

All her life she's been manipulated and stepped on, tossed away by her so called family and finally killed in a well plotted accident. She was given a second chance and this time around she wasn't alone... She had something inside her, big, strong and violent "Don't you want revenge Ari... LET ME OUT!!" He choose her body for a reason... She was his and whatever belonged to him... She was his to be protected!!!

Rin_Ella · Fantasy
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9 Chs


"Master she's awake" His assistant said while rushing towards him

He turned looking at him like he was stupid how could he not know that when they were connected

Realizing his mistake... Felix smiled sheepishly... how could he forget the fact that his boss wasn't ordinary

"How's she doing?" He asked as he turned looking out the balcony

"She's well... Ella kept saying she wanted to meet her savior, aren't you planning on showing yourself to her??"

"It's not yet time Felix, get me my schedule for tomorrow I'll visit her afterwards" he answered before turning and leaving the balcony and entering his main apartment

"What about the business proposal you've been working on for the past ten months, are you leaving it now??"

"Nope but since she's awake now wouldn't it be fun and amusing to watch her take revenge on her own... then and only then would she want to stay by my side" he replied with a smirk

"well get them to sign the proposal I'll just help her from the back if things becomes too hard for her to handle"

She was his to protect, he wouldn't let her suffer anymore. He found her a bit late but he was going to make up for all those times she was in pains so she wouldn't think of leaving him again he thought, his dim red pupils sparkling as he looked up at his assistant

" That would be all Felix... get a good night sleep then" He finished as he stood up and left the living room

His master sure had lost all rationality he thought as he shrugged and left the apartment... Tomorrow was sure going to be hectic


"Dad it's been ten months now are you sure she's dead and not hiding???"

"Calm down Kera, she sure is gone... the Investigation carried out showed she drowned plus people said they saw her falling off the bridge into the water" He replied and she sighed

Damn Aria Even in her death, she still wouldn't let her have peace of mind... this past few months have been tough for her family since that witch decided to rush out of the house and go drown herself... police has been investigating them and her wedding was put on hold...

"Dad since that all has been finally settled, should I tell Kim so we can start making plans for our wedding" she asked her eyes twinkling in happiness

Finally she was going to have something Aria couldn't have and the best of it is that she wouldn't even be alive to die in envy. Even the heavens were on her side this time around

Ever since she was a child she's always been compared to that wit*h, so it was better she wasn't alive... been dead was the only thing that would benefit her

" Sure tomorrow I'll sign a contract with the biggest Establishment and company of all, that would be our first step into taking over the company, get him to do the necessary before it's too late"

"Dad he loves me and wouldn't do anything to hurt my feelings" she replied with a shy smile

"silly girl... now go up to your room, your mum is visiting the saloon with some acquaintance so she'll be back later in the day.. I'll be leaving now"

Seems like everyone in her family wanted Aria dead.. too bad the person in question was still alive and kicking and just recuperating


Waking up she looked around and saw the nurse beside her

Did she go into Coma again???

"Don't you have other patients to attend to.. why are you here by this time of the afternoon"

"Afternoon!!! it's morning already... is your brain hurt??? I think the doctor needs to know about this though" she teased and Aria rolled her eyes

Her brain was a bit hazy but that didn't mean she needed medical attention for it

"I'm just joking, the first time we met I didn't get yo introduce myself to you.. I'm Ella and I like you" she blurted out and Aria gasped

Did she just meet a Lesbian.. Not that she hated them or anything, she was straight and didn't know how to reject a confession

Coughing slightly she blushed

Noticing her discomfort, Ella laughed out loud... what was she thinking??

"I'm not queer if that's what you're thinking, I just like you and think you're adorable and cute" she said and Aria breathed out in relief

" well you've been asleep for Soo long do you feel refreshed?? I couldn't even share an interesting news with you... I'm now your personal nurse so you'll see me here all the time, don't get bored of my face though" she said and Aria looked at her in bewilderment

she couldn't even pay for her bills yet now she was given a personal nurse!!! was the world playing with her emotions... was this her karma for trying to kill herself?? it was better she cleared the issues at hand first

clearing her throat she looked at the jovial nurse and sighed

"I don't have any money... my uncle wouldn't even give me a lending hand so... becoming my personal nurse isn't advisable, I can't pay you"

Laughing loudly Ella held her tummy, gosh her master's wife to be has such a huge sense of humor

"you've been here for ten months... were you the one handling the bills then?" she asked and Aria shook her head

Since it had come to this she might as well find out about her savior and sponsor

"Well don't worry too much, you don't have to pay for anything .. a hint though, the person who saved you and who's taking care of your bills are one and the same,gosh my mouth would get me killed one day" she stated before standing up

How was that even considered a secret... now she couldn't be worried about owing a lot of people..Since it was just a single person, the debt would be lighter wouldn't it?? she thought

what if he was a monster.. she thought and she could feel her heart clenching

" Gosh that hurt so much" she muttered massaging her chest

what was that all about????

"I'm coming I'll go get a towel to clean you up, apparently you can do that yourself now... I'll be back in a jiffy (1), don't worry so much" Ella stated before leaving the room

Something was not right here....

trying to make up for the lost time I didn't post

another chapter when I'm back from work

see you soon

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