
Ascending The Martial Peak

Aptitude does not mean greatness. Even the best can find themselves lacking the power to break through, their soul lacking. Luckily for Shen Lei, he has the power of Twin Souls. (Self Insert) https://www.patreon.com/0Jordinio0 - Feel free to support me on Patreon.

0_Jordinio_0 · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Black Wind Mountains - 1

Comprehending the Heavenly Blade, was not all that complicated. Compared to even the most basic of arrays, it was a simple a technique. Merely expelling qi from the body and shaping it into a bladed edge.

While at his current level he was unable to expel the qi from around his body to enhance the size of it or even launch it as a long ranged attack, he was well capable of shaping the bladed technique around his limbs.

Most he'd saw use it only used it with their arms, but;

'The problem with most cultivators is they think too simply.' Shen Lei mused, he know that both from his own memories, and the memories he had gained from his other self.

Cultivators in general, were ignorant fools who only relied on their power and never broadened their horizons, as such, they knew little beyond anything they were taught by others, they never took what they learned and applied it in different ways, opening up new paths.

What they lacked, well beyond general human decency and a dose of humility, was ingenuity.

Shen Lei confessed, that even he was was partly guilty of such a thing until two days ago when he received the soul and memories of his other self.

Stronger by far he may have been compared to him, but his other self, was far smarter, far more intelligent, far more educated and came from a realm of such free and broad thinking that even now left him in awe, even though he had the memories of living that life.

'Perhaps I'll apply the the specifics behind the Heavenly Blade and combine it with my hand to hand combat skill.' he mused inwardly, trekking up a large hill.

He had left the High Heaven Pavilion behind mere hours ago, after applying for two weeks of leave. He expected he would be within the Black Wind Mountains for quite a while.

'Few would expect a kick, or even an elbow or knee strike to have a cutting edge.' he stroked his chin.

Kick boxing he found, indeed suited him much more than the Shaolin Fist, it was much more explosive and aggressive than the Shaolin Fist, a much more proactive fighting style as well.

Shen Lei paused as he reached the top of the hill. He was at the barest outer rim of the Black Wind Mountains, a point generally guarded by the three sects that ruled this territory.

'That shouldn't be right.' his eyes narrowed. Perhaps it was because he had already gained his knowledge sea, but his Divine Sense had began to form as well. Not something he would usually form until much later

While the range wasn't very large currently, due to his low realm of cultivation in comparison to when most would originally get it, it did not mean it was not effective.

He could feel a beast qi.

Or rather, multiple of them.

'They're rather weak, still of the first realm, but not something a typical first realm cultivator could fight.' he clicked his tongue.

Demonic Beasts had an inherent advantage over most cultivators. In that, they didn't need to cultivate or learn techniques. They grew naturally and had innate abilities.

While it wasn't at all odd to find demonic beasts in the Black Wind Mountains, in fact the place was crawling with them, it was weird to find them this far out. This close to Plum Village and the three sects.

Which meant those guarding this area had been lax in their duties.

How lazy and pathetic must they be to miss a gathering infestation like this? It would put the local hunters and lower realm cultivators in danger.

"Well, I suppose this will be a good test." Shen Lei hummed, he hadn't had the chance to fight since he broke through and his strength she so massively.

Turning in the direction where he sensed the beast qi, he followed his senses towards the energy.


His senses lead him towards a large cliff side, where a wide open cavern entrance greeted him.

"So that's it." Shen Lei's eyes lit up in realisation.


Because of none other than the massive spider webs he could see decorating the inner parts of the cave.

Demonic spiders. One of the lowest level of demonic beasts. While weak, they had inborn advantages that made them almost impossible for low level cultivators to deal with. Not only did they have inherently tough carapaces, but they had a venomous bite and their webbing could be formed instantly and was very tough, easy to get tied up in.

On top of that, they were a type of demonic beast that weren't just born one by one like most, but instead hatched in the multiple dozens from a large egg sac, like a typical spider.

'That explains how so many of them got here without being caught I suppose.' he thought.

The mother most likely came up from the deeper forest, laid her egg sack and then got killed during hunting for food.

He closed his eyes and focused his senses on the cave, feeling them out, 'By my estimates, there seem to be around 14 of them, as bit more than a dozen.'

One or two them wouldn't be a problem for a typical fighter around his current level, and he was far stronger than his current minor realm suggested.

But this many of them?

He grinned widely, "This might actually be a challenge."

He had not brought any equipment with him beyond some basic harvesting tools in the sack he was carrying over his shoulder.

So already the Heavenly Blade would be seeing use, 'Honestly it's probably better for harvesting than my tools anyway.' he thought.

Holding up his hand in a knife edge shape, Shen Lei focused his qi and moments later, a light aura condensed around his limb and he made his way into the cave.

Thanks to his divine sense, he could feel all of the demonic spiders. All but one of them were located in the back of cave, most likely resting because it was during the day.

They hunted better during the night after all.

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