
Jurassic P-Ark

I woke up to the glaring rays of the sun, and went to cover my eyes, when I saw something imbedded in my arm. I turned my arm over quickly, and was slack jawed as this was supposed to be from a slightly scary, funny, and very hard survival game. With Dinosaurs. I really hope this is a dream.... {There will be a lot of Jurrassic Park and Jurrassic World references intermingled with this. Especially Rexy, Blue, and a few others You have been Warned}

SpedaHooves · Video Games
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14 Chs

Ch. 10 - Tiny

<p>[Warning: Contains mentions, depictions, and blatantly spoken about Gore with several creatures, and Death. You have been warned]<br/>=============================<br/> I rushed forward beside the fellow Raptor Pack, my own girls closed around me in a protective formation. The moment Tiny came into the clearing, I instantly halted, yelling freeze, as my fire accumulated in my blade.<br/><br/> For some reason, the sky darkened, which caused everything to become dark around me, aside from my building flame beam, slowly sharpening into its own blade around the blade I was holding, when Tiny took another step forward.<br/><br/> "RAAAAAOOOOOORRRR!!!!!", the Rex literally roared out at me, as I was the only thing with movement occurring.<br/><br/> "Yeah, yeah, you can see me. Girls, go back and grab the egg that's with Trixie. And please, hurry.", I say, sending a determined look at my closest, Blue. She, and her sisters nodded reluctantly, and took off behind me so Tiny couldn't see it happen.<br/><br/> Tiny stomped forward, while I slashed upwards with my blade, but it proved to be nearly useless, except for shallow cuts. I nearly got ripped in half when trying to back away.<br/><br/> "Gahhhh!", I yelped, as one of my feet did get caught in Tiny's jaws, where I screamed out in pain as he chomped down, severing my foot from my body.<br/><br/> "Daddy, I'm here!!!", Blue yells, rushing in front of me to protect me, while I grunted out a reply in pain. Charlie was the next to arrive, the dormant Raptor egg in her claws.<br/><br/> "B... Back away for now, girls! We need to let the older Raptors take control.", I said, attempting to stand with the help of my sword, quickly backing into the brush, where my Raptor girls followed.<br/><br/> I then sat down in the safety of the brush, reaching out for the egg, as Charlie got closer. The moment my hands graced the surface of the egg, it glowed brightly, and I shielded my eyes from it.<br/><br/> "U.. Ugh...!!", I grunted out, and soon after the light died down, I raised my eyes. In front of me was a larger raptor. It was midnight black, with a bright yellow streak along the sides. This... was an Indoraptor.<br/><br/> The Indoraptor stirred awake, red eyes meeting blue. She was huge compared to the girls, but that's exactly what we needed. She seemed to understand my intent, almost like she could read my mind.<br/><br/> "That's cause I can, Master. No need to say no more, hop on my back. We've got a Rex to slay.", she said. Shocked, I couldn't say anything in response, but I nodded, hopping on, struggling with my now missing foot.<br/><br/> She sped out of the bush, jumping onto Tiny's back, biting into his neck. I looked, distraught at the family of Raptors now lying dead, body parts spread around the clearing. But there was no time to ponder.<br/><br/> "Tiny, you're gonna fuckin pay!", I yelled, slamming my blade deep into the Rex's neck, however that barely slowed him down enough to grunt.<br/><br/> "Stupid... thing! No call me Tiny!!!", the Rex roared out, stomping the ground, cracking it. But I held on. Slowly, as Tiny moved erratically, my blade began to slice further, deeper, and farther into the bastards neck.<br/><br/> Blue, Indy, Delta, Charlie, and Echo fought violently, ripping into Tiny's body. They were getting the Revenge that they desired for their family. Talonfang fought just as hard, furious at the Rex for killing half of her pack in a short duration.<br/><br/> The moment that Tiny's eyes widened with fear, is the moment that I saw victory, ripping my half broken blade out of his neck, then slamming it deep into his eye, and therefore, into his brain, instantly killing him on the spot.<br/><br/> Before he died, he roared, one claw thrashing about, and cutting into my left eye, where I screamed in pain. Blood poured out, and slowly... I died.<br/>...<br/> I woke back up on the green Beacon of Light, completely- well, almost completely- restored. Where my foot had been a lighter color as the rest of my body, now it had a darker tone of color, due to scarring I suspected, as did my eye. I also realized I was naked again, and my previous body's clothes were drenched in blood.<br/><br/> But looking around, I felt no joy in the victory that we shared. So many had been lost. If it weren't for Indy, we'd all have died.<br/><br/> "Master, don't be so hard on yourself. You did everything you could. We earned this victory because of you. If you had not touched me, I would not have appeared to help you! I myself, would not be alive right now. And it's all because of you.", Indy stated, sounding surprisingly mature for her newborn status. But it was always stated that Indoraptors were smart, just like Velociraptors.<br/><br/> "Thank you, Indy...", I said, not too convinced. But suddenly, there was a pop-up in front of me, displaying the rewards I attained.<br/><br/> Rewards: Prime Meat x30 (Long Lasting), Tiny's Tooth (Epic Rarity Blade), 10 Levels, and a map to the Tyrannosaurus Rex Egg that was talked about earlier in the quest.<br/><br/> As I put the stuff in my inventory, I walked over to Talonfang. She was one of five raptors left of her pack, and she looked defeated.<br/><br/> "Talonfang, would you like to live with me from now on, including the rest of your pack? I'll make sure we have a safe camp.", I spoke. She looked at me, smiled sadly, and nodded.<br/><br/> "Yes, dear warrior. I'll do anything for you.", she said, in a way that offered her allegiance to me, so I smiled, and pressed my lips against hers, forming a new pact. She pressed herself deeper into the kiss, and before we started to go deeper into the pact formation, Blue and Indy interrupted us.<br/><br/> "Not that I mind you doing that sorta thing Master, but I think it'd be better if you do it back in the comfort of our own home.", she began.<br/><br/> "Yes, I agree, Daddy. Let's go home!", she said with a smile. Chuckling, I nodded, and hopped onto Indy, after claiming the old clothes from my previous body, and the broken blade. I'd need to rebuild anyhow, and the search for the Rex Egg could wait till tomorrow.</p>