
As Godzilla in HTTYD

Hank Drigt , a 16 year old HTTYD enjoyer dies after fighting cancer for a long time. After finding himself in a cave and his ding a ling missing , he will set out to...uhh....why are you sleeping? Oh also art is not mine.

DerangedNDepressed · Movies
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3 Chs

Cliche reincarnation

3rd person pov

A hospital bed,a person and the smell of medicine.

These are the most attention grabbing points of this boring white room.

The scene then changes to the person.

The person lying on the bed is connected to all kinds of medical equipment.

The monitor showing stable heartrate suddenly flatlined.

And with that,Hank Drigt died,to be forgotten in the river of history.

But.....really now?


Hank pov

''Huh.....where am i....?''I asked out to the void

'My memory is all fuzzy'I muused to myself before realising.

"Wait...am i getting isekaed or something?yeah sure.....would've been cool doe...

Im probably dead...cancer...."I talked to no one in particular.

THEN it hit me

"Wait....how did i even get cancer...?Did i have a family?I remember i had a cat.."He has a small panic attack.

Then suddenly.

He heard a voice.


and a wave of light assaulted his....eyes?

*incoherent screeching* Is what followed the light.

"Target neutralised." The voice appeared again


3rd person pov

A cave ,a light, and a giant fucking lizard

Those are the most-wait a minute.no...we gotta change it.

Those are the things that appeared on a desolate island in the ocean.

Suddenly the lizard started moving.


Hank pov

'As i recover from the agony i notice my surroundings changed and...

I feel like im suddenly back at my grandma's...atleast i remember that.'.

'As i get back up i noticed my body looks different and my dong dong is gone.'

'Fuck ...don't tell me im a girl...ill commit die...Ahh....im a lizard...a black...giant..lizard...wait a minute.'

'Am i fucking godzilla?'

And why do i feel so sleepy?

Was the last line of word the lazy author wrote.


Sorry for the ahort chapter ill try to make the second one longer.

Hippity hoppity your powerstones are now my property

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