
Ascender Curse: I don't want to reincarnate anymore

"I don't want to reincarnate anymore" Leander had always wished to be reborn into another world. After dying, he was reincarnated, his dream was real now, he had a wonderful life and died as a hero, however, he was reincarnated again and again. Leander realized this was a curse rather than a blessing, he kept reincarnating, living multiple lives, until something changed he was reborn into a second different world.

Luccien · Fantasy
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9 Chs

The solrien Wreath

The moon took the sky again, it was already night when Leander returned to the house, he was in the middle of the backward garden when he heard a voice.

"FERRAN WHERE ARE YOU" His mother's voice was coming from somewhere close.

'Damn we took too much time, you ask too many questions Nohrie'.

'Well is not every day you listen to a story like yours' Nohrie was hiding in his shadow, she had lost count of how many questions she had asked him.

"Here you are little man" Elentiya appeared out of nowhere making Leander almost jump out of fear.

Nohrie got the sensation he had seen the woman somewhere before while lurking in his shadow, she could see the woman was strong even though right now she seemed to be tired.

Leader expected Elentiya to lecture him, but she just crouched down and started to check his body

"Where have you been? Are you hurt anywhere?"

"I was just playing in the garden"

"Please don't do that anymore, try to play inside the house is safer there" Leander did not understand why she was so worried until he remembered that in Elentiya's eyes he was still a fragile child.

Leander returned to the house with her, He had noticed how tired she looked, usually, she had an imponent but comforting aura around her but now even the pace she walked seemed to be slower due to the fatigue.

With Elentiya tired It was the perfect day to discover the secrets of his Family, today with the help of Nohrie.

After being scolded by Celine for going outside, they had dinner and She went back to her workplace.

Meanwhile, Leander finished explaining his plan to Nohri in his room.

"So you want me to spy on her?"

"Yes, are you sure you can do it without being detected?" They had already talked about this plan. Nohrie's ability to stay in the shadows was what he needed to spy on Elentiya, but he had to be sure Nohrie wouldn't be detected.

"Hmph, you still doubting my abilities?"

Nohrie vanished into the shadows and walked through the house her presence was harder to be detected with the little mana she had now.

She materialized herself inside Elentiya's office and remained inside the shadows in a corner of the room quietly listening to everything.

Elentiya was there talking to a hologram of a man with a short haircut dressed in a military uniform, even though he tried to hold a Strong appearance his countenance showed some of his concern and even magic couldn't hide the bags under his eyes.

"My liege I just trying to say that maybe we could have higher success hate if princess Celine participated in the battle"

The man was pleading for Elentiya as if it were a matter of life and death, and his face was drenched with sweat.

"I already said to you Ulric my daughter is on an important mission right now," She said in an annoyed tone, Elentiya didn't like when someone insisted on a discussion with her.

Even though her tone wasn't aggressive the power in her voice was enough to make the man swallow a lump of saliva and change the subject.

"What about it princess Lydia, maybe sh—"

"Lydia was the last traitor we were looking for"


Ulric was caught off guard but he quickly bowed to show his respect, now it made sense to him why Elentiya seemed pissed off these days.

"My deepest condolences my liege"

"Let my generals know that the last traitor is dead we should prepare for the next phase of this war"

She spoke with a determined face.

"I hope you as my general won't let me down, Ulric".

"I won't let you down my liege, your country needs the Solrien wreath again".

'Solrien wreath?'

Nohrie had listened to this name before, she used her ability and searched for Solrien's wreath on the grimoire; when she realized her eyes widened with both surprise of discovering who Elentiya was and her own stupidity.


Leander was waiting for Nohrie; his Family in this world was weird, and because he was a child they didn't tell him everything.

The shadows started to tremble and from them, a surprised Nohrie materialized herself and immediately yelled at him.

"Why didn't you tell me your mother was the solrien queen" Nohrie jumped out of the shadows.

"She is what?"

"She is the Solrien wreath, that's how they call the queen of Altaphor"

"So she is a queen..." Leander had already theorized she was part of the nobility, even the way she walked made clear she was someone from a high status, but a queen was way above his expectations.

