
As The GOW Thor

Once dead, Alex found himself in front of a ROB who just wanted to have some entertainment. Given one wish, he decides to go all out and asked for all the powers and abilities of Dr Manhattan. But, a problem occured while he was been transmigrated and instead of the world of DC, he found himself in the body of the god of war version of Thor after drinking himself to death hearing the death of his sons. To make things even more interesting, he found out he had the powers of Dr Manhattan even as Thor.

Evil_Grews · Video Games
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13 Chs

The Troll Situation

"Hiyah!" Thrud cried out as she threw a heavy punch to a draugr, sending it flying away before bursting open into goo and disintegrating. She was not even out of breath after fighting a hundred draugrs at once, making Thor smile a bit.

"How was that, dad?" she asked, excited to hear his review.

"You keep messing up on the punches. Remember, light punches are just to stagger your enemies, heavy punches are to go for the kill or cripple them. You cannot always start with the heavy punches with each enemy, even if it means you get to hit harder. You start with light, conserve your breath, staggering or tiring your enemy. Light punches mean you are quick in your feet, nimble to dodge any attack,"

"But dad, these draugrs are much weaker than me. Why do I have to go easier on them if I can obliterate them first," Thrud complained.

"Because we are training, Thrudie," Thor answered her. "Look, I know you are on the beefier side..."

"DAAAD!" Thrud called out in horror, hugging herself self consciously.

"What? That's a good thing for warriors like us," Thor 'cluelessly' continued.

"Just...stop with the analogy," Thrud whispered in embarrassment.

'Ah, the good old parent embarrassing their child, how fun. I want to continue doing that,' Thor thought with a small smirk tugging on his lips. 'But, not now.'

"Fine. I guess it is my fault for deciding to give you such weaklings for your training," Thrud said before snapping his left hand fingers. With a flash of lightning, a troll appeared in front of them. The beast looked around confused before it's eyes locked on to the two of them. It gave an earth rumbling roar at them before picking up it's ice element heavy weapon and placing it on its shoulders.

"Uhm, dad, what's happening?" Thrud asked a little nervous.

"You said the draugrs were weak and couldn't help but overpower them with each first hit. So, I decided to help you learn better a d what's a better training partner but a troll. Slow, but their endurance makes up for that. It will take you long before you can stagger it even with the heavy blows you love throwing," Thor said before teleporting to a distance, showing his daughter his stance.

"Dad, I need my weapons!" Thrud shouted at him hastily before dodging the charging troll.

"You have two fists, two legs, a forehead and teeth, sometimes that's all you need," Thor shouted back.

Thrud gritted her teeth before analysing the troll in front of her. She noticed how slow it was on turns and that gave her an idea. Baiting it for another charge, she couldn't help but smirk as she dodged the clumsy thing, making it charge right past her and with her hot on its tail. Due to its size and weight, the troll took longer to slow down and when it did, Thrud pounced to its back and landed a heavy punch on the back of its head. However, the reaction she expected was not what she got; the troll only took one step forward before looking back at her in fury.

Letting down its weapon, it swung at her in fury, Thrud only dodging it at a hair's breadth, sprawling on the ground. The troll raised its weapon and tried to stomp her with it, making Thrud roll away, bouncing with each thunderous hit the weapon made on the ground. Using her strength, she pushed hard on her hands as she was rolling, making her sail a further distance and flipping to her feet.

But, she was still within the troll's melee distance, thanks to its size, and as she oriented herself, she felt a force suddenly slam onto her back, making her sail a couple tens of meters away, disoriented. She heard the troll roar victoriously as she hit the ground and rolled a bit. Her back was hurting and her eyes were unfocused due to the blow.

"Get up, Thrudie, I don't want to tell your mother you died because a troll gave you a love tap," she heard her father's cruss encouragement making her focus back to the fight, only to see a huge foot casting a shadow over her. She got hold of it as the troll stomped down, a groan of pain and effort escaping her mouth when she did. Struggling, she pushed the giant foot off of her, sending the troll staggering behind and he got up, breathing heavily. She looked at the stumbling troll as her eyes suddenly became unfocused. Thor frowned a bit when he saw that.

