
The Battle of Ascension - Part 5

Linan, Democratic Union of Aviye


Linan Central Hospital



"I need a miracle," Quynh muttered as she pushed yet another person's body into healing faster than it normally would.

Inducing rapid healing was painful, so she soothed away some of it as the flesh knitted on her patient, who had taken a bullet through the shoulder. She was likely taking years off his life, but it beat letting him die, and he'd accepted the healing.

With function restored, the student - for the man was one of the more recent students to come from the People's Ascendance Center - thanked her and moved to pick up his rifle.

"Leave it. Your shoulder might be healed but it'll be weak. Go help move supplies," she ordered, taking the gun.

She looked around and, for once, noticed that no new patients were coming in. Had she missed something?