"Now everything makes sense," Nohrie said going from side to side with a troubled expression.

"What makes sense?"

"Didn't you notice the field spell around the house?"

He never heard about field spells but he supposed it was the sensation he Always felt when he got close to the house, it was as if mana was being suppressed there.

"Are you talking about the sensation of feeling less mana when entering the garden?"

"Yes, that sensation is a field spell, it is used to hide a place from people, beasts, spirits, or mages it's a really complex spell, also the portal on the garden isn't an ordinary portal".

"I guess my sense still sharp as ever I knew it she wasn't just an ordinary person"

"Leander your mother is the Solrien wreath she is anything but ordinary".

Nohrie made the grimoire appear in front of his face, in the page where was a little description of the Solrien wreath.

Nohrie's master had written about a country named Altaphor, which was ruled by an VIrsune called Elentiya who ruled through centuries.

"What is a Virsune?"

"They are beings that had achieved such a high level in magic that their entire body became one with mana".

"Wait do you mean she—"

"Yes, she is not exactly a human".

This information made a lot of questions appear on his mind.

"So I'm not a normal human?".

"No, you are a completely average human I don't think you inherited her aptitude for magic, but your sister is not normal, no wonder a felt something strange when the two of them showed up, one is a Virsune and the other has Virsune blood"

She completely crushed his hopes of having some kind of special bloodline ability in this world.

"So I don't have any special traits huh?"

"Well you are definitely an outcast, you are a luavron mage even though you came from a solrien bloodline of mages, maybe this has something to do with the fact that you are a reincarnate?"

"It's a good theory" Leander jumped on the bed looking at the ceiling.

"You also were born with a disease on the mana system but when your memories and conscience returned the disease's symptoms simply stopped as if never existed... don't you think this is related to your reincarnation as well, I mean mana is deep related to your minds and

During this time you were not yourself but a memoryless and partially conscious version or something like that, don't you think this could have interfered with your ability to use mana?"

"That weirdly makes sense"

Leander recalled what he knew about the reincarnation spell in his past life.

"A soul must be in sync with the body in order for the reincarnation spell to work, but still there is no way to know how mana is influenced by that, I don't have how to investigate that right now," He said with a deep sight.

"Now I understand why she is so protective towards you" Nohrie jumped on the bed and squirmed like a cat.


"It seems Altaphor is in the middle of an internal war right now, betrays and assassination attempts must be pretty frequent there

Elentiya must be scared of being betrayed again and losing you since you can't defend yourself like the rest of her offspring and hiding you here must be her only option".

"Offspring... does he really have so many children?".

"Well, imagine being a being that lives for over centuries how many times do you think she had a relationship with someone?".

"Hmm...I think you are right".

"Also considering the rumors... well forget about it"

"What rumors are you talking about?" Leander looked at nohrie suspiciously.

"They say that the Queen of Altaphor is someone with outstanding magical power and strong personality and with her beauty, there were few men who would not kneel for her, she never married someone but she had several lovers"


"It makes sense for her to have many lovers, I doubt that one human alone can match the vigor of a virsune on the be—"

"Desneccesary comments Nohrie".


Leander started to reflect on what he had learned and things became clearer, Even if Elentiya was a so-called Virsune she still had limitations, no matter how much power she had she couldn't protect him while also taking care of a country, she also couldn't trust anyone since even her Family betrayed her.

"Elentiya may be a virsune but she still makes very human-like blunders" Leander said hearing her story made him understand her a bit more.

"What do you mean?"

"It's a mother nature to try to always protect their children even more so if the child is someone like me who is weak despite being the son of a Virsune, but being overprotective can affect a child's growth and do more bad than good"

"Her protection and stay locked up in this house will only delay my growth in strength in this world".

Leander understood that if he opted to become a member of this Family, he would always be restricted in what he could pursue, of course being the son of a queen would make his life easier but all these vantages came with a big disadvantage that would affect him on the long-run.

"You said that one of your abilities is memory manipulation right?".

"Yes," She tilted her head looking a Leander.

A plan began to develop in his mind, and Nohrie's skills were just what he needed to put into practice

"We gonna put this ability to use soon"