
Chapter 18: Truth behind the Accident

Chapter 18: Truth behind the Accident

Law's prediction came true and within 2 hours Mary and Johnny awakened. It took the combined effort of Susan and Lissandra to calm both of them down while Law watched on from the side.

After first Mary was confused about waking up in a hospital but her memories slowly cleared, and she broke down crying into Susan's chest. The tears from her eyes would not stop, showing that the distant mask that she usually kept up was just that a mask.

Johnny, on the other hand, was first shocked, but then entered a catatonic state, with his eyes glazed over not responding to anyone, seemingly reliving the accident. It was only through the help from Susan, Lissandra, and Mary, who was still a crying wreck, that Johnny finally started to sob quietly. At first at least before wailing in his mother's embrace while holding onto his mother for dear life.

Doctors and nurses came rushing in a few minutes later, only to be astonished by what they saw. They two patients who were once on death's door now seemed completely fine. They gave both Mary and Johnny a complete full body inspection, only to determined that the two patients were perfectly healthy, and there were no issues at all. They were even healthier than the average American. They could leave out the door right now, but the doctors wanted them to stay to make sure nothing would happen in the next two days.

When they questioned Susan about the mysterious recovery of her family, she played ignorant, convincing them that she was just as astounded as they were. Law had to give it to her, if she ever decided to not become a scientist, she could become one hell of a politician. This did not completely convince them, so they had someone check the camera's only for it to completely coincide with her story.

Apparently, Reed Richards had done them a favor, instead of just freezing or disabling the camera, he had looped a recording of them in the room just watching over Mary and Johnny. He had then shown us leaving the room before blacking out the camera for a few minutes throwing the suspicion somewhere else. Did Reed probably know what had happened in the room? Yes, but Law wanted to meet Marvel's smartest man for a long time, and this just gave him an opportunity to do it.

After the inspections were done, all the doctors and nurses exited the room, while promising Mrs. Storm that they would not leak any information earning a quiet muffled scoff from Mary. For the next two days, Johnny and Mary grieved at the hospital with Susan, Lissandra or Law always being next to them.

When they were finally released, their group made their way to the Storm Family Mansion using Liz's car. Johnny began shivering seemingly having a slight case of PTSD, which only seemed to stop once Susan pulled him in a hug.

They quickly reached a huge beautiful mansion, with its own automatic gates. The gate's opened for them because their car had already been added to the security system on a previous trip.

'I guess I will need to wait until Mary is alone so that I get some much-needed answers' Law thought as they entered the huge house.

He waited throughout the day for Mary to be alone but never received the chance. It wasn't till everyone went to sleep that Law decided to just quietly meditate in his room while looking over Mary's position with his soul sight. Mary, Johnny, and Sue had elected to sleep together in the same room for the night.

It was around 2 am when Law finally felt Mary leave Sue's room and head to the study, so he followed. Just as she sat down at the table, Law entered drawing the study her attention.

"Law what are you doing awake right now. You should be sleeping." Mary said confused at his appearance.

"Aunt Mary, can I ask you some questions? Every time I try to sleep, I can't because my mind keeps racing." Law replied.

"Sure Law take a seat" Mary instructed. Law did as he was told saying a quick thanks.

"Aunt Mary, I don't want to beat around the bush. Do you know anyone who would hold a grudge against you or Franklin?" Law asked with a calmly.

"I knew you were going to come and ask me this Law. I really have to teach you how to mask your intentions. You will horrible at poker." Mary said with a soft chuckle.

'Damn' Law thought, a small blush appearing on his face.

"I know who caused the accident Law. I've known that they were planning something, but I didn't expect them to act so quickly. I should've been more careful; I should've have forced Franklin to take more precautions, but I was too prideful thinking they wouldn't dare act in such a manor" Mary said with a self-deprecating smile.

"Who are they?" Law asked while his hands curled in a fist. Mary looked at Law for a few moments before letting out a sigh.

"What would you do if I told you? Law, I've known you for years, I know you want them gone. But if you are implicated in this, you could possibly ruin your future." Mary replied to Law, her face showing genuine worry.

"Aunt Mary, trust me, nothing that will happen can possibly be linked to me. Please tell me who 'they' are" Law stated. She did not move for a few minutes and just stared at Law's face.

"I will tell you, but you must promise me that you will not do anything stupid because of your rage," Mary commanded.

"I promise" Law agreed while forcing himself to remain calm. With that Mary told him that the perpetrators for 'the accident' were most likely the board directors for Mary and Franklin's company 'Strom Enterprise" (Author's note: I know this is not real, and the name is basic as f***).

The board directors were trying to force their company to start manufacturing weapons, both biological and mechanical so that they could keep up with other giants in the industry such as Osborn and Stark. But, since Mary and Franklin together still had a majority of the stocks for their company, they vetoed their decision stating that they built was meant to save lives not destroy them. This did not seem to sit well with the others in that meeting, causing a few of them to curse at Mary and Franklin before storming off. They had not heard a word out of them since. Of course, Mary became suspicious of them, but since the meeting was just a week prior, she didn't believe that they would act so quickly and recklessly.

Law asked if she had a list of names with the people most likely to have done this, to which Mary replied that she didn't. She stated that it would take at least a day before she could compile a list with every suspect. Law thanked her, asking her to give it to him as soon as possible before leaving the study and going back to his room.

Law quickly entered his room and locked his door before entering his realm. He quickly set the time dilation to 1 to 100 and pulled up every book on illusion techniques, poisons and assassination techniques.

'I have some work to do' Law thought before beginning his training.

Thanks for Reading. Sorry, for the short chapter today, there's been a lot going on in my life right now. But, the next chapter should be longer and should tie this up nicely.

Have a good day.

Darkest_Nightcreators' thoughts