
Arthur Smith's Hollywood Odyssey

In the 1990s, the United States officially launched its strategy to globalize entertainment, leading to a flourishing film and television industry with Hollywood's influence spreading worldwide. Arthur Smith, who has mysteriously traveled through time, begins a glamorous journey through the world of European and American cinema. Unofficial translation of 美娛從1989年開始 by 顏可顏.

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460 Chs

Chapter 378: Lee Boo-Jin of Samsung

At the cocktail party, Arthur also bumped into Lee Mi-Kyung, an investor from DreamWorks, representing CJ Group!

However, Lee Mi-Kyung introduced a young woman about the same age to Arthur. "Mr. Smith, this is Lee Boo-Jin, the daughter of Samsung's Chairman. She just graduated from Yonsei University in South Korea this year and is now pursuing an MBA at MIT in the United States."

"Lee Boo-Jin?" Arthur took a glance. At 24 years old, she was indeed a year younger than Arthur and undoubtedly beautiful.

Of course, her identity was even more intriguing.

Lee Boo-Jin was Lee Mi-Kyung's cousin, but there was a significant age difference between them due to their fathers' age gap.

"Good evening, Mr. Smith. I heard MGM is planning to form a joint venture with CJ in South Korea to set up a film distribution company. It's bound to be successful!" Lee Boo-Jin spoke with confidence, reflecting her privileged background.

Arthur nodded. Currently, Lee Boo-Jin lacked the future aura she would possess, given that she had just graduated, despite often accompanying her father in handling Samsung business.

But she was still young and hadn't taken personal charge of any companies under Samsung yet!

"How about grabbing a drink together?" Arthur pointed to a nearby bar.

"It would be an honor," Lee Boo-Jin had long heard from Lee Mi-Kyung about Arthur Smith's reputation. From humble beginnings, he had risen to great heights.

In merely four or five years, he had become a major figure in Hollywood, reaching the peak of fame this year by acquiring MGM.

After getting to the bar, Arthur ordered two cocktails and started chatting with Lee Boo-Jin. He smiled, "Samsung's name is legendary in South Korea, alongside Hyundai and Daewoo, they're the engines of South Korea's economy."

At present, Hyundai was the largest conglomerate in South Korea, with Daewoo being the second, both primarily focused on the automotive industry.

Lee Boo-Jin took a sip of her drink. "I haven't been involved in much business at home. Once I get my MBA, I'll officially join Samsung!"

Samsung had just established Samsung Motors this year and was eager to get into car manufacturing, looking enviously at Hyundai and Daewoo Motors.

Arthur knew that Lee Boo-Jin was ambitious and not a spoiled rich second-generation. However, in South Korea, family-owned businesses usually passed everything to sons.

The successor of Samsung's chairman would be Lee Boo-Jin's elder brother, Lee Jae-Yong. The daughters, on the other hand, were often used for marriage alliances.

"South Korea has developed rapidly in recent years, putting national efforts into building giant companies. It's quite interesting!" Arthur knocked on the table with his fingers. "Besides Galaxy, I have many other industries. I'm quite interested in the consumer electronics industry. My RAM company also collaborates with Samsung Electronics."

Lee Boo-Jin nodded. "Mr. Smith, you are an idol to all young people. Galaxy Group is also very well-known!"

Arthur put down his glass. "The relationship between American capital and South Korean chaebols doesn't need much explanation. I plan to join the economic feast in East Asia.

The competition on Wall Street is intense. South Korea still needs local power to maintain it. Compared to Hyundai and Daewoo, Samsung is smaller, which suits me.

With your family situation, Lee Jae-Yong is the only successor. You daughters are merely for marriage alliances. Don't you want to change that?"

Lee Boo-Jin glanced at Arthur. She definitely wanted to change her fate if she could. Marrying into another chaebol would really lessen her connection to Samsung.

Thus, she would choose an ordinary person to marry.

"Mr. Smith, can you help me?" Lee Boo-Jin frowned.

Arthur pointed to his eyes, "The moment I saw you, I knew you were an ambitious person. I help you, you help me. Samsung Electronics launched a phone this year, right? Isn't it a total flop? And now Samsung wants to make cars? It's not that simple."

He smiled, "You're a member of the Lee family. You could represent me. But of course, I need to see your skills."

Lee Boo-Jin frowned. Samsung was developing well. Why would he think he could intervene?

Arthur casually lifted Lee Boo-Jin's chin with his finger and smiled, "You don't think a small country like South Korea developed this much on its own, do you?"

"Electronic chips, semiconductors, international finance - why do you think these sectors grew? Don't tell me you don't know. The chaebol economy in South Korea isn't determined by South Korea alone. It's us!"

Lee Boo-Jin understood. "Then, why not Hyundai and Daewoo?"

Arthur removed his finger. "Good question." He then raised one finger, "First, because the capitalists on Wall Street aren't easy to deal with. My resources aren't enough to handle too much.

Secondly, I'm very interested in Samsung Electronics, quite optimistic about it. Since you're studying for an MBA at MIT, I can get you a position at Fidelity Investments in Boston as an intern representing my California Pacific Investment Company.

After you graduate next year, you can directly join Samsung Electronics. Whether it's mobile phones or the newly launched VCD players, they're the focus of future electronic product development."

"The VCD?" Of course, Lee Boo-Jin knew about it. It was a product that could directly replace VCRs and tapes.

"Once I acquire a large share of Samsung Electronics, I'll fully support you climbing the ranks!"

Lee Boo-Jin wasn't fully convinced but could see the logic. The future of chaebols in South Korea wasn't determined by South Korea alone.

These were internal Wall Street competitions. Arthur Smith's rapid rise over the past few years suggested he would likely intervene in East Asia.

"I understand. When I return next year, I'll tell my father I want to join Samsung Electronics," Lee Boo-Jin said, knowing that Arthur Smith had no reason to deceive her given his status.

"Alright, if you have time, visit our RAM headquarters in Cambridge, Britain. Get more exposure. And if you're interested, The Ritz-Carlton plans to open a new five-star hotel in Seoul, South Korea. You could get involved."

You can't just make promises; you need to give them actual avenues for advancement.

"Samsung has a Shilla Hotel, but it's not doing well," Lee Boo-Jin reminded him.

"Are you interested?"

Lee Boo-Jin nodded.

"Then I'll have The Ritz-Carlton approach Samsung. We'll see if Samsung wants to sell it," Arthur didn't really care much about a hotel, as The Ritz-Carlton's expansion into South Korea was inevitable.

