteen minutes, Sasha launched into a captivating monologue, detailing Maximillian's family history, hobbies, favorite foods and drinks, even weaving in his future aspirations and dream wedding.

"A royal-themed palace wedding, that's always been the dream!" he enthused.

"Of course, being a man, a suit is a must, but not just any suit. We're talking bespoke, tailored to my vision. Imagine a base of crisp white, a canvas for pure elegance. But the real magic lies in the details.

The lapels and trouser legs will come alive with swirling damask embroidery, meticulously crafted in threads of gold and silver. White gold cufflinks to add a touch of understated luxury, while a dramatic dark red cape will billow around my shoulders.

And to truly cap it all off, a jeweled brooch – a family heirloom perhaps, or a bespoke piece symbolizing our love..."

"The coffee is here!"

Sasha's annoyance crackled in the air as the waitress' interruption sliced through his mid-sentence wedding spiel. The audacity! To be cut off while unveiling his grand vision to Maximillian was simply unthinkable.

"Leave the cups and go!" he snapped at the poor waitress, who did not understand what she did wrong.

"I-I am sorry, Sir..."

She placed a cup of black coffee in front of Maximillian, then set Sasha's oat milk latte down for the latter.

As soon as Sasha caught a glimpse of his order, he snapped after air in disbelief.

"What is this?"

The waitress clutched the wooden tray before her chest before answering nervously, "I-It's oat milk latte with... salted caramel drizzle and... and chopped hazelnut, Sir..."

"What's with the ugly pattern on my coffee???"

"Uh... Um... it's... it's a tulip pattern, Sir..." The waitress looked like she was about to break down in tears.

"Tulips are so ugly!" Sasha exclaimed. "Redo my coffee with a heart pattern!"


Before the waitress grabbed the unwanted cup of oat milk latte, Maximillian intervened.

"Wait. I will take this cup."

Sasha stared at Maximillian in bewilderment.

"What are you doing?"

"You are free to order another cup as per your liking. I will take this one," Maximillian patiently repeated.

Sasha scoffed.

"Are you for real? Are you in love with this waitress or something?"

Maximillian narrowed his eyes at Sasha. "What are you talking about?"

Sasha shot to his feet abruptly, tears welling in his eyes.

"You know what, Max? You have been curt and indifferent all evening long! If you are not interested in me, why did you even bother asking me out? This is so embarrassing! And it's the Valentine's Day, too!"

Sasha grabbed his cloak and marched out of the cafe, slamming the door behind him as he went.

The waitress trembled from head to toe, tears tracing a path across her cheeks.

"Sir, I am so-so sorry..."

Maximillian was finally able to let out the sigh he suppressed for a long time.

"Never mind. Don't worry about it. Take this cup for yourself if you want. I will settle the bill now."

Maximillian drained his black coffee, a bitter counterpoint to the sweetness of the unopened box of chocolates clutched in his hand. He snatched the vibrant bouquet of flowers and exited the cafe, stepping back into the throng of Saturday afternoon couples.

Sasha's words echoed in his mind. Perhaps there was truth in them. The sight of intertwined hands and stolen kisses sent a pang of discomfort through him. The concept of surrendering to love, of building a life with another, had always been disagreeable to him. Had he agreed to this blind date solely to appease his mother and sister? A scoff escaped his lips. A foolish notion.

Either way, he was unable to tolerate someone as rude as Sasha Leibnitz. Hopefully he did not have to meet him again.

Lost in his internal debate, Maximillian marched towards the parking lot. He had just unlocked his car and tossed the bouquet and chocolate inside when he heard an aggresive male voice ringing out in a distance.

"Julian Haas! You owe me an explanation!"