
Ascendance The Original Lands Book 1

I was once normal, until a fleet with far superior technology than our own came to from another part of the world that we never even knew existed. I was normal, until that very fleet announced they were here to get a member of their royal family, for him to be their next Emperor. I was normal, until that boy turned out to be me. And now, I'm anything but normal as I leave with the fleet towards the new part of the world. My goal is now simple, to graduate from it's Royal Academy, take my place upon the throne, and to consolidate my power. All of this while trying to survive assassination attempts, elitist nobles, and my best friend who knows nothing but crappy jokes. I'm anything but normal now, but I sure wish I wasn't.

Dalton_Faulkner · War
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21 Chs

Chapter 11

With four Knights following behind and beside me, I followed Folduin and Zurlian to an armory not too far from my own room.

Galian soldiers stood guard outside and saluted us as we entered without a word. My Knights stood outside with their lower-ranked countrymen.

The armory took my breath away, I was beginning to feel like this was happening far too often. There was a large assortment of swords, guns, bows, and spears on one wall. On the opposite, there were several different types of armor. All of them elaborately forged with the Galian Emblem inscribed on it. Folduin turned to me, "These weapons are unique that they're made for higher-ranked nobility in Galia. I ask you pick a sword and anything else you may be interested in, We'd also like to forge you a new weapon set entirely, so this is only temporary unless you desire."

I took a moment to glance around at the equipment. I walked over to the swords and searched through them. On every sword hilt was a crystal, I assume its the Eternium crystal I was told about before from Folduin. I picked up several of the swords and held them. I didn't draw them from their sheaths, just inspected their weight.

Like the sword I held at the mansion, these were heavier than they actually seemed. I couldn't see myself swinging one of these. This continued on, with me inspecting the swords and replacing them in their previous spots.

This stopped when I picked up a sword with a more personalized hilt, the hilt held several crystals that were as beautiful as emeralds if not more. The sheathe was perhaps the most well designed one I've seen the whole day. Primarily covered white with a green outline tracing several areas, giving it a nice design.

Aside from the sheath and sword colors, there was also a difference in the weight. This one seemed shorter in reach just a little bit, as well as shorter in width. It felt more like it was more versatile than the others. While this one gave off more of a feeling of speed, the others were balanced between speed and power.

With shaking hands, I drew the sword slowly. As soon as the blade became available, it was covered in a metallic green aura. My eyes lit up at this, as the sword I had during the mansion battle had no glowing light around it at all.

I grinned as I fully unsheathed the sword, and lightly cut through the air.

This felt absolutely perfect. I turned towards Folduin. Approval was written all over him as he nodded his head.

He nodded towards me, "You chose a very good one, that sword was used decades back by Empress Qurelia, one of the best Warrior Queens Galia has ever had."

I looked down at the sword that graced my hand with its presence. It was truly a work of art, and without a second thought, I knew I wanted a sword like this one.

"Folduin, you said I could have a custom made, I'd like one like this," I told him.

He bowed slightly, "I'll have them begin making it immediately, unfortunately though, it is custom in Galia that custom made swords are given to Knights and nobles upon graduating from the Academy. You can bypass this, seeing as you are Emperor, but some nobles might disapprove of you skipping tradition."

I honestly have no problem using a sword like this one for a while, so I simply told Folduin that'd be fine.

He nodded and informed me he'd have the smiths began working on one right away. "Anything else you'd like from the armory?"

I looked around for a bit longer, I ended up grabbing a white and blue pistol, and a baton of the same colors with a blue gem on the inside, two switches could be seen on the side. It was then that Zurlian approached me.

"My Emperor, did you realize that the baton you currently hold is an actually stronger version of a spear that the Knights use?"

I looked down at the baton in my hand. Didn't look anything like a spear. Didn't even look like it'd mortally wound someone unless I hit them hard enough over the head with it.

I couldn't tell with Zurlian's helmet on his head, but I had the distinct impression that he was silently laughing at my inner dialogue. He reached forward, "May I?"

