
Ascension : Dawn Of The Third Evolution

Maximillian's hands cupped Julian's face, his thumbs tracing the soft contours of the latter's jaw. He leaned in, their breaths mingling in an exchange of pheromones. Julian felt the heat radiating from Maximillian's body, his own heart hammering a frantic rhythm against his ribs. Only a whisper of space separated their lips from each other. Maximillian's voice was a husky sigh against Julian's mouth. "If you don't want this, push me away." The challenge hung heavy in the air, but Julian met it head-on. "I do," he whispered, his voice thick with desire. In a single, fluid motion, he closed the distance, his lips meeting Maximillian's in a kiss that was both hesitant and hungry. ------------------ A catastrophic meteorite impact triggered the first evolution. A devastating global viral pandemic forced the second evolution. Insatiable human greed drove the third evolution. What does it feel like to play hide-and-seek with your enemy during the day, and entangle with him during the night? Julian Haas, a male omega, formerly known as Laurent Krausser, shot Atticus Bates, a male alpha responsible for his father's demise. The murder attempt failed and ended in an explosive collapse, landing Julian in a hospital. The National Bureau of Security, tasked with investigating the fiery demise of the building, brought alpha Maximillian Grant face-to-face with the enigmatic omega, the only other survivor of the tragedy. Intent on gaining a second chance for revenge, Julian started to approach Maximillian. Unable to resist Julian's seductive advances, Maximillian was soon drowning in not only the omega's intoxicating scent but also the murky secrets at the heart of the third evolution. Warning tag : NOT a slow burn romance, a lot of smut scenes

Lu_Shui · LGBT+
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181 Chs

24 - Visit

Maximillian's curt answer indicated that he did not wish to elaborate further.


After returning from a family weekend, Maximillian made several calls to Julian, intent on explaining himself.

When Julian did not accept his calls, Maximillian went to speak to the bodyguard in charge of watching over the young omega instead.

"Good afternoon, Agent Grant. Julian Haas is currently in his work cubicle, typing furiously at his laptop. He spoke with fellow students and visited Prof. Dr. Mannheim throughout the day..."

"Good evening, Agent Grant. Julian Haas is taking his dog for a walk at a nearby park. I am watching him closely. He did not speak to anyone..."

"Good morning, Agent Grant. Julian Haas is in the university library right now, borrowing several books at once..."

Maximillian sighed inwardly.

"Thank you. Keep up the good job, Martin," he said before he ended the call.

"You okay, Agent Grant?" Julia Schindler asked full of curiosity after looking at Maximillian's gloomy face for a while.


Maximillian's curt answer indicated that he did not wish to elaborate further.

After some time, the bureau's private jet landed on St. Francisco's international airport.

Julia took off her seatbelt and grabbed her bag.

"Shall we?"


The two division chiefs rose to their feet and exited the plane through a special corridor, reserved for the private jet passengers. The arrival suite offered a haven of luxury. Plush carpets swallowed the sound of their footsteps, giving the premium passengers the sensation of walking on top of the cloud.

Plush armchairs were elegantly arranged around sleek coffee tables. Several androids moved around the room with trays in their hands. The inviting aroma of freshly brewed coffee mingled with the scent of warm pastries momentarily arrested other passengers, who just had to stop in their tracks to take a bite and or a sip.

However, the two agents, focused on their agenda, had no time to indulge themselves.

As soon as they exited the arrival hall, they were greeted by a fellow bureau agent. The male alpha was clad in black suits from head to toe, his eyes hidden behind a pair of metallic mirror sunglasses.

"Good morning Agent Grant, Agent Schindler." He then stepped aside and gestured toward a hover car humming gently behind him. "Please allow me to be your guide for today."

"Thank you, Agent Smith."

The sleek hover car gracefully lifted off the ground, leaving the bustling cityscape behind.

As they soared toward Evergreen Valley, a breathtaking panorama unfolded beneath them -- rolling green hills as far as eyes could reach, carpeted in a bountiful sea of emerald and kissed by the gentle morning sun.

Unlike the monolithic retirement homes of the past, Evergreen Valley embraced a different concept. Instead of cramping their residents into tall skyscrapers full of individual apartments, the home management opted to shelter their residents in a collection of self-contained, eco-friendly smart dwellings with cutting-edge technology and 24-hour medical assistance.

These globe-like dwellings, customized to each resident's requirements, dotted the landscape, each nestled securely amidst the verdant slopes.

Winding pathways, like gentle sand-colored veins, meandered through the landscape, seamlessly connecting the individual homes and fostering a sense of community. Residents enjoyed the freedom to choose how they spent their days.

They had the option to cultivate vibrant gardens in their personal greenhouses, soak in the breathtaking views from private balconies, or venture out to socialize with neighbors.

A massive community center at the core of Evergreen Valley was equipped with several recreational areas to cater to their senior residents' various interests. Among these, it offered a vast open-air bathing area for ultimate relaxation purposes, a virtual reality lounge for immersive experiences, a holographic entertainment center for shared laughter and connection, and even a vast library and art lounge for those who wanted to hone their skills in their advanced age.

As soon as Maximillian and Julia arrived before the reception desk at Evergreen Valley's administration building, the receptionist in charge smiled at them and asked, "Good morning, Sir and Madam. How may I help you?"

Both agents showed their receptionist their identification badges.

"National Bureau of Security. We have an appointment with Mr. Nikolai Morton, resident number 1278, currently residing in Orange Grove II."

"I see. Allow me to check our records first."

Several clicks later, the receptionist raised her head and rose to her feet. "Welcome, Agent Grant and Agent Schindler. Your arrival has been informed to Mr. Nikolai Morton. He is currently taking a deep dive inside the infinity pool at the community center. Our android guide will lead you to him."

As soon as she finished speaking, an android floated toward the two agents. Nodding its head, it spoke, "Welcome to Evergreen Valley. Please follow me, lady and gentleman."

Personal vehicles were not allowed within the retirement grounds. Visitors, staff, and residents had to rely on hover buses to move around. After about fifteen minutes of travel, they arrived at the community center. The android smoothly led them past several fields before they reached the infinity pool area.

By then, Nikolai Morton, a retired military lieutenant, had already claimed a comfortable recliner by the edge of the vast pool. Gone were the days of following orders and facing danger in various missions against numerous villains. Now, with all his limbs still intact, he reveled in the tranquility of his twilight years.

Retirement had brought a newfound contentment, evident in the relaxed lines of his face and a welcome addition of weight that softened his once-austere frame.

"Good morning, Agents," Nikolai boomed, rising from a plush white bathrobe to greet Maximillian and Julia with outstretched hands. A broad grin stretched across his face. "It's been a while since I saw any Bureau faces. What can this old soldier do for you?"

Maximillian's smile remained professional, though warm. "Thank you for the welcome, Mr. Morton. We're here to inquire about Dr. Heinrich Krausser's death over fourteen years ago."

The name hit Nikolai like a cold wind. His grin vanished, replaced by a grimace that visibly darkened his features.