
arrange married wangxian

This is my first wangxian FF . The idea and story is all mine . If you are like me who loves yizhan and wangxian then this fiction is for you guys. This is an arranged marriage wangxian ff if you like it add it in your reading list. The story starts when yungmeng jiang clan and Gusu lan clan engaged a arranged marriage between their sons , Wei wuxian and lan wangji. Two person like stranger live under the same roof and continued to live together but Wei , who is unaware of lan zhan's true feelings has already decided to break free from this marriage but end up falling in love with him. will they able to confess their feelings ? or Wei will continue to find ways of getting rid of this marriage and his husband ? but like every other story there is always an evil person who comes in between the main character's love story and in their life there are many. The story contain love , hatred, revenge, drama, romance .. यह मेरा पहला वैंग्ज़ियान एफएफ है विचार और कहानी सब मेरी है यदि आप मेरे जैसे हैं जो यिज़ान और वांग्ज़ियान से प्यार करते हैं तो यह कल्पना आप लोगों के लिए है यह एक व्यवस्थित विवाह वैंग्ज़ियान एफएफ है यदि आप इसे पसंद करते हैं तो इसे अपनी पठन सूची में जोड़ें कहानी तब शुरू होता है जब युंगमेंग जियांग कबीले और गुसु लैन कबीले ने अपने बेटों वेई वूक्सियन और लैन वांगजी के बीच एक अरेंज मैरिज की। अजनबी जैसे दो व्यक्ति एक ही छत के नीचे रहते हैं और साथ रहना जारी रखते हैं लेकिन वेई जो लैन ज़ान की सच्ची भावनाओं से अनजान हैं, उन्होंने पहले ही टूटने का फैसला कर लिया इस शादी से मुक्त लेकिन अंत में उससे प्यार हो जाता है, क्या वे अपनी भावनाओं को कबूल कर पाएंगे? या वेई इस शादी और अपने पति से छुटकारा पाने के तरीके ढूंढते रहेंगे? लेकिन हर दूसरी कहानी की तरह हमेशा एक दुष्ट व्यक्ति होता है जो मुख्य पात्र की प्रेम कहानी के बीच में आता है और उनके जीवन में कई कहानी होती है जिसमें प्रेम घृणा प्रतिशोध नाटक रोमांस होता है।

kimsimin555 · Fantasy
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29 Chs

chapter 17 I adore your Hanguang jun

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Wei Ying walked inside this dense forest with the rest of the lan juniors .They weren't alone in this forest many other cultivators came here for night hunting tonight as this forest is filled with many mountains monsters. Wei Ying was especially glad that he joined them tonight by this he is able to know about them more .Wei Ying thought of introducing himself to the lan discipline since he saw many unfamiliar face which is obvious as he only know A yuan and his best friend,lan jinyi who visited him in Yunmeng except them all others are the faces he hasn't seen before but it's seems like the juniors already know him.

Wei Ying felt proud of himself when all of them said they know him already. The way they are respecting me I should have know that they already know me. oh I m not surprise.. I m becoming more and more popular among youth (smiling to himself )...well why not show them some of my cool moves .They already look very impressed maybe they can help me escape from that cage 'wei ying thought while scratching the tip if his nose with his index finger. yeah they know him afterall he is wei wuxian, The great.

Wei Ying enjoyed the way they were respecting him like an elder and giving him the attention he want. The juniors are well discipline student who are admire for this.

Wei Ying can't help but to think of how jiang cheng and jin ling his nephew. He rolled his eyes thinking of how they were treating him he can't expect from jiang cheng and his stubborn nephew both of them only knows how to sulk and yell at the poor wei Ying. He sighed think of how he is respect here and then he is a piece of garbage infront of his brother.

After the hunt they all were really exhausted it was like all their energy drained in this one hunt. Now they know why wei Ying is known as one of the most strongest cultivator . The things they saw this night is a very little of what he is actually capable of.

"This forest is quite good and wr encountered with many one leg monsters here, six leg spiders and one arm ghosts'

"Next time I will bring jin ling with me. There's a lot of dangerous creature to deal with. He can learn how to deal with one of such if he join us next time" wei Ying said and the rest nodded.

only lan jinyi was the one to roll his eyes, "eerrh that cry baby? is senior wei joking how can that cry baby will able to deal with those dangerous mysterious creatures. He will faint just by looking at them " lan jinyi whispered to lan sizhui who squeezed his hand a little and said

"Talking behind people's back is bad".

As they were going by the forest wei Ying present the idea of having a late night dinner here. They juniors first refused saying it's late but then wei what's the point of coming here that's his actual mission!! He's already fed up from those bland food of cloud Recesses which can't satisfy his hunger.

ahh i want something better now. If that food continues going inside my poor stomach then I m sure either my tastebuds or my intestines will soon commit suicide'.

He thought of something convince them and smirked thinking of something.

"fine if you guys don't want to take me somewhere to eat them I'll not go .even if my stomach is telling me I may die from hunger. It's okay if you all want to starve me to death .A yuan if I die take my corpse to your hanguang jun and ask him to bury my dead corpse in the land of yunmeng and also tell him that he is a great man. I adore him for taking care of me."



Drama queen! (≥ V ≤)

Wei Ying used his charm saying how they might get scolded or the worst may get punished if their hanguang jun found out about this.

After the mention of hanguang jun they didn't dare to refuse wei Ying's request. They're went to a nearby resturant as they were already in caiyi town for tonight night hunt the decided to take wei ying to one of the famous restaurant of here, Hunan resturant. The one which is very famous for its delicious food and then he got his most awaited drink, emperor smile.

