
Aristocrat with System in Another World

Bronze prize winner WPC 286. Rudra, a 26-year-old orphan, and a history teacher walking to the school suddenly find himself in the forest in another world but fortunately, there was a system. But just after transmigration he got a big task and responsibility to protect this planet. Pls comment and give a review if you like this novel. If you find any mistakes or any suggestions, pls write in comments or reviews 2chapters per week.

Mysterious_nature · History
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7 Chs

2. System


Rudra said softly. Suddenly a light sky blue coloured screen emerged in front of him out of thin air.

Rudra didn't startle as he knew about the screen, he read many system and gaming status novels. He looked at the screen excitedly.

On the left side of the screen, He found his 3D HD picture with many boxes beside his body where his current clothes were drawn. On the right side of the Picture, there was his information written.

Name: Rudra Pratap

Age: 26

Species: Human

Occupation: None

Skill: None

Weapon proficiency: None

"Wait, is there no stats? Every novel or system has status." Rudra found this odd.

<But this isn't a novel or game. There is no such thing as stats in real life.>

Rudra was slightly disappointed but soon he shook his head 'Hey I got a system, what is there to be disappointed. My life on Earth sucks, no one is there who will worry about me. Even If I disappeared from the Earth, no one gives a shit and here system and higher beings gave him this chance to encounter new things, gave me a chance to enliven my life.'

Rudra then selected the inventory option with his finger. There were 15 boxes in the inventory. Most of the boxes were empty, there is only one box is filled.

"What is this?" Rudra asked system pointing towards the filled box.

<This is a newbie gift to help you adjust to this world. And you don't need to select with your fingers, you can use it by calling in mind and you can also talk to me in mind.>

"But that won't be fun. I don't feel real without doing it with physical actions. but still, it will be helpful where there are many people, otherwise, they will think that I am mentally retard." Rudra immediately denied it.

<OK, suit yourself.>

Rudra didn't immediately open the newbie gift.

He picked up his bag from the ground and picked up a pen. He tried to put the pen in one of the boxes.

"Hey, it went in." Rudra said in slightly excited mode. He thought that everyone will be excited after seeing this.

Then he tried to pick the pen from the box and the pen came into his hand. Then he put the pen in the bag and tried to put the bag in the box and it went into the box and it only covered one box.

'Looks like I found a hack to put more things in the inventory. Just wrap the things and put them in inventory and it will only occupy one box.

He then selected the Map option. The map was like an HD version of satellite Google Maps. There were some options like zoom in and out, direction, there is even a search option and a few others. Then he looked at the map where he was standing.

"Hey there is only around 100 meters of area shown in the map and why is everything else covered with white mist."

<The map will show only what you saw with your own eyes or the total territory under you.>

"OK, it is acceptable. It will be very helpful. Let's see what else we have. A task option." Rudra clicked on the task option. There are three sub categories: Main task, Urgent Side task. He clicked on the Main task.

"Hey, there is only one task.

Main task No. 1:

Mission: Establish or acquire a territory.

Description: It is very important to have a territory to quickly research and make various technologies. You need an army to protect your people and destroy your enemies.

Requirements: Step into your territory.

Reward: 1. Territory Map.

2. Loyalty stat

3. Hand to hand combat [Master]

4. Teleportation [only to Earth]

Hey system, what is the meaning of proficient, is this skill level."

<Yes, There are 4 levels of any skill: Beginner, Proficient, Master and Perfect.> Rudra nodded in understanding.

"Hey I understand that the locking of territory map that there should be a territory, loyalty stat is that I need subordinates. Right?"

<Yes, these two options are very useful to help you run the territory.> Rudra nodded.

'Everything is good, but I bet that the description is written by elementary level writter.' Rudra thought and laughed slightly.

Then he opened the urgent side mission panel.

"Hey, why is it empty? Why is there no mission?"

<It will be occasionally released when certain conditions are met.>

"OK, there are only two loyalty and teleport options left which are required to get a territory. Now let's check the newbie's gift."

