
Her protector

"I am really trying to understand you. But you are not making it easy" Aisam Alkali frowned. "Why won't you clear their name? It's a measly exile you can lift with mere mention of some lost meritorious deed that should've granted the family immunity and no one will question you. The Mrithi was only accused of smuggling Aariz. Why do you do nothing?" He seems genuinely curious.

Aariz gently placed his pen upon a deep blue stack of papers. He finally looked up from his work and stared fixedly at his one and only friend. Aisam looks well. He must be doing alright as Bastille Earl.

"It is not time yet" he replied easily. The emir drew himself away from the monstrous oaken desk so his back is comfortably rested on his high backed chair. He folded his arms in front of him and regarded the confused look his words has inspired on his friend. He said "don't think too hard" he cautioned. Most people overthink his own thoughts. Mostly, it serves him when people twist his proposed thinking and act as they should not so he finds a fault in them, or if guilty, a beacon of direction. But he didn't need that now. Not with Aaisam.

"Just tell me" Aaisam looks annoyed.

"I don't like how she looks at me" Aariz confessed with a furrowed brow that serves as the only reaction. Like, he was just being thoughtful.

Aisam laughed. "Aariz, do you love this girl?" He asked.

Aariz thought about it. "I just need her close is all" he stated.

Aisam smiled. "Do you think of her often? As in, do you need her so often that you feel annoyed by the incessant consistency?"

Aariz frowned. "I don't like your thought process" he announced with displeasure.

Aisam shrugged. "My brother tells me that love is like that. But you don't need love Aariz. You need a powerful female for the position of Sultana" he reminded him. "A cowardly daughter of a cowardly clan will not make you a good Sultana. I am afraid that you will regret this" he warned.

Aariz did not show any reaction that bespoke of his growing anger at the degrading way Aisam had reduced Aariah's family. He did not understand the reaction. It didn't make sense particularly because it is true. All the nobles think so. Aairah's actions only solidify the reasoning. He breathed through his nose to catch up to a semblance of calm so Aisam doesn't see his unreasonable anger.

"You are not happy I called them cowardly" Aisam pointed out, sensing, rather than seeing the shift in his mood. The atmosphere just seem to drop around him.

Aariz just kept quiet. His silent acquiescence just served to throw Aisam into more thoughts.

"This is what I think" Aisam made his stance. "You love this girl" he expressed. "You should clear her family name and marry her soon enough. Since Neemah has proved herself capable, make her Sultana. Your mother can be mistress of the Royal Fillo clan. Bring Aairah to live with your mother in the palace and take Neemah to the sultanate. Afterall, you need Aairah close and Neemah is just a means to an end. As Queen and Sultana, it's not a bad combination. It's almost the same thing. Everybody is happy" he advised. When Aariz looks unimpressed, he said "you also know it is the best course of action. Yet you deny it. You are being irrational. Irrationality leads to mistakes Aariz. You can't afford to make them" he warned.

Aariz looked away to gaze upon the dim light of day, giving way to the grand entrance of the moon. Night will soon fall over earth. He sighed. From afar, life is simple. A constant repetition of morning, evening and night. On closer inspection, it is nothing but puzzles, solutions and the ensuing chaos preventing either or ensuring both.

From afar, he could marry Aairah and make Neemah Sultana, his mother mistress of the Royal Fillo clan. The only loser is Aairah whom no one cares what she wants. But the privilege upon her family should be the soothing balm. Payment for the ache she would be put through...

On closer inspection though. Neemah can never be Sultana. She is too ambitious and her clan cannot be trusted with more power. He would never make that mistake.

For the same reason, his mother can never be mistress. She is selfish and has little leadership skills. It will weaken his family.

But Aairah whom everyone deems a coward is his choice. Perhaps she is cowardly. Perhaps not. The time is all he needs to put everything where it belongs.

"Whether or not I make mistakes is unremarkable. All humans make mistakes. But I would like to choose my mistakes Aisam. I will choose them in Sha Allah" he closed the chapter then and there. He didn't need to discuss his reasons with Aisam. It's not time yet for him to understand.

Aisam looked at him long and hard. "For the first time Aariz, you are closing me out" he complained. "You seek to confuse me or lead me. I can't put a finger on it. I don't like your stance" his frown deepened.

Aariz pushed the blue stacks of paper to Aisam and said "how about you protect Aairah"

With an even deeper frown, he opened the papers through incredulous eyes. It cannot be that as the honorable Bastille Earl, the second most powerful individual in Maicki, this godforsaken emir is asking him to guard a little girl. Impossible! He refused to believe it!

"Translation" Aisam growled with menace, daring Aariz to repeat this none sense.

Aariz ignored the note of warning by saying "she would gain admission into Sham College in the deserts of Gulum. I need you to help me guide her Aisam. Do you understand?"

Aisam did not like it at all. This is belittling his importance Wallahi. How dare he! Aside from being an Alkali, he is Bastille earl damn it!

"Sham is in the Sultanate" Aariz reminded him, aiming to make him focus on something other than his self importance. Narcissism is a disease most nobles suffer, including Aisam.

Aisam could finally focus and think clearly. It is true, the Sham college is a prestigious institution in the heart of the Sultanate. Wait, what is this man up to!

"Did you arrange for her to be sent there?" Aisam has an inkling that is the case but he didn't get why all of this is important.

"Listen Aisam. I trust you. So look after her as I would make you had I been there" he urged.

Aisam could finally piece some of the puzzle. "Pray I don't find it boring Aariz. I swear I would come back if it's not worth my time" he fussed. Aariz knew he is bluffing. Aisam would never disobey him. It's because of their friendship.

They are two needy individuals serving to fill a hole in their hearts they would rather not leave vacant.