

All her life she's been manipulated and stepped on, tossed away by her so called family and finally killed in a well plotted accident. She was given a second chance and this time around she wasn't alone... She had something inside her, big, strong and violent "Don't you want revenge Ari... LET ME OUT!!" He choose her body for a reason... She was his and whatever belonged to him... She was his to be protected!!!

Rin_Ella · Fantasy
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9 Chs


She could feel as the water choked her as she struggled to breathe

committing suicide was painful though, she didn't want to die anymore... this was so much more painful and heartbreaking than the life she was living

she could feel her lungs and her stomach hurting, it was like hell... For once she wished she could actually swim, even as a kid she's never been a fan of water and she was getting it's consequences now and all she could do now was hope for a second chance she couldn't let them win... She shouldn't have let her anger and pain get the best of her... her breath was failing her she could feel herself going deeper and deeper into the ocean and she couldn't even fight back... her arms hurt from struggling so much and she couldn't feel her legs anymore ... what was so good about committing suicide. Life is precious and shouldn't be tampered with... was this what others feel when they took their own lives... if so why was suicide so popular now she thought as her consciousness kept drifting

she couldn't take it anymore, Closing her eyes finally she accepted defeat.. she has been a failure, a weakling, if only she could change that... it was too late for that now


Her whole body was aching... was she in hell already... her throat was hot, itchy and dry but wait something wasn't right

Trying hard she opened her aching eyes and closed them back immediately because of the sudden contact with the light... it was too bright

could this be the afterlife... she's heard so much about?? but why did it look like she's lying down

groaning as she opened her eyes the second time she tried adjusting to the light before sighing heavily... why did her lids seem so heavy, after adjusting to the light she looked around and gasped

This is actually a hospital... a machine was beeping beside her and she could feel her left hand attached to the drip at the edge of the bed

"what!!!! she actually survived??? she wasn't dreaming??? was she??? she thought as she breathed in the hospital air...

Eww ok now she knew she wasn't dreaming at all... that metallic air mixed with strong smell of drugs was something she couldn't forget as long as she was alive

Trying to turn she groaned.. her huge body felt like she had actually lifted a mountain

Even if she was at the verge of death one thing she knew for sure now was that suicide was out the question especially through drowning

she wouldn't want anyone to encounter that ever

As she was still contemplating in her head about how she was given a second chance a nurse stepped in and gasped seeing her awake

Ok what was wrong here??? why was she suprised?? was she supposed to be playing dead or something??? was she in a game world???

She gasped, the more she thought about it the more she thought it was possible... she must have read too much novels to be imagining this right now

Recovering from her shock the nurse cleared her throat and walked towards her with a smile .. a genuine one which made her relax a bit

Checking her pulse she wrote down something on her tab

"welcome back Mam how do you feel now??" She asked with a smile and Aria looked at her like an idiot

Who welcomes a person who fainted for some hours with such enthusiasm and happiness like she's been unconscious for years she thought and the nurse laughed causing her to look at her suspiciously

was she given a physco as a nurse!!!! ohh No!!!

"of course you've been in a coma for a few months now" she replied and Aria gasped in embarrassment realizing that she's been voicing out her thoughts

Blushing she turned wishing the ground could swallow her now but wait on a second thought.... IN A COMA FOR MONTHS!!! seriously!!!

why did it feel like yesterday... a lot must have happened while she was unconscious

Gathering herself she managed to ask

"How many months???"

"Ten months mam... I'm quite shocked you're awake now the doctor said it would take at least a year and some months before you start reacting... this is a miracle though" she said jovially and Aria looked at her suspiciously

She was too jovial for a nurse... well personality differs

she thought brushing the thoughts away, She just woke up and shouldn't be keeping negative vibes and thoughts around her yet... She needed to recover quickly and negativity would hinder that

After chatting a bit with the nurse who refused to disclose important things to her ... like who her savior was, she left after advising her not to stress herself and on the quantity of water to take in( she wasn't strong enough to absorb food and her lungs were on fire) because she had other patients to attend to.... For someone who talked too much she was so tight lipped(1)

Checking around she saw there was nothing that could keep her busy.. gosh life in a hospital was emotional draining... not even a common television!!!!

Seems like her new mission was coming up soon

First find out who her misterious saviour was...

As of now she needed to rest in order to recover her strength.... Slowly she could feel her body slowly drifting to sleep... since her system was weak it was much easier to fall asleep

Suicide shouldnt be a thought no matter what

No matter how hard it is... try to find a reason to live..

I've been there though.. here's a hint music

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