He clicked on the newbie box. A message came on the screen

Do you want to open the Gift?

<Yes> <No>

Rudra quickly clicked the yes option like if he didn't click quickly it will disappear.

Suddenly a golden light flashed through the screen. Then few messages came on the screen.

{You opened a Newbie gift, and you obtained:

1. One set of high grade merchant robes and one set of high heel sandals.

2. Skill: Beginner swordsmanship [Proficient]

3. 1 Gold coin, 100 Silver coins and 1000 Copper coins. [1 Gold coin=100 silver coins, 1 Silver coin= 100 copper coins]

4. One exquisite Iron sword.

5. One Primary genetic potion

6. One bucket full of water

7. One automatic recording invisible camera recorder.

You can find all the things in inventory. }

"Hey, some weird thing has crawled in to it. What is Primary genetic potion is doing in this."

<This is to increase your strength, so you can protect yourself. This world is not like Earth. It is still primitive. There is a large number of beasts are rampant in this world. They are bigger and more ferocious than your world.>

"Ok, I can accept that and thankful for it but what about one bucket of water."

<When you will use a Primary genetic potion, a large number of impurities will come out of sweat pores.>

"OK, thank you. You considered almost everything for me. Then what about this automatic recording camera?"

<This is used to record every movement of the host. It can be invisible or not based on your wish.>

"Hmm, well it can be used to make a movie or TV serial of me as the protagonist."

Rudra opened his inventory, all the items were put in the boxes. He first used an invisible camera recorder to record his every action. Then, he picked the swordsmanship skill. It was a book in which Biggner's swordsmanship skill was written. When he tried to open the book, a prompt came on the screen.

[Do you want to learn the 'Beginner Swordsmanship skill'?

<Yes> <No>]

"Oh, so it is automatic, I don't have to read and practice regularly to learn it. It is convenient." He clicked yes.

Suddenly a large amount of information about swordsmanship like different types of stances, various attacking skills like slash, cut and stab and then defence skills and even the use of the handle to defend and attack, poured into his brain.

"Hoo, so that how it it. I know how to use sword, but to make it my muscle memory, I have to practice daily. Now let's use Genetic potion."

But before using it he checked his surroundings and quickly hid behind a big tree which completely covered him. Then he quickly removed his clothes, even his underwear. What can he do, he only had one pair of underwear with him. He put all his clothes in his inventory. {If this was a comic, there would be a leave drawn at a special place.}

He took the Primary Genetic strengthening potion. It was deep ocean blue coloured liquid in a transparent vial. He quickly unscrewed the cap and threw it in the inventory.

"What a nice fragrance!" A refreshing fragrance touched the deepest part of his nose.


He then drank the whole vial in one go.

"I don't feel anything," Rudra asked when he didn't feel anything except a slight cool feeling wherever the liquid passed.

<It takes time for the medicine to the world, this isn't some game where the effect started to show as soon as the potion touched the tongue. Just wait for a few seconds, it doesn't take long. Your body will change for a few days, your height will also increase. So don't panic>

As the system said, it took only dozens of seconds, Small black sticky spots of impurities started to come out all over his body. If a person has an intensive phobia, he will feel goosebumps all over his body.

<It is over. You can wash it now.> It took a full minute to work. Rudra felt sticky fluid on his body.

"What a disgusting smell! like a rotten potatoes" Then he started to wash carefully and washed. He didn't leave a slight black spot.

His skin became smooth and tender even more than a toddler's. His fair skin became even fairer. His face even shows a slight red hue. If someone saw him now, they will think that he came down from heaven.

After washing himself, he put the plastic bucket into his inventory, took merchant clothes, and wore them.

"Hey, high end is only in its name, there is nothing high end. Just a simple white robe and the cloth is so rough, that it creates friction even while moving."

'Clop Clop'

While he was wearing the robes he suddenly heard the sound of hooves.