The restaurant owner's face light up from the sight to meet so many customers at this late night and every one looks rich by their apperance. He invited them inside, give them seats, served them water and ask what they will like to eat ?

Wei ying ordered almost every spices

dishes from the menu, especially 2 jars of emperor smile. while waiting for long order he already finished the first jar. He took one bite from the spicy chicken dish and trust him he felt like he is in heaven.

Finally he is able to eat the dish. He can do anything to have this daily

The dish was quite spicy, many juniors felt their tongue got burnt from this spicy dish. They aren't used to these dishes what can you expect with the strict diet if cloud Recesses. Lan jinyi being the chicken lover enjoy the senior's treat. He is familiar with this spiciness as he sometimes skip class and secretly ates these dishes.

Though the dishes was spicy but it still can't compare to what he ates in Yunmeng. Yunmeng people have a high tolerance to spicy dishes and so wei Ying had to add another spoon of chilli flakes to match his taste.

After the late dinner wei Ying looked very satisfy and pleased. He paid the bill for the juniors. The restaurant's owner was especially glad because of the high tip he got from wei Ying. They thanked him and ask him to visit them again.

After the satisfying dinner at Hunan resturant they went back to cloud Recesses.

Wei Ying immediately went to sleep afterall he is tried after the hunt and then the dinner. He needed sleep and was especially glad that he didn't heard any knocks on the door to disturb him. when he woke up it was already afternoon. Again after killing his taste buds from that tasteless food.He waited for the night to again enjoy that spicy dishes. He is very thankful to hanguang jun

(a very) slight smut from here 18

somewhere in a inn

"You are late " The person wearing a black robe said on hearing someone's approaching Footsteps and sensing the presence of someone. He wasn't bothered to look at the man to confirm his presence as he is too busy in filling his liquor cup.

All these time he was standing back facing the next person ,who just arrived.The man replied,

hmm got stuck in some work "

"It's okay " The black robe man now turned to the latter putting one of his hand on the latter's neck and said. He took a sip of liquor from the cup, before placing the cup on the table nearby.

"You look good on this black colour really suites you "

That man compliment while watching him like he was looking at a fine piece of art .The black robe man chuckled curving the corner of his lip he said,

"I look good in every colour but this specific colour, black I like it very much. "The black robe man said putting his arms around the man's neck after examining the latter mood he asked,

"You look a bit grumpy today tell me what happened?"

The man looks a bit hesitant to say worried that the black robe man may get angry but upon thinking twice he decided to finally say it,

11 Why are we hiding our relationship my love? why can't we let others know about us?... I want others to know about us about 'you' and 'me' " The man asked,his eyes demanded a specific answer that can convince him in hiding their relationship.

'we have already talked about it 11 and you agreed " The black robe man said and the man looked a bit disappointed.

but why can't we? why can't we announce our relationship publicly what is there to hide from others. You know how much I want others to know about us. let me show other's how much I love you ...aaah " The man said cupping the black robe man's face but paused when all of a sudden that black robe man crashed his lips on his he moved his lips to synchronise the black robe man but the man hissed when the latter bite him on his lips so hard leaving a bruise on it.

"I have told you so many times don't talk about other's infront of me. I think we have talk enough on this particular topic."

The man hissed in pain and licked his bruise lips where the black robe man had bite him just a second ago.

That black robe man drank a mouth full of liquor and then took the man's lips on his .

The latter was taken aback from sudden kiss as he was too engross in looking at the black robe man with a questioning look but soon he started returning the kiss with so much passion, putting all his love in that kiss, showing how much he love him. They kissed each other and the black robe man transferred the liquid to latter's mouth

Some liquors fell from the corners of their lips to down to their neck which they didn't care at all. All they did was to suck the taste of liquor from each other's lips while their tongue battled among themselves .After a long hot session of kiss the black robe man broke the kiss.

"looks like your body can't deny my touch huh? Except for talking.. why don't we go for a good hot round ?" palming the latter's clothed erection the black robe man whispered those words seductively then licked his ear making the man more turned on.

The man started touching the black robe man sensually all over his body especially his waist while looking at him with eyes filled with lust. They started stripping each other's clothes while kissing each other aggressively and rubbing their clothed erections together.

"Mnn...nrggh..mmnn. " biting their bruised lips they moaned on each other's sensual touches.

The dark room filled with their loud moans and flirty talks while doing the sinful act. They didn't care if they were loud or were actually disturbing others who were staying in that inn. All they care was to feel each other in their body. They went for two rounds.

11 you are going already?" The man asked to the black robe man who came out of bathroom well dressed in his earlier robes while he was sitting on bed naked.

"Hmm have to go. it's already late." The black robe man said while checking himself in the mirror.

The naked man on the bed felt like crying looking at the black robe man who left without even sparing him a glance .Th black robe man didn't even look at the latter or said a word of goodbye before leaving. The man sitting on the bed naked questioned himself,

"Do you feel shame calling me your lover? then why can't you let others know about us? or do you even love me ? "

To be stories by mei me continued..

who are they? author you are really cruel! why suspense ?

who are they? author you are really cruel! why suspense ? hahaha

I miss lan Zhan's presence. (pout) This is what you all must be thinking so here's

sorry for this boring smut chapter actually I didn't want to explain their smut in details as I don't get excited for others except wangxian and Yizhan (sigh) why am I like this ?!

Don't worry I have been working on wangxian smut chapters and putting efforts on it. I will try not to disappoint you but let say it don't expect high .I m afraid I wouldn't able to come up to your expectations.

love love muah !!!

your innocent writer,

mei mei

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