
Arthur Smith's Hollywood Odyssey

In the 1990s, the United States officially launched its strategy to globalize entertainment, leading to a flourishing film and television industry with Hollywood's influence spreading worldwide. Arthur Smith, who has mysteriously traveled through time, begins a glamorous journey through the world of European and American cinema. Unofficial translation of 美娛從1989年開始 by 顏可顏.

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Chapter 225: Richard Curtis

Currently, ABC belongs to the Metropolitan Communications Group, NBC to General Electric, and CBS is now an independent listed group. Overall, CBS should be the easiest to acquire.

The size of Metropolitan/ABC is large, with extensive television operations. To take it over would require a lot of determination.

With NBC, you'd have to deal with General Electric's board of directors!

Arthur shook his head, thinking too much. It seemed that 20th Century Fox had already taken the lead. Next, they needed to increase the number of directly operated TV stations and cooperating local TV stations, then establish a few cable channels to create a competitive environment against the Big Three networks.

Suddenly, Catherine Zeta-Jones whispered beside Arthur, "Arthur, director Ridley Scott is coming over!"

Arthur, holding Catherine with one hand and a wine glass with the other, took a sip and smiled as he saw Ridley Scott walking straight toward him.

"Back from France?" Ridley Scott had previously filmed a French movie, 1492: Conquest of Paradise. Arthur had met him in France before the Cannes Film Festival.

"Yes, it's been a while since I returned. I went to Barcelona a few days ago and recently came back to the UK," Ridley Scott planned to take a break for a while now.

1492: Conquest of Paradise would be released in October this year, and after dealing with it, he planned to take a good rest.

"Really, why not stay a few more days? The Olympics should be quite nice," Arthur said, clinking glasses with Ridley Scott.

Ridley Scott shook his head, "Too many people there, so I just came back. By the way, there's a producer who wants to meet you. Do you have time?"

"Ah, yes," Arthur realized that someone had asked Ridley Scott to introduce them. He had to give him this face.

Soon, Ridley Scott brought over a man in his thirties, "This is Richard Curtis, a producer and writer. The BBC series Blackadder was led by him, and two years ago he wrote the fashion comedy series Mr. Bean for BBC!"

"Good evening, Mr. Smith," Richard Curtis took the initiative to shake hands with Arthur.

"Good evening, Richard!" Arthur knew that people looking for him were definitely seeking support. "Shall we sit over there and talk?"

Richard Curtis nodded with a smile and, after saying goodbye to Ridley Scott, led Arthur and his partner Catherine Zeta-Jones to the lounge area of the banquet hall.

Ridley Scott smiled, watching them leave, "Whether you can convince Galaxy Investments depends on the appeal of your script!"

Looking at Arthur Smith handling the situation so smoothly, it must happen frequently.

Once the three of them sat down in the sofa area, Richard Curtis started, "Mr. Smith, I have always been a TV comedy writer, and recently I've been working on a romantic comedy story that I want to make into a movie. I hope to get support from Galaxy!"

Richard Curtis, just a writer for a TV station, had no other connections despite knowing Ridley Scott.

"As expected," Arthur thought calmly, having already guessed it. Holding Catherine Zeta-Jones lightly, he asked with a smile, "What kind of story is it?"

"Charles is a frequent wedding guest who harbors doubts about marriage. Yet, at a country wedding, he is captivated by beautiful American girl Carrie.

Carrie is a attractive girl who enjoys rich men. After spending a night together, she leaves without a word, leaving Charles restless.

Then, at another wedding in London, Charles meets Carrie again, only to find out she is now engaged.

Charles attends Carrie's wedding and later meets her at his friend's funeral, where he confesses his feelings.

Months later, Charles also accepts girlfriend Hannah's feelings and agrees to marry her. But before Charles and Hannah's wedding, Carrie appears again..."

Arthur listened intently and realized it was indeed a romantic comedy story.

Richard Curtis continued, "The story mainly unfolds across four weddings and a funeral. The protagonists meet several times before finally accepting each other. The main themes are love and marriage!"

"Hmm," Arthur seemed to have heard something significant. Four weddings and a funeral, he thought seriously about Richard Curtis. "Is the script completed?"

"There's a draft. I can finish the full script very soon!"

Arthur nodded, "Your story sounds good. Galaxy is quite interested. However, you'll need to provide the completed script first. We'll decide after reviewing it."

Arthur was almost sure this movie was Four Weddings and a Funeral. He hadn't expected Ridley Scott's introduction would bring such a pleasant surprise.

Richard Curtis nodded, "Of course, I'll complete the script soon, and the story isn't complex with limited settings. The funding required isn't much either. We'll mainly shoot in the UK, and London has similar venues for various wedding scenes!"

"Fine, once the script is finished, it's best to have a proposal too. If everything's fine, Galaxy UK can directly develop it," Arthur supported low-budget rom-coms by nature. 

Filming in the UK would further compress the budget, and for an American girl as the female lead, finding an American star would be best!

"Okay," Richard Curtis was thrilled, realizing Arthur Smith was genuinely interested in his idea.

That night, in Catherine Zeta-Jones' apartment.

"Why didn't you inquire about Richard Curtis' project?" Arthur leaned over Catherine, smiling as he rubbed her voluptuous curves.

"Well, you already have plans," Catherine wrapped her arms around Arthur's neck. "I heard the story too. It needs an American girl, which isn't suitable for me. Besides, I'm already your woman. I'm sure you'll have other arrangements for me later!"

Arthur laughed, "Indeed, this modern rom-com isn't suitable for you. You fit those classical beauty roles with an exotic flair."

In fact, Winona Ryder was also well-suited for classical roles, though the two differed. Catherine Zeta-Jones exuded charm and allure, whereas Winona Ryder was simply pure and beautiful!

"Yes, I know," Catherine replied as she proactively kissed Arthur...