I gave him the spear baton thingy without a word. He pressed a button on the side, and suddenly, metal shot out. A silver spear with a blue aura around it suddenly replaced the smooth baton that Zurlian had moments before. Once the spear was out, he pressed a second button, but nothing new happened.

"This is an expensive weapon, only the elite of the Royal Knights carry them. It's easier to swing around, and it has a lot more piercing power as well." he put a big emphasis on a lot.

He held the spear with one hand, and pointed me towards me the first switch, "This button extends the spear from a baton to a spear," he then moved his finger down to the second one, "And this button right here prevents the first one from being pressed, its more of a switch. Pressing the first one during battle could prove to be fatal after all."

I'm pretty sure my eyes were sparkling, I think I fell in love with this spear. "Is it possible to request a customized spear too?"

Zurlian nodded, I could hear the smile in his voice, "Sure is, you're our Emperor, you could have anything. So you'd like a forged sword and baton spear, right? Any specific gems?"

"I suppose I'll take blue, seeing as how the color is on every machine and poster Galia has." I grinned, then thought of another question, "Does the color of the gems determines any of the properties of a weapon?"

Zurlian paused for a moment, "Not that I'm aware of, but these gems hold secrets that even we are still discovering. I mean, these gems are unlike others. They can be grown, which means we can easily sustain ourselves probably forever. The gems can be used to even make water."

My eyes lit up. From what I've heard and seen, these gems are used in everyday life. From powering vehicles and weapons to agriculture and art. They can even be grown. It made me wonder why we haven't seen them over here yet, but I decided that was a question for another day.

"The sword and baton spear will be made, and then be presented to you upon graduation, unless you choose so otherwise. Is that okay?" Zurlian asked.

I nodded, "I'm not about to break years of tradition just because I want to get my weapons sooner than others," I let a smirk inch its way on my face. I was never good at being arrogant, maybe being an Emperor would fix that. Not that it's bad or anything.

"If that is all, then could I ask for you to accompany me to the bridge?" Folduin asked, I almost forgot he was here.

I clipped the sword and its sheathe onto my belt on my left side, then I clipped the pistol and the baton spear on my right. It's pretty ironic that I have three weapons and don't know how to use them. Hell, I didn't even know if I could pull the trigger if it came to it.

But I'd rather have a weapon and not need to use it, than not have a weapon and end up needing one.

"Yeah, I'm ready," I accepted his request and followed him as he turned out the door. The four Knights instantly fell in around me as we exited the armory. It was going to take some getting used to, that I have my own army of guards, Royal Knights at that.

It didn't take long for Folduin to guide us to the bridge, I don't understand how he did it so effortlessly. This place was way too big, I'm sure I would get lost as soon as I stepped out of my own room. Granted, there are signs but that really doesn't mean much when it comes to a large ship with several armories, mess halls, restrooms, lounges, and so much more.

Two more soldiers stood guard at the entrance to the bridge, the door opened as we approached it. It was exactly what one would see if they walked into a sci-fi movie.

There was a lower area with several people working at computers, and then there was a raised platform where Captain Teluria sat in a chair. She looked up as we entered a bowed slightly. "My liege, welcome to the bridge. While I understand that you are to be the Emperor of our nation and my master, I humbly request that you refrain from ordering my crewman on the bridge."

I smiled, "No worries Ms. Teluria, I have no idea what I'd even want the men to do," I chuckled slightly at the thought of trying to order these experienced men to work the ship.

The Captain smiled at my words and nodded, "Would you like to sit?" she gestured to her chair.

I shook my head, "I'll take one of the seats off to the side and behind yours if that's okay. This ship is yours, as is that seat."

The captain nodded approvingly, her lips twitched upwards very slightly. Was that a smile? One point for me. I guess I can make a pretty girl laugh, those bullies back in seventh grade were wrong.

Folduin and I were just taking a seat when alarms started going off, and one of the guys in the lower area turned back, his face full of alarm, "Captain," he shouted, "a Yurian fleet has just exited the bottleneck of the barrier!"

Folduin's eyes seemed to grow a couple of sizes and the Captain clenched her chair's armrest.

"They're on an interception course straight for us!"