
As Luthor in Marvel Universe

Lex finds himself in the marvel universe, with knowledge of past 2 lifetimes. Join the notorious Lex Luthor in his adventures in this universe. I do not any characters of marvel, DC, or any other franchise. This is just my wish fulfillment fanfic, and it is my first time writing as well, so bare with me.

Spartan_With_A_Gun · Anime & Comics
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I have been floating in the darkness for a long time, I don't know how much time has passed or where I am. The loneliness in this space has been killing me as I started to talk to my imaginary friends Carl and Wendy. Well, loneliness can make you go crazy.


As to how I ended up here, well our beloved Truck-kun sent me here, what an asshole. He sent everyone to the magical and cultivation world but not me. He sent me to fucking void, well I think this is void, I mean there is nothing here except me floating around.


My name is Lex Spencer, I had a decent life, I was born in a middle-class family in Texas. My father was an office worker in an oil corporation, My mother was a veterinary doctor, She had her own clinic near our house. My sister was a nurse, well-settled in Australia. Back to me, I was a small civil engineer in a big construction firm. Life was good, I was 27 when Truck-kun gave me a lift.


As I was thinking of my life, something happened, I saw a light, 'Well this is it folks!!!! I'm off to the afterlife after an eternity of transit delay'. As I was getting close to the light, I could see it was coming from an open door, as I passed the door it disappeared behind me. Now I am in a white room, great, time for Morgan Freeman's entrance.

Next second, someone entered and no he was not Morgan Freeman, he was a typical old man cosplaying as God. He said with a kind smile " Sorry Morgan Freeman is not free today"

Me:"...."( well as always he can read mind duh 🙄)

God: "We meet again Lex Luther"

I was in a panic mode right now after he said that, 'Meet again'? did I die before? Luther? was I the evil genius who fucks with Superman? There were a thousand questions in my head. After I calmed down, he spoke again.

God: Yes, you died before and are the same Lex Luther.

Me: 'sigh' "What now?"

God: well you accepted it pretty quickly.

me: I accept pretty much anything these days, I even have 2 imaginary friends you know.

God: Carl and Wendy, I know.

me: "So, what are we going to do, am I going for a trip to hell or something? "

God: "Hehe nope, to understand better, let me unlock your previous births memory"

The next second there was a sharp pain in my head, I shrieked while holding my head, and after some time the pain went away and I got all the memories as Lex Luther. when I died I had a conversation with god it goes like this.

God: I'm disappointed in you Lex, I had such high hopes for you, you had such potential to bring humanity to the next evolution. But you wasted everything by fighting Superman just because he came from a different planet. You could have traveled the universe and fought toe to toe with gods, but you just had to fight just one Superman because of your ego.

after sometime

Lex: it is because I was born in a universe where powerful beings like Superman could kill mortals like me with their bare hands and I wanted to beat him so bad, not gonna lie.

God: then let me reincarnate you to a universe without supernatural beings. Let's see what you can do.

flashback ends.

God: so what do you have to say now? there was no supernatural being in your universe, yet you didn't rise up to your potential, Only good thing was, you didn't become evil.

Lex: ". ..."

I started thinking of both my life one was evil, and one was peaceful. maybe too peaceful that I didn't feel the urge to improve. I just wanted to lead a simple life.

God: you are lazy, that's what it is. Lex let me give you one more chance, this is your final chance, if you fail you will be erased from existence. no hell or heaven for you.

Lex: why? what do you want from me?

God: because when you were born, I bet with another guy that you will bring the next evolution of human beings and I lost the bet. now I want to know whether you can do it, and I don't want anything from you I just want you to live up to your potential.

I got goosebumps from his reply, just because of a bet, man, god can do anything.

God: yeah I can do pretty much anything. (smug face), so I'm gonna send you to a new universe that is not so peaceful, otherwise, you will become lazy. oh, and there are a lot of supernatural beings there, as your final reincarnation I will give you two gifts, one is your memory, and you will have both the memories of your past lives and another gift Is the power of your choosing. so what power do you want?

I was on cloud nine when I heard that, I can have superpowers, as I was a super otaku in my recent life, I started brainstorming the power I wanted, super strength, mind control, laser eyes, speed, stealth, dark, holy,.... after 1 hr of thinking I finally came to an answer: space.

Lex: I want space manipulation, which can help me with teleportation, storing inventory, space shielding from attack, opening portals, etc.

God" Hmm... ok I grant you void powers, which can satisfy all your requirements"

after that, he waved his hands and I was flying backward.