
Episode 5

After Sheng Baiyu and I got together, he would often show up at my company building around the time I got off work. Almost all my colleagues knew that I was in a relationship, and that it was a relationship between an older woman and a younger man.

One morning, as soon as I arrived at the office, a colleague sitting nearby teased me, saying, "Does the person upstairs know about your relationship?"

I asked, "What's the matter?"

The colleague continued, "The person upstairs is back from the business trip. When I came to the office today, I happened to be in the elevator with him. He's usually very aloof and doesn't like to talk to us, but surprisingly, he greeted me today and even asked about your situation at the company."

The colleague informed Jiang Yu about my relationship. According to the colleague, Jiang Yu's expression darkened upon hearing the news.

Upon hearing this, I just shrugged indifferently and smiled it off.

After Jiang Yu returned, he never came to see me, which, for me, was also a good thing.

About three days later, as soon as I arrived at the company, I heard that there had been changes in the personnel on the 22nd floor of the company upstairs.

Jiang Yu had been on a business trip for almost half a month and had secured a particularly important order for the company. This order directly affected his promotion, and now he had been promoted from Director of Planning to Vice President of the company.

Jiang Yu's work ability had always been very strong, which I had known from the beginning. However, his rapid promotion truly exceeded my expectations.

During lunch break, Jiang Yu came to find me.

He said, "Sorry, I've been busy with work these past few days and didn't come to see you."

I calmly replied, "It's only natural, and you didn't need to come find me."

Jiang Yu smiled knowingly and said, "It's been a while, you must have calmed down by now. You deleted all my contact information, can you add it back now?"

I looked at him in disbelief. The tone of his words exuded great confidence.

I couldn't help but chuckle, "Do you think that the video I posted in the alumni group before was just a joke with you?"

Jiang Yu said, "I know you were angry, but your anger should have a time limit. It's been so long, do you really want to stop being friends with me just because of that incident?"

I couldn't believe my ears. He still thought that I was just angry, and that after I calmed down, I would continue to follow him and like him as before?

Just then, my phone rang. It was from Sheng Baiyu.

I answered his call, and my eyes softened involuntarily.

Sheng Baiyu smiled and said on the phone, "I've received a huge sum from selling my songs. Let's celebrate tonight, what do you want to eat? My treat!"

I smiled and said, "Sure, let me think about it. I'll text you once I decide."

After hanging up the phone, I looked up and met Jiang Yu's cold, dark eyes.

He asked coldly, "Are you really with him?"

I looked at him indifferently and said, "So what if I am?"

Jiang Yu sneered mockingly, "Wake up, he's so much younger than you. Are you planning to raise a child?"

"I'm willing to. What's it to you?" I retorted and then turned and walked away.

That evening, when Sheng Baiyu escorted me back home, it was already 10 o'clock at night.

It was only after we were together that I found out Sheng Baiyu's parents had bought him a house in Shenzhen long ago, and he had lied to me initially, pretending to be a poor student without a place to stay, just to smoothly move into my house, taking advantage of the situation.

As for the so-called forgetting the time when Yaoyao came to Shenzhen, it was all part of the act he and Sheng Baiyu were playing.

We walked hand in hand to the entrance of my building. When we were about to say goodbye, he naturally cupped my face and kissed me.

Suddenly, we heard a cold and accusing voice in our ears, "What are you two doing?"

Jiang Yu's eyes scanned Sheng Baiyu's face with a dark look, sneered coldly, and then turned to look at me beside him.

"Tang Ying, come over here now, and I can overlook the past," he said sternly, his gaze fixed on me.

I couldn't help but laugh at his words, "Jiang Yu, under what authority do you overlook the past for me?"

His tone remained haughty, "Before I left on the business trip, I told you to wait for me to return. Now that I'm back, I'm here to give you an explanation."

He paused and then said, "I've broken up with Xinxin, let's be together."

The fact that he broke up with Chen Xinxin shocked me.

I had pursued him for ten years, only to know that Chen Xinxin was the only person he couldn't forget.

I remembered the day of our graduation ceremony in senior year. Jiang Yu had prepared to confess to Chen Xinxin, but she was confessed to by a famous rich second-generation student in the school, and they got together.

That night, I accompanied Jiang Yu, drank until he was drunk, watched him shed tears for Chen Xinxin, and saw him heartbroken. It was then I realized that the cold-hearted him could also love someone deeply.

That was why, when I found out that he was with Chen Xinxin, I completely gave up.

But when I came back to my senses, I saw Sheng Baiyu next to me, with a slight smile on his lips and a shadowy smile in his eyes.

He looked at Jiang Yu with a disagreeable tone and said, "Mr. Jiang, are you dreaming in broad daylight? Are you trying to undermine me in front of me, thinking I have no temper?"

Jiang Yu snorted coldly, "You, a recent college graduate, can you provide her with a stable life? Or are you hoping she'll support you?"

Sheng Baiyu tightened his grip on my hand, a hint of mischief in the corner of his raised lips.

"Mr. Jiang, have you investigated me? Of course, I admit, my annual income is not high, maybe one or two million, but I have a house in Shenzhen, and I plan to buy a nice car soon. I can't promise Tang Ying a lavish life, but providing her with a stable life shouldn't be a problem, right?"

I was stunned for a moment and asked Sheng Baiyu, "Are you kidding? Can you really earn that much in a year?"

Sheng Baiyu smiled, "I'm not kidding. I made money selling songs during college, opened a studio, and the studio has been profitable in recent years."

Sheng Baiyu paused, glanced at Jiang Yu, and continued, "Even though I rejected the contract from the company to train new talents and form a boy band in Beijing this time, I signed another contract with the company as a designated composer. My income this year should theoretically double compared to last year."

With each word Sheng Baiyu spoke, Jiang Yu's expression darkened.

After Sheng Baiyu finished speaking, he provocatively looked at Jiang Yu and asked with a smile, "I wonder what Mr. Jiang's annual income is? Are you so confident that you can provide Tang Ying with a stable life?"

Jiang Yu furrowed his brow, looking somewhat embarrassed. After a moment, he smiled again, "You are young and inexperienced..."

Before Jiang Yu could finish his sentence, Sheng Baiyu interrupted him, "I have liked her for five years. I am very determined. If it weren't for me not reaching the legal marriage age yet, I would marry her right away."