
Argenius The Legend of the Ancient Lineage

One morning Argenius woke up, he had no idea that soon he would be attending a magical school and would even be one of the strongest wizards. From that point on, he has to deal with classes and classmates, while a mysterious organization plans something ominous.

lpnats · Fantasy
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9 Chs

The naming ceremony

Professor Marzestra led Argenius and Elina to a set of chairs that were somewhat secluded from the others and gestured for them to sit down. In the meantime, the remaining students had arrived and taken their seats.

The professor approached the platform and climbed the steps. Once at the top, she pointed her finger to her throat and opened her mouth. "Dear students, you have come from all corners of the continent to participate in this year's naming ceremony," she began. "As in every year, I have traveled and discovered new magicians. Accordingly, we will, as tradition dictates, welcome the new magicians this year. But first things first, without further ado, let us begin with the naming."

The professor looked at a scroll she had pulled out of a bag and called out the first name. "Abbie Torm," she announced. A girl stood up and approached the headmistress. She ascended the steps and faced her. The professor took her hand and placed it on a sphere. The sphere took on a honey-like color. "Topaz," exclaimed Professor Marzestra. The girl jumped with joy, causing the professor to wait until she settled down.

"Since you have received your family stone, you will remain a Torm," she said, shaking the girl's hand excitedly. Then she returned to her seat. The professor looked at the list again and called out another name. This continued for a while until the headmistress finally called out, "Sophia Pesuph."

Sophia stood up, approached the platform, and climbed up. She placed her hand on the sphere, which immediately began to shimmer white. "Pearl," called out the professor. "Thus, you will carry on your family stone." One by one, they took their turns. A girl who looked very elite received the Emerald rank, and Johannes became a Sapphire. Then it was Argenius and Elina's turn.

"And with our honorary students of this year, we will conclude the naming ceremony. Argenius and Elina, please come up to me," the professor announced. The siblings stood up and joined the headmistress. She took Elina's hand and placed it on the sphere, which instantly turned crystal clear. The room fell silent, and the sphere slowly turned dark blue. Unaware of the reaction she had elicited from the audience, Elina removed her hand from the sphere.

Next, Argenius placed his hand on the sphere, which immediately became clear again, until it turned blacker than the night. However, the darkness did not remain in the sphere; it slowly dripped onto the floor. Thick drops covered the ground as the sphere suddenly began to crack and shatter.

Argenius turned around and looked at Professor Marzestra. She appeared as if she had seen a ghost, and as he glanced at the other students in the crowd, he noticed the same expression on their faces. It seemed that there was much more in store for the siblings.