
Arthur Smith's Hollywood Odyssey

In the 1990s, the United States officially launched its strategy to globalize entertainment, leading to a flourishing film and television industry with Hollywood's influence spreading worldwide. Arthur Smith, who has mysteriously traveled through time, begins a glamorous journey through the world of European and American cinema. Unofficial translation of 美娛從1989年開始 by 顏可顏.

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Chapter 7: Everyone Wants a Chance

In the dark theater, there was only the glow from the movie screen. Arthur was in the corner, kissing Jennifer Aniston.

"Mm, Arthur!" Jennifer Aniston leaned into Arthur, her eyes filled with emotion. She pointed at the movie screen, "Weren't we here to watch a movie?"

Arthur held her tighter and playfully squeezed her chest, "I find the movie less appealing than you!"

"Hmph, sly fox! This is an Oscar-winning film!" Jennifer Aniston smiled and kissed Arthur proactively...

The next morning, in Arthur's bedroom, Jennifer Aniston woke up in Arthur's arms and immediately shook him awake, "Arthur, don't you have to go to the agency to sign the contract today?"

"Mmm..." Arthur woke up groggily, glanced at the alarm clock, "It's only 8 o'clock. They told me to come at 10:30 in the morning for the signing."

"Do you have to go to work? Doesn't the fast-food restaurant open at noon?"

Jennifer Aniston lay on top of Arthur, "Ten-thirty, huh? That's fine. My shift starts at 11!"

As she spoke, Jennifer Aniston pinched Arthur's body, "Honey, your body is just perfect."

Arthur flipped them over, pinning Jennifer Aniston beneath him, "Hey, I need to teach you a lesson!"

He then lowered his head to kiss her...


In Los Angeles, West Hollywood, in the office of ITA's Tracy Jacobs, Arthur was sitting in a chair reviewing his contract.

A two-year term, 10% commission, representing Arthur's acting and screenwriting contracts!

Generally, aside from CAA, WMA, and ICM which charge the legal maximum commission of 10%, other agencies charge slightly less.

However, for a newcomer like Arthur, being charged the maximum commission was acceptable. Fortunately, there is a law that protects newcomers, allowing them to sign for a maximum of two years, safeguarding their interests!

Arthur signed his name quickly; after all, it was not a complicated transaction contract, and a newbie's contract couldn't be compared to that of a big star.

Tracy Jacobs took the contract, "I'll help you get the supporting role in 'Edward Scissorhands'; If there are suitable roles, I will send you to audition! And about the script you're preparing, the company will first evaluate and then plan to pitch it," Tracy Jacobs said as she organized the contract.

Arthur nodded, "No problem. Actually, I'm pretty good at action scenes, maybe we can try for some action roles."

After beating up Ron, Arthur realized that he was indeed very capable of handling three or four adult men with ease.

"You're pretty good, huh?" Tracy Jacobs was intrigued.

"Yeah, members of the school football team couldn't stand a chance against me," Arthur reminded.

"That's great! Action movies are very popular right now. I'll keep an eye out," Tracy Jacobs said.

Around noon, after leaving his home phone number and address with Tracy Jacobs, Arthur left ITA.

A week later, while Arthur was writing at home, he received a call, "You got the role of Jim in 'Edward Scissorhands'. Head to the set in Florida in two weeks."

"Thanks, Tracy," Arthur said, rubbing his eyes. He didn't pay much attention to other details, but he clearly heard about his fee being ten thousand dollars. Seven weeks of filming meant just over a month and a half; ten thousand dollars was indeed quite good!

In the afternoon, Arthur went to Jeff's Restaurant to tell Jennifer Aniston the news, but to his surprise, she came over directly.

"What's going on?" Arthur asked, amused by Jennifer Aniston's disheartened look.

"Arthur," Jennifer Aniston walked in and hugged Arthur, "I quit my job at Jeff's Restaurant!"

"Were you fired?" Arthur kissed her on the lips, "I just got a call from my agent. The 'Edward Scissorhands' team gave me a role. I'll be heading to the set in Lutz, Florida in mid-month."

It was just early June, and according to the schedule, Arthur would be in Florida until August.

"Ha, is that true? This will be your first movie. Congratulations, Arthur!" Jennifer Aniston said and kissed Arthur passionately.

After their lips parted, Arthur asked, "So, what's your plan?"

"I'm planning to work at a 7-Eleven," Jennifer Aniston didn't have a better plan.

Arthur stroked Jennifer Aniston's hair, "Don't worry, many people have to wait a long time to land their first gig!"

"Arthur, I might have to go to New York. I talked to my dad today, and he suggested I go there to look for opportunities. He knows some people!"

Even though Jennifer Aniston's parents divorced a long time ago and she stayed with her mother, her relationship with her mother was terrible, while she got along well with her father!

"It's alright. I'll come visit you in New York," Arthur said, patting her shoulder,

"Let's celebrate tonight. I guess I've entered the entertainment world now."

"Okay," Jennifer Aniston kicked off her shoes and curled up into Arthur's embrace, "By the way, how's your 'American Pie' script coming along?"

"It's almost half done. I'll find time to finish it when I'm on set," Arthur said. It was his first time writing a screenplay, so he was being thorough but slow.

"Really? The script is very good," Jennifer Aniston kissed Arthur on the cheek and teased, "Are those your personal experiences?"

Jennifer Aniston had, of course, read the 'American Pie' script: a teen comedy full of raunchy jokes.

"Not at all," Arthur chuckled, "The material is based on student life, but I added some dirty jokes for comedic effect."

"Has your agent managed to secure any opportunities for you?"

"Not so fast. The chance with 'Edward Scissorhands' is quite good," Arthur shook his head, "As a newbie, I still need to submit more resumes myself. You can't expect too much from the agency; who knows how many young hopefuls they've signed?"

"Sigh, it's so hard for new faces to make it in Hollywood, too few opportunities!" Jennifer Aniston wrinkled her nose.

"Tell me about it. Every day, so many young people flock to Hollywood, all looking for a chance..."

