
arrange married wangxian

This is my first wangxian FF . The idea and story is all mine . If you are like me who loves yizhan and wangxian then this fiction is for you guys. This is an arranged marriage wangxian ff if you like it add it in your reading list. The story starts when yungmeng jiang clan and Gusu lan clan engaged a arranged marriage between their sons , Wei wuxian and lan wangji. Two person like stranger live under the same roof and continued to live together but Wei , who is unaware of lan zhan's true feelings has already decided to break free from this marriage but end up falling in love with him. will they able to confess their feelings ? or Wei will continue to find ways of getting rid of this marriage and his husband ? but like every other story there is always an evil person who comes in between the main character's love story and in their life there are many. The story contain love , hatred, revenge, drama, romance .. यह मेरा पहला वैंग्ज़ियान एफएफ है विचार और कहानी सब मेरी है यदि आप मेरे जैसे हैं जो यिज़ान और वांग्ज़ियान से प्यार करते हैं तो यह कल्पना आप लोगों के लिए है यह एक व्यवस्थित विवाह वैंग्ज़ियान एफएफ है यदि आप इसे पसंद करते हैं तो इसे अपनी पठन सूची में जोड़ें कहानी तब शुरू होता है जब युंगमेंग जियांग कबीले और गुसु लैन कबीले ने अपने बेटों वेई वूक्सियन और लैन वांगजी के बीच एक अरेंज मैरिज की। अजनबी जैसे दो व्यक्ति एक ही छत के नीचे रहते हैं और साथ रहना जारी रखते हैं लेकिन वेई जो लैन ज़ान की सच्ची भावनाओं से अनजान हैं, उन्होंने पहले ही टूटने का फैसला कर लिया इस शादी से मुक्त लेकिन अंत में उससे प्यार हो जाता है, क्या वे अपनी भावनाओं को कबूल कर पाएंगे? या वेई इस शादी और अपने पति से छुटकारा पाने के तरीके ढूंढते रहेंगे? लेकिन हर दूसरी कहानी की तरह हमेशा एक दुष्ट व्यक्ति होता है जो मुख्य पात्र की प्रेम कहानी के बीच में आता है और उनके जीवन में कई कहानी होती है जिसमें प्रेम घृणा प्रतिशोध नाटक रोमांस होता है।

kimsimin555 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
29 Chs

chapter 19_silly

Wei Ying is in his room keeping his belonging inside but then end up day dreaming about yesterday's incident, when he kissed lan Wangji on cheeks though it wasn't intentionally and he immediately apologize but that embarrassing situation he had in is now stuck on his brain and he can't help himself from thinking about the incident again and again.

He clearly remember the scene, their expressions and the junior's reaction. He remembers lan Wangji's unexplainable reaction, it's obvious as he can't read lan Zhan . Thinking about the incident he was reminded of how close they were that time that they can feel each other's breathes

on their faces, listen to each other's throbbing hearts. Being that close wei Ying noticed all the beautiful features of lan Zhan which he don't know if others are able to look at it so closely. wei ying was again left to admire it. Then his accidental kiss on lan Zhan's soft cheeks.



At this point he touched his own lips thinking of those sweet candy like cheeks his lips touched. He is sure lan Zhan must have cursed him internally for that. but he still can't help himself from thinking about the incident.His lips hadn't felt or something so soft and sweet before. If the cheeks is that soft and sweet then how soft the lips must be... he daydreams while unknowingly smiling.

Wang lingjiao who was putting wei Ying's belongings in his wardrobe look at him with an frown and confuse expression as to why the latter is smiling so silly.

"Wei gongzi, you look so happy .what are you smiling for? " wang lingjiao said making wei Ying to come back to this world, out of his dreamland.

"huh? nothing "wei Ying shook his head. how can he think about such things and that too about the righteous Hanguang jun. It's a sin !

"what are you doing here?" Wei Ying asked her when he found her presence.

11 what am I doing? huh? arranging your wardrobe. " she said slightly surprise by the sudden question. she continued doing her work.

11 why? who told you ? " Wei Ying asked while thinking when did he gave told anything like that?

you yourself told me that you need help " wang lingjiao said shaking her head in disbelief. He himself told her to help him and from the past forty minutes she is cleaning the mess and is keeping wei Ying's stuff in this room, actually she doing the work while wei Ying now he acting like he don't know. what is happening is he gine mad? or is he suffering from memory loss?

"No no leave it. I will do it myself later." wei Ying said taking his stiff from her hand.

"okay as you say. It's already lunch time. Do you want to have your lunch now?"

"hmm "wei Ying said

wang lingjiao left what she was doing earlier. she was going to kitchen to bring the lunch when Wei Ying stopped her.

"lady wang .. do you know where is lan Zhan ? " scratching his nape wei ying asked while smiling silly

Must be with old master lan. Why ask?" wang lingjiao answered and questioned.

no nothing "wei Ying said.

Did your Hanguang jun had his lunch? " Wei Ying asked her.

"I don't know. Most of the time he eat with old master lan when discussing on clan matters " she said after thinking.