'That's interesting, but not part of the training,' he thought. Thrud gave out an animalistic roar that sent a shockwave from her body as the epicenter. The troll gave a roar of its own and charged at her. Thrud charged back, pouncing onto it. Like a monkey, she used the troll's limbs to dodge then landing a devastatingly powerful punch on its face, sending it flying away. Landing on her feet, she was about to go after it but Thor appeared in front of her and with a touch of his finger on her head, she became unconscious. Thor got hold of her before she fell, carrying her in a bridal carry.

"The Berserker Rage," he said, looking at his daughter with a small frown. The beserker rage was like the Spartan Rage, only it made the warrior possessing it mindless. Thor had it, making him a very powerful warrior in the battlefields, that's the reason he had killed all those jutunns without a rest for years. If Thrud had it, he knew Odin would cast his eye on her pretty soon and she wasn't ready yet.

"ROOOAAAR!" the troll roared at him as it got up from the pit Thrud had made it cast.

"You did good, the enhancements worked just fine, if only she hadn't unlocked her Berserker Rage," Thor said before looking at the troll. "Dismissed." A blue light escaped the troll's body, making it stagger in dizziness before falling with a crash and disappeared.

"Your mother would rather die than let you train even more if she knows you have my Berserker Rage, and it has only been three days. But, good thing I know a little Jotnar witch living here," he said, casting his eyes on a Jotnar tending to a large yak. Taking a single step, he shrank the space between him and her to just three metres, appearing right in front of her, almost scaring her to death, moreso when she saw who it was that appeared in front of her.

"You...You...No!" Angrboda cried out in terror and tried to run away. But Thor got hold of her with telekinesis, turning her to him. He could see the terror in her eyes and honestly felt sad for her.

"I'm not here to kill you, little Jotunn, neither am I sending you to Odin," he tried to assure her, bit Angrboda was not even the slightest relieved.

"You...You killed my people!" she raged.

"Your people foolishly decided to go against a megalomaniac with a psychopathic army behind him. Besides, we both know not all the Jotunns are dead. But, that's beside the point," Thor dismissed that talk as he tenderly put Thrud on the ground. "This is Thrud, my daughter. I don't want her to follow in my footsteps so I want..." Thor stopped as a premonition vision flashes through his eyes. For a second, his eyes were glazed before they became focused again.

"As expected of the mother of the world serpent. You would harm an innocent child just to get to me," he said, not at all angry because that's what he himself would have done. He had half a mind to suck all the knowledge she has about giant magic out of her but decided against it. She was invaluable to his plans, so, he picked up his daughter.

"A war is coming, Jotunn, a war that is going to shake the very foundation Asgard was built on. It would do you well to discard all those prophecies and decide what it is you really want. And you better hide those fragile little marbles before any one on Odin's payroll know what they really are," he told her before disappearing, letting his telekinetic hold on her fall.


Freya slowly hummed a war song to herself as she sharpened her blade, her eyes filled with bitterness and hate. The cold did not bother her as her hatred for Kratos warmed her well enough. She wanted to take the opportunity to kill him during the clash with Thor but she was afraid Odin would see her and the situation would escalate. But, ever since the battle, all traces of him disappeared, leaving her with unresolved desires. Just as she was brooding, a clash of thunder brought her out of her imaginations, making her look forward to see the one person she honestly didn't want to find, Thor Odinson. In his hands he carried a little girl she very well recognized.

"Freya, you've been well?" Thor asked rhetorically. Freya held her sword harder as she grimly got up.

Author's Note

I wanted to make Angrboda and Thrud friends in this chapter but when I was writing about it, I decided to write it off. It would be better if Thrud saw Angrboda as a rival, making her improve even better. That's why this chapter was late.