
Chapter 17: Pills and Plans

"Mom, what happened? Who's hurt?" Law asked.

"Mary, Franklin, and Johnny were in an accident, with Franklin passing away instantly and leaving Mary and Johnny severely injured" Lissandra answered while quickly gathering her things. Law body suit but his mind starting racing. Law knew that in Susan and Johnny were orphans in most worlds, but he hadn't actually considered it happening in his own.

It was a quick 30-minute drive before they were finally able to reach the hospital in Manhattan. They rushed out of the car as soon as they parked it and headed into the hospital only to be greeted at the entrance by a distraught and crying Susan Storm with puffy red eyes (Author's note: She has the appearance of Susan Storm from Marvel 616).

"Aunt Liz," Susan said rushing into Lissandra's arms, searching for comfort. Lissandra began consoling Susan while Law watched on the side, thinking through possible reasons for this accident. The Storm family weren't hoarding any new age tech or manufacturing weapons like Hank Pym or Howard Stark, so Law really didn't understand why they would be targeted. The thought that this was just a normal accident didn't even cross Law's mind after all this was a Marvel Universe. After a few moments of comforting Susan, Susan led them to a private ICU where they saw the motionless bodies of Mary and Johnny Storm.

Mary (Author's note: Mary Earth 616) was a stunning 40-year-old woman with short blonde hair whose appearance was only matched by her intelligence. Although they met a few times, she was always a rather distant person, preferring to take care of things in silence. She was never as openly affectionate as Aunt May, but she would always take care of him when she had time, or just watch him and Johnny play tricks on Susan while smiling from the side.

Johnathan (Author's note's: Johnny Storm Earth 616) was a handsomely roughish looking boy. Preferring to appear like a tough biker, then the well-mannered jokester that he really was. They were as close as brothers, always playing pranks, or working on machines together. Although he wasn't much of a scientist, he was on h*ll, of a mechanic being able to already put together a functioning motor at the age of 14.

Franklin Storm was a distant man, and that was all that Law knew about him. They had met a handful of times, with passing greetings being the most of their conversations. Even Johnny couldn't tell Law much about his dad because most of the times Franklin was busy with his work.

But both Mary and Johnny were people who Law considered close, and to see them unmoving and as pale as a bedsheet pissed Law off.

"Big sis, can you explain what happened fully," Law said in a calm voice masking his anger.

"They were driving back from the movies when apparently all their car's tires burst causing them to serve into another lane causing a collision with a pick-up truck. The passengers in the other car were fine, but the police are still trying to identify what caused dad's car tires to burst." Susan said while holding onto Lissandra, who continued to pat her back as she retold the accident.

"What were their injuries?" Law asked still stone-faced.

"They both have multiple injuries, but mom is worse off because she and da * Susan choked up for a bit before continuing* dad took the brunt of the damage. Both of mom's arms are broken along with one of her legs, but the major damage she incurred was a skull fracture that caused internal bleeding sending her into a coma. Johnny has a broken leg, a severe concussion as well as an injury to his spinal cord that may cause him to be paralyzed for the waist down." Susan forced out before breaking down crying causing Liz to glare at Law.

After getting a full list of their injuries, Law asked to be excused to go to the washroom. Susan shakily pointed out the direction, Law quickly made his way to the washroom, and into a stall.

Law entered his personal dimension, setting the time dilation to its maximum and started combing through alchemy recipes looking for a healing pill that would work for those in the houtian realm. Using a higher tiered pill meant for those at a higher cultivation stage would cause even more damage to Johnny and Mary's bodies. After going through dozens of books, he finally came across one that would heal those in the houtian realm; Wound Healing Pill (Author's note: Were you expecting an extravagant name or something). Although the ingredients would normally be rare even in the Desolate Era universe, for Law it was as easy as picking strawberries from a garden.

It took a few hours to collect the necessary herbs before Law could start trying to form the pill, because even with instructions, and a technique that made controlling all the elements of crafting easy Law still did not have the experience needed to succeed in his first try.

It took him dozens of tries, to make a single somewhat successful pill that was mediocre in quality. So, he continually made the same pill hundreds of times over the course of days inside his realm.

"F*** Yeah" Law screamed while holding 2 wound healing pills of the highest order which contained no impurities. Law exited his realm and slowly considered how to get give the pills to Mary and Johnny without being put on a watch list.

He slowly walked to his mother and Susan who were still outside the ICU watching the two hospitalized members of the storm family. Law walked up to Susan pulling on her arm, drawing her attention.

"Big sis, could you get me alone in their room for a few moments, please. I have a way to heal them, but I can't have nurses or outsiders watching. If you want, you and mom can stay with me in the room." Law said while looking directly at the grieving 20-year old.

Susan looked up into Law's eyes only to see pure confidence in his decision. Maybe, it was the fact that she known him for a number of years, or maybe it was the sleep deprivation, but Susan decided to put her trust in Law. Lissandra who was beside Susan, looked at Law as if asking for a promise that they would be alright. She received a quick nod, causing her to let out a sigh of relief.

"Susan, do you know anyone who could disable the camera's in this room for around 10 minutes," Law asked quietly surprising Susan for a bit.

"Yes, I may have one person who could help. I have a friend named Reed Richard's who's going to Uni with me. He could probably have it done within a few minutes" Susan replied after a few moments. Susan immediately got to work getting the nurses to leave the room so they could have a moment alone with the patients. Susan was probably the most charismatic person that Law knew because, after a few moments of talking to them, Susan convinced them to take a short lunch break.

'It wasn't lunch' Law thought while Susan called Reed and convinced him to hack into Manhattan Hospital. The man was probably already love stuck before it only took a few words to convince him.

"Law, Reed's ready to disable to the cameras for a few minutes. Do your thing now, because I can't be sure that someone isn't coming back." Susan explained hurry Law up.

Law quickly took out his two perfect pills and put one in both Mary and Johnny's mouth. He used his divine will to slowly force it into their stomachs, causing the two pills to dissolve. The pills quickly released a potent healing energy which Law directed to take care of the various injuries on their bodies starting from the major ones. Slowly bones, tissues, nerves, veins were mended and set into their proper positions, while Mary's blood clot was cleared. It took Law a total of 2 minutes to finish healing Mary and Jonathan, causing their bodies to slowly regain its normal peach color, and start breathing at a normal pace. Though both Mary and Johnny remain asleep, they were now in no danger and could probably be released as soon as they woke up.

Susan who had been watching everything from the side stared at Law in bewilderment. Before she could say anything, Lissandra reminded her that they should probably leave so that they were instantly blamed for this. Agreeing, they quickly left and made It out of the hospital, before Susan called Reed to tell him to reactivate the cameras.

"Law, thank you," Susan said while pulling him into a tight hug before starting to cry in happiness. Law returned her hug, gently patting her back comforting her as Lissandra looked on from the side.

"Susan, do you know if Franklin or Mary have been having any problems with their company or foundation," Law asked after a few minutes.

"No, that I've heard of. Why are you askin... wait you can't be thinking that it was a murder attempt was it" Susan said quickly catching onto Law's line of thought.

"Susan, I don't know Susan but the accident weird after all something that caused all four tires to burst, without leaving any evidence," Law said still thinking over what could have happened.

"What can we do?" Susan asked fearfully.

"For now, we need to stay with Mary and Johnny to protect them. But I swear to you, if this was a result of foul play, heads will roll" Law said while his eyes started glowing crimson red.

Thanks for reading.

Darkest_Nightcreators' thoughts