
Arthur Smith's Hollywood Odyssey

In the 1990s, the United States officially launched its strategy to globalize entertainment, leading to a flourishing film and television industry with Hollywood's influence spreading worldwide. Arthur Smith, who has mysteriously traveled through time, begins a glamorous journey through the world of European and American cinema. Unofficial translation of 美娛從1989年開始 by 顏可顏.

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Chapter 98: Drew Barrymore

In the evening, Arthur and Jennifer Connelly returned to her house.

"Honey, it's Christmas Eve tonight. There are many celebrations outside. Are we really going to have dinner at home?" Arthur reminded Jennifer Connelly, holding her waist from behind.

Jennifer Connelly leaned against Arthur and caressed his hand. "Well, let's go out after I change my clothes!"

Los Angeles was bustling with Christmas celebrations that had started early, and the streets were filled with people.

Arthur and Jennifer Connelly drove to Barnsdall Art Park in Hollywood, where a large outdoor party was being held.

"There are so many people!" Jennifer Connelly smiled at the lively crowd.

"Yeah, there are a lot," Arthur replied, kissing her a few times. "Let's go see what food they have?"

"Sure," Jennifer Connelly said, holding Arthur's waist as they walked inside. "We saw many theaters screening The Godfather Part III on our way here. It is releasing tonight, right?"

Arthur nodded. "Yes, there was a grand premiere in Beverly Hills a few days ago. It starts showing everywhere today. Just a rehash, it's been 16 years since The Godfather Part II!"

They found a nearby French restaurant and ordered some food.

"Enjoy your meal," a somewhat cute waitress said as she brought their food.

"Thank you!"

After taking a sip of coffee, Jennifer Connelly found the waitress familiar and asked, "Are you Drew Barrymore?"

"Drew Barrymore?" Arthur looked up at the waitress. It really was her!

Drew Barrymore smiled. "Yes, I'm a waitress now. Do you need anything else?"

"No, thank you," Jennifer Connelly said, shaking her head.

"Just call me if you need anything," Drew Barrymore said with a smile and left.

Arthur looked at Drew Barrymore's back with some regret. She was one of Hollywood's most infamous bad girls.

She shot to fame with Steven Spielberg's sci-fi movie E.T. and later starred in Firestarter.

"It's a shame she's a waitress now," Jennifer Connelly shook her head.

Born to divorced parents, she appeared on screen from a young age, and after becoming famous, she was treated as a cash cow, leading to a life of alcohol, nightclubs, and cocaine addiction by age 13.

This year, at only 15, Drew Barrymore had already left rehab for the third time, transitioning from a beloved child star to a much-maligned bad girl.

"She might be turning over a new leaf," Arthur said.

"Why do you think so?" Jennifer Connelly asked, puzzled.

"This year, after leaving rehab, the first thing she did was apply to the court to terminate her mother's guardianship, who had led her into such a life," Arthur recalled from a few months ago.

"It seems she wrote a memoir, Little Girl Lost, in rehab. There were reports about her working as a waitress in some restaurants and cafes."

At that moment, other guests also recognized Drew Barrymore and mocked her clumsiness and current situation in low voices.

Arthur looked at Drew Barrymore with a meaningful gaze. Ever since she became famous, she had been surrounded by controversy and downfall.

It was hard to believe she had turned over a new leaf, but Arthur knew that after publishing her memoir, Little Girl Lost, Drew Barrymore had indeed reformed.

Moreover, it wouldn't take long for her to turn things around and become one of Hollywood's sweethearts again, with the development of the Charlie's Angels series catapulting her to the top.

"Have you followed her?" Jennifer Connelly asked.

"When developing Scream, I did consider her," Arthur explained.

After a while, most of the guests had left the small restaurant, and Arthur and Jennifer Connelly had finished eating.

When Drew Barrymore brought them two cups of coffee, Arthur spoke up. "Drew, are you still acting?"

Drew Barrymore was taken aback. She looked at Jennifer Connelly, whom she recognized, but didn't know Arthur Smith.

"Who are you? Do we know each other?" Drew Barrymore asked, seeing Arthur's normal tone.

Arthur shook his head. "We don't know each other. I'm a friend of Jennifer Connelly, a screenwriter and producer. I've also acted in films, but only in small roles."

Drew Barrymore was surprised to hear he was a screenwriter and producer, as he seemed so young.

"No, I've auditioned, but no one wants to give me a role," Drew Barrymore said helplessly.

She wanted to start over, but no producer or director was willing to hire a disgraced former child star like her.

Arthur nodded. "So, you're mainly working as a waitress now?"

Drew Barrymore smiled and nodded. "I'm not good at anything else. For the past 14 years, I've only acted and lived recklessly. I need to survive, and being a waitress isn't bad for me. I have time to study in the evenings!"

Arthur thought for a moment. "Next year, a horror comedy Scream will be released, which I developed. Assuming all goes well, I'll be developing a sequel by the end of the year. Keep an eye out for it; there might be a supporting role suitable for you!"

Drew Barrymore was surprised. "Is it the one filmed at North Ridge High School?"

Arthur nodded. "You know it?"

"Yes, the first one hasn't even been released, and you're already preparing a sequel?" Drew Barrymore said, smiling.

Arthur also smiled. "Like you, I'm a Hollywood genius, and I have confidence in myself!"

"Thank you, I'll keep an eye on Scream. Will you really use me?" Drew Barrymore asked, uncertain.

"I will, but you have to promise not to have any more incidents like before," Arthur reminded her, hoping she wouldn't end up back in rehab.

Drew Barrymore shook her head. "Of course not. I'm losing weight to make a comeback in Hollywood!"

"That's good."

"Thank you..."

Despite her notoriety, Drew Barrymore's participation could benefit the film's promotion.

