
As Luthor in Marvel Universe

Lex finds himself in the marvel universe, with knowledge of past 2 lifetimes. Join the notorious Lex Luthor in his adventures in this universe. I do not any characters of marvel, DC, or any other franchise. This is just my wish fulfillment fanfic, and it is my first time writing as well, so bare with me.

Spartan_With_A_Gun · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

2nd White Room

Then suddenly I was in a white room again. I looked around it was a similar white room, and I was thinking maybe the guy forgot to tell me something and brought me back. As I was thinking about what was happening. A door appeared on the wall and opened. well, no surprise there, it is a standard procedure in the god's interrogation room. With a slight jerking sound the door opened. When I saw who it was, I got goosebumps the person who entered was wearing a white suit, a white cane in hand, white short hair, and black skin and you guessed it right it was Morgan fucking Freeman.

"I knew it," I said as soon as I got over being starstruck. He smiled and said, " Hello Lex". He then waved his hands and 2 chairs appeared, he sat on one looked at me, and said "Well take a seat Lex", I hurried over and took the seat. While I was contemplating 1000 questions I wanted to ask, he said "I'm sorry Lex we might not have time to discuss that much, but worry not we will have much more fun times to discuss in the future". Well, he can read minds too, it's a theme I guess.

Morgan: "Let's get straight to the point of why I brought you here?"

Lex: "Okay, we can start with that"

Morgan: "Well I wanted to give you a present"

Lex: "Why, are you also disappointed in me as well?" I asked with a frown.

Morgan: " Haha, no my dear boy, because of you, I won something I wanted for a long time from that stingy guy".

Then I understood what he was saying, he was the guy who made a bet with the old man." so what did you get from the bet with him", I asked curiously. For he just smiled and said " Something of importance to me. enough of that let's see the present I prepared for you." With that, a deck of cards appeared in his hands and floated toward me and started floating in front of my eyes. the color of the cards was jet black and had a simple design, it had a fingerprint design on the back in golden color, simple numbers and shapes depicting 4 suits, and the face cards were English pattern face cards, but everything was black and gold. it had a bit mysterious feeling to it.

I raised my hand and touched it. As soon as touched it, I felt the power of the cards flowing through my hand straight to my heart. I feel a sort of connection to the card as if I know what they were and how to use them. As I was experiencing the newfound power, Morgan talked again "Okay now we are done with that, I will give you a basic explanation about the cards. Well basically it is cut and paste"


Morgan: "Let me explain, It can take the power of someone and give it to you or someone else you desire."

Lex:" Man that's op... "

Morgan:" Well, you can also modify the cards with your power to your liking, like the void power can be integrated into the cards in a way you like, well you are Lex Luther, you know how to program, right? "

Lex: "Yeah computer programing not superpower programing..."

Morgan: "It's all the same..., now there are 2 special cards, which are the 2 joker cards. I created them as companions for you, they will be your loyal followers and you can shape them into whoever you like. But once you finalized how you want and their personalities cannot be changed, yes they are living beings and have souls, they are not immortal yet, but they are almost there. there are only a few beings in the universe that can kill them."

Lex: "Hmm, what species are they? and what should I call them"

Morgan: " As I said they can be, whatever you want and you can design them, I have granted one super strength and the other with super speed, if you want to add more power you can before finalizing the design but once it's done nothing new can be added but their existing powers can be improved."

Lex: " mm, ok I get the gist of it."

Morgan: "Okay Lex, that's it, have an adventurous life"

Lex: "Wait, did you give me all this, just because you won the bet?" I asked with suspicion, as there is no need to give me anything because he won a bet with the old man.

Morgan:" Haha, you are sharp as Batman, yup I made a bet with another guy, and I want to win... hehe. ok Lex that's all goodbye"

He waved his hand I started flying away. I wanted to ask ' who did he make a bet with?', 'What was the bet?', 'Will the other guy come looking for me' so many questions.. 'sigh', after some seconds of flying, I felt like I hit something and blacked out. As I lost consciousness I was thinking is it another white room?...