
Jurassic P-Ark

I woke up to the glaring rays of the sun, and went to cover my eyes, when I saw something imbedded in my arm. I turned my arm over quickly, and was slack jawed as this was supposed to be from a slightly scary, funny, and very hard survival game. With Dinosaurs. I really hope this is a dream.... {There will be a lot of Jurrassic Park and Jurrassic World references intermingled with this. Especially Rexy, Blue, and a few others You have been Warned}

SpedaHooves · Video Games
Not enough ratings
14 Chs

Ch. 7 - A Raptor Nest {18+}

I pushed Blue against a nearby tree, while her tail squeezed around my waist, further increasing my erection that was still within her, although only a few inches in. I planned to go all the way inside of her, so she'd truly be mine, as I felt somehow myself gaining a primal personality, my hands squeezing her thighs, and pulling them opposite ways.

I pressed my lips against Blues maw, kissing her deeply, while letting our tongues twist together, my left hand tightly squeezing her ass, as my right hand lifted one of her legs, which allowed my cock easier access to her pussy.

"Oooh, yes, Daddy! Harder! Ram my little pussy until I can't walk!", I barely heard her, as I began pistoning in and out of her with a faster, and harder pace, an audible plapping noise as our hips met each second.

I didn't even notice two curious raptors in the background, holding their little clawed hands to their mouths, which were open in an 'O' fashion until I was nearing my second climaxe. We just froze, staring at each-other, as another four servings of cum was deposited into Blue's womb, her moans and cries of pleasure being the only noise made. That is until she yelled for me to fuck her some more.

The raptors quickly left, apparent blushes on their faces, while I began another round with Blue, short story is that we wouldn't stop for another three hours.

But we ain't ending this 'scene' yet. I pull my cock out of her pussy, as Blue moans in distress, wanting me to stay in. But I have other ideas.

"Prepare yourself, Blue, this may hurt a little.", Blue's eyes come back into focus a bit, and she seems to understand as she bites down into my neck again, while I rub my shaft against her lower hole. Her anus winks in trepidation, anticipating my thrust.

I don't disappoint. I slam my hips forward, pushing all ten inches of thick meat deep into her, as Blue cries out, but doesn't protest further than that., aside from tearing up.

I slowly pull out till only the tip is inside, kissing her again to ease her pain, and then I slowly thrust back in, audible slaps being loud in the forest once more, as my cock throbs within her anal walls, the pure heat making almost unbearable in how pleasurable it is. I pull her off the tree, and position her almost like a Fleshlight, pistoning in and out, harder than I did in her pussy, while her talons claw at my back, adding to the strange, but extreme pleasure, nearly making me burst right there.

I slow down, though, wanting to impregnate my Raptor daughter, that Primal feeling surging up again, as I pull back out, her anus gaping wide for a few minutes, as I press back into her pussy, my pace picking up once more, at a steady, but fast pace, and Blue looks like she's in heaven.

Her screams of pleasure echo even louder in the forest, her thick thighs resting limply at my sides, her foreclaws laying limlpy at her own sides, barely gripping onto my arms.

I finish with my hips slamming in and out of her, as fast as I can, before finally spurting more semen within her, six times in a row this time, engorging her already filled womb, making her look six months pregnant with how much she's filled with, as drool collected at the floor. She was fucked silly, and she loved it.


Blue and I finally continued on our way to the Obelisk, hot, sweaty, and smelled strongly of sex, Blues pussy slowly letting my cum pool out of her as she walks, and Blue was the happiest I've ever seen her. That made me smile that I caused that, although through some unorthodox means.

I did hurt in some places, when I couldn't stop her talons from scratching me, my back was now pretty bloody, but for some reason, I felt that I was perfectly fine, in fact, I could feel myself healing at an accelerated pace. It was unnatural, but it was strangely cool.

"So, Daddy, when are you going to have sex with Charlie, Echo, and Delta? Or Trixie, if and when she gets big enough? Now that I've had you first, I'm okay with sharing you!", Blue said, grinning as wide as she could, as she was still a dinosaur, not a human.

"I... uhm, let's take things one step at a time, okay, Blue? I'm not even sure if I can handle more than you, at least, not as I am right now. O... On another note, do you know any other Raptor Packs?", I ask, trying to get the conversation on a different topic.

"Hmm, you aren't hoping to have more Raptor's are you Daddy? I mean, I don't mind, but at least let the ones you have have you to ourselves for a little while longer! Hehehehe, but yes, I knew of four, maybe five more that were nearby. I wonder if they've heard the news...", Blue said, starting to become sad, but I quickly pick her up again, this time in a princess style, and hug her to my frame. Really wish I had something to help me make clothes, though...

"Don't worry, Blue, you still have us. And if I do plan to have more Raptor's in the future, I'll make sure to treat you all the same, though in different manners, since you are all different in some way. I got a request though. If I ever decide to tame a Tyrannosaurus Rex, or a Giganotosaurus, always know that they won't be the monster that killed your family. And hopefully, with the help of those possible tames, we can kill that monster. Does that sound okay?", I ask her, and she nods, smiling in a content manner.

Suddenly, I feel a bright light glaring in my eyes, as that familiar humming noise comes from the Obelisk. We were here. But My eyes, as does two familiar Raptors, widen when we see each other. It seems that this Obelisk was home to tens of Raptors, who were all on high alert, but they weren't on the attack. My eyes wander back to those two Raptors, but all that happens is them blushing wildly.

Oh Boy...

"Uhm, hello there! This is my adopted daughter, and well, Main Mate, Blue. My name is Tommy. I was wondering if I could have a look at that device in the middle of your nest?", I ask, not seeing the astonished looks of many of the Raptors when they saw the stone in my wrist, or a subtle bowing.

"My name is Talonfang, I am the Alpha of my Pack. My name may be a bit odd, considering I'm female, but it is what it is. Don't ask, I've heard the question a thousand times. Now, in terms of your request, I need some sort of compensation, Stone-Holder.", she said, seeming to give me an odd look. One that Blue and her sisters sort of gave me a lot. I'm going to be getting in a lot of trouble in this life, aren't I? Speaking of Blue's sister's, I wonder how they, and Trixie have been doing.


Status Screen-

Name: Tommy Age: 18 Sex: Male Level: 35

Title: A Raptor's Alpha, Primal Lover's, ?

Title Stats-


A Raptors Alpha: Any Raptor that you have in your family/tribe, earns a 25 times increase in stat points earned when leveling up, also allows you to be far more intimate with your Raptor's, such as being able to love, and be loved by the Raptors, as well as causing unintentional pheromones. Allows one to easily mate with Raptor's, capable of impregnating them as well.

Hidden Ability- Wild Raptors become more friendly natured towards you, Has Become an Official Raptor Alpha in the terms of other Raptor Pack Opinions

Went beyond the Highest Rarity

Rarity- Z+

Primal Lover's: Unknown

Rarity- Unknown

?: Unknown

Rarity- Unknown


HP- 300 MP- 300


STR- 30

PER- 20

END- 30

CHA- 40

INT- 60

AGI- 30

LUC- 20

Stat Points- 145


{Author's Note- Okay, maybe I lied a bit. but anyways, can anyone give suggestions on what they think Primal Lover's can mean as a Title? Or the unknown title? Tell your thoughts in the comments below}