Wei Ying give her an 'o' expression but the slightest sadness was visible on his face thinking of the possibility of lan zhan having his lunch without him. If lan Zhan really had his lunch according to wang lingjiao then this will the first time Wei Ying would eat without lan Zhan giving him company.

For the past one few weeks, since he came here lan zhan had made him get used to his company. Like in Yunmeng he enjoys his shijie's company here he likes lan zhan's company. If talk about jiang cheng " the farer the better " as jiang Cheng always glare him whenever he complain that the dishes are not matching to his taste.

" leave it I m not hungry." Wei Ying said to wang lingjiao, who nodded while taking her leave.

Just then lan Zhan entered with a tray of food .wei Ying's eyes light looking at lan Zhan since yesterday,the day of the library pavilion incident he hadn't see lan Zhan and now lan zhan is standing infront of him with a tray of food which is obviously for Wei ying.

'how caring! I m really very lucky to have friend with him 'wei Ying said to his inner self and smile but gulped when he saw lan zhan's left side of cheek and again yesterday's flashback played on his mind making him to swallow his dry saliva.

Wang lingjiao greeted him and lan Zhan slightly nod.

"Aww lan Zhan you are so good .I was starving to death .glad that you came on time. "wei Ying said making wang lingjiao to roll her eyes, standing at the back when did the latter was starving to death? he himself told he wasn't hungry a moment ago ? Now lan Wangji will think she didn't gave him food or is not taking good care of his master as she was instructed to,she thought and sighed.

lan zhan kept the dishes on the table along with two bowls, one for Wei Ying and the other for himself. Wei Ying look at him confusingly and asked,

"Two bowls? lan zhan,didn't you already had your lunch with old master lan ? "

No " lan Zhan replied placing the chopsticks on the table.

Wei Ying smirked and immediately turned to look at wang lingjiao. He smiled looking at her. god knows what he is smiling for that lan Zhan didn't ate with anyone else ?or lan Zhan is eating with him ? actually both.

wang lingjiao left the couple (cough) I mean friends for now alone to eat.

"lan Zhan, do you have work after this ? are you free? " Wei Ying asked while eating his food. The cloud Recesses food still sucks but it's not that bad he had experienced first time but he will never get used to it.

"hmm" lan Zhan replied.

"good,then help me to place my stuff inside "wei Ying said.

Now he never ask for something he just say what he wants from lan zhan.maybe because the way la Zhan treat him, do whatever the younger ask for made a sense of assurance in him.

lan Zhan it's too big "

" no..it will not fit inside...take it out ..slow... no no not like that.. twist it and then take it out.. be gentle ..ahhh you are hurting "

"you are hurting it lan Zhan (sigh) finally.wooh "wei Ying said taking the bowl from lan Zhan

11 it's not the way you should take it out wei Ying said hugging his bowl.

"what if it would have break?" Wei Ying said he was crying out a bowl? a non living thing? and even accusing lan zhan of hurting a bowl? seriously?

why keeping this ?" lan Zhan asked.

It was an obvious question. first Wei ying told him to keep the bowl inside the drawer but then the bowl is big to fit inside. Lan Zhan somehow manage to keep the bowl inside according to the younger's wish but then wei Ying said to take it out he will keep it inside the wardrobe.

"This bowl is very important ..this is jiang cheng's favourite bowl.He will kill me if it break. He actually don't know I bring it here . haha "

"hey lan Zhan, don't look at me like that .I didn't steal it .I just borrowed it from him without him knowing ... Imagine him going crazy over this silly bowl hehe ..fine fine I will return it to him "wei Ying said giggling while imagining grumpy jiang cheng but misunderstood lan Zhan's glaring.

The fact is,lan zhan hated when Wei Ying said that 'jiang cheng will kill him..' and the glaring were directed to this.

In this world, as long as lan zhan is alive he will make sure noone NOONE lay their bad eyes on his wei Ying let alone kill him .His bichen will unseathe and will only return back to his master after killing every soul who have this thought.

'In this world, as long as lan zhan is breathing noone can lay their hands on his wei Ying "

okay now I will keep it in the wardrobe ..lan Zhan see if there anything that is left to keep inside "wei Ying said keeping a bundle of

books amd scrolls inside while he was keeping a book fell down near lan Zhan.

" lan zhan pass me that book." Wei 11 Ying said

"hmm " lan Zhan said and bend down to pick up the book .wei Ying smirked when lan zhan picked the book and opened it and then he immediately closed it .His face turned deep red including his ear and neck.

Indeed it was a pornography book.

"lan Zhan did you just opened pffttt hahaha" wei Ying laughed he intentionally let the book fall down and made lan Zhan picked it up.

Wei Ying laugh his ass off while lan zhan fume in anger and embarrassment. lan Zhan steady his racing heart and laboured breath.

why..keep?" lan Zhan wasn't able to compose a word. He just can't speak such words.

ofcourse to pleasure myself" wei Ying shamelessly admitted.

Wei Ying you are really something

To be stories by mei mei continued..

Ignore my silly mistake. I don't own another update.

love love !

your kind author, mei mei

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