
Ascendance The Original Lands Book 1

I was once normal, until a fleet with far superior technology than our own came to from another part of the world that we never even knew existed. I was normal, until that very fleet announced they were here to get a member of their royal family, for him to be their next Emperor. I was normal, until that boy turned out to be me. And now, I'm anything but normal as I leave with the fleet towards the new part of the world. My goal is now simple, to graduate from it's Royal Academy, take my place upon the throne, and to consolidate my power. All of this while trying to survive assassination attempts, elitist nobles, and my best friend who knows nothing but crappy jokes. I'm anything but normal now, but I sure wish I wasn't.

Dalton_Faulkner · War
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21 Chs

Chapter 18

I sat on the bridge as our fleet exited through the tear. What lay before me was enough to leave me speechless for minutes.

A lush continent lay out before me, filled with different shades, vibrant, and exhilarant colors. From a light green to forest green, trees with blue, purple, and red leaves. The sky in front of us heralding the rise of the sun.

Dozens of ships similar to the ones in the fleet hovered in the area, all of them apparently belonging to Galia.

"Captain, we have an incoming live transmission from the defending armada." said one of the crewmen sitting at the consoles.

Lord Folduin turned to me, "My Emperor, please exit the bridge. We can't have others knowing your appearance yet. Besides, it's time for you to get ready for your descent to Count Syldi's home."

I nodded as I got up from my chair and followed Adeline down to my room, my guards falling instep around me.

"I've prepared new clothes as befitting for an Emperor for you, my lord." Adeline chatted as we approached my suite. She sounded exciting, and it sort of worried me. I felt like I was a barbie about to be playing dress-up with a young girl.

Maybe I should bring a Knight in the room to protect me?

As we entered my suite, Adeline opened the door to my room as I was turning to one of the Royal Knights to ask him to accompany me, then I stopped as I saw the outfit out of the corner of my eye.

It actually looked very cool and very, very, overdramatic.

A suite was dressed on a mannequin to prevent it from being wrinkled.

A white outfit embroidered with sapphire blue outlines ran through the suit. A one-sided cape, the same color of the outlines, rested on the right shoulder and sunk down just inches from the floor. A waist cape that was the same color scheme as the rest of the main part also scrambled down, the same length as the one-sided cape. Underneath the waist cape was the pants, they were nothing as special as the other parts, seeing as how they would be hidden. The only notable feature is the blue embroidery on the sides of the pants. Finally, we had the shoes, snow-white with blue resting horizontally down the middle. Very fashionable, if I did say so myself.

My only complaint was that it looked very hot in it, which I voiced out loud.

Adeline turned towards me and smiled, "All of your outfits are made from a special fiber that circulates air and keeps you cool in the spring and summer. I assure you that this will keep you comfortable at all times."

Well, at the very least, I wouldn't be moving around in an uncomfortable uniform. That eased my soul quite a bit until I saw the kind smile Adeline wore morph into an excited one, I'd almost call it sadistic.

"Now, time for you to undress." She said as she approached me.

I found myself backing away until I hit a soft "wall".

I turned to find myself face to face with several of the other servant girls that had attended to me over the past few days. I gulped as I looked for my Knights, unable to find them in the room.


How dare they abandon me in my time of need.

I turned back to Adeline to begin negotiating, "Now listen, I'm old enough to dress myself!"

I quickly explained, Adeline was stepping closer and closer.

"A Galian Emperor always has attendants serve and help him dress. It's usually done by a male attendant but sometimes, you have to work with what you've got," She was smiling as she said that then paused and looked thoughtful, " we should have done this earlier to get you more use to it. But ah well, what can ya do?"

I sighed in an attempt to calm myself. I was living the fantasy of every guy back in our part of the world. Why not just enjoy it? I told myself that and easily accepted it.

I nodded at Adeline, "Fine, do what you've must."

She squealed with delight as I was swarmed by her and the servants and ripped of my clothes. I can't be sure, but I felt like I was being appraised here judging from the looks these women were giving me.

They quickly went to work redressing me, letting me do the work of pulling on my undergarments myself. Afterward, they worked the suit on me.


I stood in front of a mirror examining myself in my new uniform. I had to say, I looked really cool. With no other way of explaining it at least. They only place in the other part of the world you would find someone wearing something like this would definitely be some sort of convention.

But Adeline was right, this was extremely comfortable. And if I thought about it, it was extravagant and eye-catching. The only ones that would be seeing it were a few people on this ship, Count Syldi, and a few of his trustworthy family members. If this didn't make me look like an Emperor, nothing would.

Folduin knocked on the door and entered the room after I said to enter.

"You look very good in that, sire." He commented.

I grinned at him and shot him a thumbs up.

"We've received permission to transfer Allen over to Count Syldi's mansion, it will be done later tonight. Your mother will be transported to a hold and preservation center, she will be under heavy guard while we prepare a spot and funeral for her," he informed me.

