
Army of the dead

divine_adomi · Fantasy
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34 Chs

CHAPTER 6 : Ride with me

 " You look beautiful " he said and her heart skipped a beat " but you can never be too sure of my answer until you see for yourself " prince Rian said and stretched his hands. Suddenly, a mirror came into being . " look into the mirror, what do you see? " 

 " My reflection " 

 " Just that ? " he asked 

 " And the red rose "

 " You so much focused on the thing that popped up first but what about the statue of the eagle on the wall, or the flower vase . The reflection of those things are also in the mirror, can you tell me why you were unable to see them? "

Prince Rian asked with a brow raised 

 " I focused on my reflection " Lily answered 

 " Exactly, you focused on the rumour you've heard without caring to know about the other things. Ashty does not practice dark magic , instead we are the guardians that protect this dark magic from unleashing itself into the world. " and immediately he said that, the mirror shattered and disappeared into thin air. 

 " I'm sorry, I'm confused. This is a lot to take in " Lily uttered , completely confused. Dark magic? Guardians?, it was all confusing .

 " You have an eternity to understand, take your time . And for the record, only the men of royal descent have these powers. The women are just blessed with unusual strength and speed " he said and resumed walking 

 Lily stared at the back of his head and his broad shoulders. He seemed like a gentleman. Perhaps, she was too quick to make decisions but she was certain of this one. He seemed like a man who would not hurt her or make her feel inferior . She smiled then she remembered what transpired between him and his brothers. Were they always like that? , or was there something in particular that is causing their strife?. There was only one way to find out, and that was to ask the man in question. 

 " Your highness " she called and ran after him. It was unladylike to run, but she didn't care. She needed answers and if she was going to wed this man, the least she could do was to know all and everything about him. Rian turned around only to see Lily running towards him at high speed. She smiled when she was close and at that instant, the world stood still . It was the most beautiful smile he had ever seen. If there was one thing he was grateful to his father for, it was giving him this woman as his wife . She had amused him by fainting in the hall on their wedding day . He had volunteered to help her change that night because he wanted to see her on a close range and lord she was beautiful!. That night, he had stayed awake to watch her sleep , removing every stray strand of hair from her face and listening to her steady breathing. When he saw her today, she was looking beautiful, absolutely gorgeous. He knew somewhere that he was slowly falling for her , but he really did not want to admit it. It intrigued him further, he wanted to know who this little woman was, this little woman that managed to leave a huge impact on him .

 " Your highness, with your permission . I would like to ask you something "

 " Let's go then " he said and stretched his hands 

 " To where? " 

 " Ride with me " he offered and when she took his hands, he teleported to the stables . Lily looked around her in awe 

 " How did you do that? " she asked surprised 

 " It's amazing how magic can get you anywhere you wish to be " Rian smiled 

 " Your highness " the stables man bowed deeply " how may I be of your assistance? "

 " Where is Falcon? " Rian asked 

 " He is at the back, milord "

 " Bring him " Rian ordered and the stables man bowed 

 " Who is Falcon ? " Lily asked thinking he was prince Rian's toughest guard . She stopped abruptly when she heard a horse neigh. " Good heavens! " she exclaimed, the horse was huge, it was twice the size of a regular horse and it was almost as tall as prince Rian. 

 " Falcon's my horse " he said rubbing its ear " Do you want to touch it? " he asked her and she nodded slowly. He gave her some space. Lily stood in front of the horse shivering. The horse looked tough and it scared her. She closed her eyes and stretched out her hands but as she was about to touch it's face, she heard the horse neigh . Frightened, she took several steps back. 

 " He likes you " Rian smiled