
Episode 6

I have always thought that Sheng Boyu is a very easygoing and gentle person, but tonight I saw a side of him that is responsible and full of boyfriend material.

Actually, when I first got together with him, it was out of gratitude and also because of inner loneliness.

But now, watching him mercilessly silence Jiang Yu during their argument, I can feel my heart warming up more and more.

I think, maybe I have truly developed feelings for him.

As Jiang Yu left, as haughty as ever, he glanced at me and left with only one sentence: "I gave you a chance, but it's not what you wanted."

In the days that followed, Jiang Yu and I continued to work in the same office building, occasionally crossing paths in the elevator, where we both acted like strangers to each other.

Several months later, one night, Jiang Yu's friend called me: "Tang Ying, can you come and pick up Jiang Yu? He's had too much to drink, crying and calling out your name. If you don't come, he won't leave."

I was awakened by the phone call and hearing Jiang Yu's name made me furrow my brows even deeper: "Sorry, I'm very tired. Figure it out on your own."

Just as I was about to hang up, his friend suddenly started cursing: "How can you be so heartless? Jiang Yu likes you so much. I've never seen him like this for a woman, drinking himself into this state!"

I immediately hung up the phone.

How could others understand? I have liked Jiang Yu for ten years, and how did I get through those ten years?

Now, they say Jiang Yu likes me, it's simply the biggest joke in the world.

The next day when I went to work at the company, I heard some news about Jiang Yu.

Colleagues were discussing: "I heard that the Deputy General Manager Jiang upstairs was heartbroken over a woman last night and ended up in the hospital because he drank too much."

The colleague next to me asked, "You wouldn't happen to be the woman who made the guy upstairs heartbroken, would you?"

I shrugged slightly, "What do you think?"

My colleague smiled, "It's unlikely, if he liked you, he would have done so a long time ago, and it seems like you two haven't been in touch for a long time."

See, even my colleagues analyze our relationship so clearly.

Sheng Boyu bought a ring and carefully planned a proposal.

He said that although he wasn't of legal marriage age yet, we could get engaged first, and when he reached the legal age, we could get married. He said he wanted to keep me by his side for a lifetime.

I accepted his proposal, and our relationship moved from boyfriend and girlfriend to engaged.

Sheng Boyu also bought a car and often picked me up from work.

Coincidentally, one night when he couldn't come to pick me up due to some urgent matter, I met Jiang Yu, who was throwing cigarette butts on the ground, outside my building.

I always thought Jiang Yu was a very proud person, but that night, the Jiang Yu I saw looked haggard and defeated.

He came up to me, suddenly grabbing my wrist. His eyes, bloodshot, stared intently at the diamond ring on my ring finger.

"You're engaged?" A hint of shock passed through his dark eyes.

I replied calmly, "Yes."

He seemed to go mad all of a sudden, reaching out to take off my ring. I pushed him away and took a few steps back, saying, "Jiang Yu, look at yourself now!"

He continued to stare angrily at the ring on my finger, saying, "How long have you been with him? How could you agree to get engaged with him? The person you've liked for ten years is me, and you should be marrying me!"

As he spoke, he approached me, seeming almost possessed. In a moment of urgency, I raised my hand and slapped him hard, leaving a scratch on his face with the ring on my finger.

Though the scratch was shallow, it drew blood. However, that slap did bring some clarity to him.

Jiang Yu asked me, "What do I need to do for you to come back to me?"

I was still angry, speaking sharply, "Jiang Yu, face reality. We can't go back. No matter what you do, I can't like you again."

Once, I was fortunate enough to see him, usually so proud, crying in pain for Chen Xinxin.

Now, I saw him, for me, putting aside his pride.

He hugged me tightly, with great force, as if trying to merge me into his body.

Most men naturally have more strength than women, and with all his strength, I really couldn't break free.

He lowered his head, about to kiss me, and in my panic, I tried to avoid it. Suddenly, I threw a punch, fiercely striking his face.

Sheng Boyu pulled me aside, and before Jiang Yu could react, he went up and punched him hard.

In no time, they started fighting, and I hurriedly held Sheng Boyu back, "Stop, I'm fine."

He breathed heavily and stared fiercely at Jiang Yu, while Jiang Yu looked like a defeated dog, his face filled with a self-mocking smile.

At that moment, he already knew clearly that it was over between us.

After the new year, Jiang Yu was transferred to work at the headquarters in Hong Kong.

Before he left, he had someone send me something.

It was a very beautiful diamond necklace, and there was also a greeting card in the gift box.

In the new year, my lease was also up, and Sheng Boyu helped me pack up and move. During the move, he saw the necklace.

He picked up the necklace and looked at it for a few moments, then picked up the greeting card beside it and opened it. After reading it, he immediately sneered, "What a wedding gift, clearly he just wants you to remember him..."

He then pretended to casually say to me, "This necklace looks quite valuable, but it doesn't really suit your style."

I couldn't help but laugh, "I know what you're thinking. I contacted a charity organization yesterday and plan to donate this necklace."

Sheng Boyu came over and hugged me, "Where else can I find a wife who doesn't make her husband worry? I must have saved the Milky Way in my past life to meet you."

I leaned against his chest, listening to his warm heartbeat, and I smiled.

I thought to myself, it was actually me who saved the Milky Way in my past life.