I really appreciated it, it gave me such a peace of heart that I couldn't explain. I would leave this matter in his capable hands and perform my duties. This was all I had left, and now I couldn't afford to very well fail them.

"Are you ready to leave?" he asked, as my thoughts began to wonder.

I nodded at him, hoping he saw the determination I felt.


The walk through the hallway to the hanger felt even slower than when I first arrived. Many of the ship's crew came out to see me before I departed, and I made sure to thank each and everyone of them.

They cheered and encouraged me, promised loyalty and friendship, and held proud looks.

I really was feeling good right now, and let the good feelings carry me forward.

Awaiting me in the hanger stood Captain Teluria and Captain Zurlian, as well as tons of Knights and Galian Soldiers.

They stood column formation, I smiled as I looked over them and approached the two Captains.

They both knelt, I quickly told them to get up.

"It's been an honour having you here, my lord." Teluria said with a smile, "and might I say that you look marvelous?" she added at the end.

"Thank you for the compliment and for coming to get me, I'm very grateful to have met you. And I hope to do so again in the future." I thought that was a pretty smooth reply, maybe my conversation skills were improving. I knew playing all those RPGs would help a bit, ha!

The Captain smiled and stepped out of the way.

Zurlian nodded at me, "Ready to go, sire?" he asked.

I grinned at him, "As ready as I'll ever be."

And that was the truth, I was more excited for this than I could explain. It was almost breathtaking and I nearly bounced off the walls ready to just begin it.

Zurlian turned towards the dropship that awaited me, and I stepped towards it. Folduin approached me at that moment, "My lord, trust in Count Syldi, he will do his very best to help you. I will talk to you later to explain more about our future plans. But until then, safe travels!"

He extended his hand, and I took it. I made sure to keep a firm grip as my career class taught me. I wonder if it made sense to do that here.

I then let go of his hand, and after a nod, boarded the ramp of the ship.

Zurlian and about eleven other Royal Knights followed after me, and then Adeline and four extra servant girls followed after them.

"Form up!" yelled Folduin outside the ship, I watched with interest.

The Knights and regular soldiers turned towards me at once, it looked as if they were controlled by a hivemind.

"Speak!" Folduin continued, and the soldiers all spoke at once. Folduin and Teluria included.

"It was an honour, Emperor Sebastian! Long may you live!"

The noise was loud and echoed throughout the open hanger and the dropship.

I smiled at all of them, "Thank you!" I yelled, as the dropship ramp closed.

Adeline came over and helped me strap in and took a seat to the right of me. Zurlian sat to my left.

The dropship jerked back, it just occurred to me that the transport was on a sort of lift.

Looking out the windows, I watched as we were pushed on the lift, and heard the pilot speak from his cockpit.

"Homeship, this is Excel, we are ready for departure."

A reply came from one of his consoles, "Roger that Excel, you are clear for launch. Safe travels!"

The voice cut off, and I felt myself being pushed against my seat as we launched into open air and were free of our ship.

I observed as we flew past the large Galian fleet, and as several Lancers formed up on either side of the ship.


We flew for several hours, it took an excruciatingly long time to arrive at our destination, which was a very large and lavished mansion. It was walled off by an iron gate and looked to be heavily guarded as I saw several lancers patrolling. They looked worse for wear than the ones that have accompanied me and the ones that were on the ship and were even of a different model. I'd ask Zurlian more about that in the future.

During the flight, I saw much of the landscape from a very high point of view, and I will say that for the thousandth time this month, I was impressed and drawn in. I hope that in the future, I'd have time for sigh-seeing.

I felt the dropship jerk and begin its descent, and looked at the window as we made our way towards a large landing pad on the ground within the mansion grounds.

We landed several minutes later. I stood and stretched, eager to be off my butt. It hurt, after all from sitting too much.

Then I followed Zurlian and his men off the ship.

Standing on a pathway connecting the mansion to the landing pad was a short man with several men and women around him, about 5'2 if I had to guess. The man wore a very clean mustache that was obviously well trimmed, his hair was not yet greying either. He wore clothes that simply explained all it needed to about his social status, and that was 'noble'. The only other notable feature about him was his citrine eyes.

We approached the group after exiting the dropship, Zurlian led us.

He turned to me, "My Emperor Sebastian, may I have the honour of introducing you to Count Syldi, our gracious host?"

I thanked Zurlian with a nod and approached the count, who extended his hand with a smile that gave more warmth than several suns combined.

"My lord, it is the proudest moment of my life to meet you. I thank the land for the great privilege of hosting you and helping you on your path," he said as our hands connected in a firm shake.

This was my life now, and somehow I knew everything was going to be okay.

Ugh, I told myself I would take a break from writing today. And that was true UNTIL I convinced myself to write some more. It's like a disease that I can't shake, even when I know I need a break haha!

But I hope you guys enjoyed it, I may or may not release a chapter tomorrow. Please comment, review, and share it with friends! :)


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