
Argenius The Legend of the Ancient Lineage

One morning Argenius woke up, he had no idea that soon he would be attending a magical school and would even be one of the strongest wizards. From that point on, he has to deal with classes and classmates, while a mysterious organization plans something ominous.

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9 Chs

Magic Introduction

Argenius couldn't believe it. Magic? That only existed in stories, right? But he had visual proof that it existed. "How is that possible?" he asked. "I won't burden you with the scientific details," said Professor Marzestra, "but magic is a visualization of imagination." "Every magician is capable of levitating objects, but there are also rules and things that a magician cannot do, which means not everything you can imagine can actually happen," the professor said. "There is also a limit to how much magic a magician can wield," she continued. "There are also distinctions between magicians, which is why the magical community has divided them into 11 strength groups represented by gemstones."

"These are: the weakest, Tourmaline; then quartz, Aquamarine, Opal, Topaz, Amethyst, Ruby, Sapphire, Pearl, Emerald, and the strongest of them all, Diamond. Their distinguishing feature is that they carry the first letters of their gemstones before their last names. Accordingly, you should be able to figure out where I stand in the hierarchy," Professor Marzestra said. Argenius thought for a moment. "You are a Pearl," he replied. The professor's mouth curved into a smile. "I see, you catch on quickly," she said. Argenius was deeply impressed, but he wondered why they were here. Neither he nor Elina had ever shown signs of supernatural abilities. "You must be wondering why you're here," said Professor Marzestra. "The answer is quite simple," she continued. "Argenius will surely remember the sphere I gave him, disguised as a mouse. It was a magic meter that can test magic levels up to Sapphire rank. However, it broke, which means that both of you, being twins, must be at least above the Sapphire rank. Which is rare." Professor Marzestra took a breath and took a sip of water. "The final rank assignment will happen during the naming ceremony, which we will soon proceed to when the other students arrive." Argenius had a lot to process, and Elina had stopped making any sound a while ago. The professor looked at them and said, "You both seem to have a lot to process." She stood up, took two glasses from her desk, and snapped her fingers, causing water to appear in the glasses, which she handed to the siblings. They both took a sip and pondered everything they had learned until Professor Marzestra cleared her throat and addressed them, "Although I understand that both of you have a lot to process, we must now proceed to the naming ceremony." She placed her hands behind her back and gently led them out of the sofa towards the office door. The professor opened it and took Argenius and Elina through the corridors of the castle until they reached the courtyard, where a podium was set up and several chairs were arranged around it, with several students already seated and waiting. The courtyard gradually filled up as the professor led them to a staircase and said, "Let's begin this year's naming ceremony."