
Arena of Arges

"Fight with pride! Fight with grace! Fight for honor! Fight for power! Fight for glory! Who among you will reign supreme as the ruler of the arena?! Who will stand and tower over his peers with an iron fist?! It's only in the arena of Arges that one gains absolution from mediocrity! I hearby declare the commencement of the Arges combat tournament!!!"

IAA_Breezy · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Chapter 5

The opening ceremony ended after Grand Commander Jozu Hanks closing remarks, but except for Zion's top military, whom had long since left the Amphitheatre to attend to their administrative duties, the contestants, as well as, most of the distinguished representatives of the various provinces, stayed behind.

Old friendships were been rekindled among the representatives, as pleasantries were exchanged. Those whom were complete strangers, familiarized themselves with one another and chatted noisily on various issues and trending topics. The candidates of the tournament were observing and noting down their names and the groups they've been placed in, as it was been displayed and emboldened on the gigantic, digitalized screens for all to see.

"Whoa!! Can you believe it, Douglas?! We've been placed in the same group!" Jason exclaimed in amazement.

"Huh? Really?"

Douglas, who was at first not really interested in what was been displayed, slightly arched his neck upwards to view the screens displaying the names of the contestants and the groups they've been randomly placed in. He found his name on the fourth screen, situated at the left angle of the Amphitheatre, and sure enough he saw Jason's name right under his.

What were the odds?!

To think that among the thirty-two contestants in this tournament, he would be placed in the same group with the only person he knew. That was really some coincidence.

But then, as Douglas observed the screen with scrutiny and went through what was on it, he found something else that caught his attention even more. The screen also displayed the days in which each match in the group would be held, as well as, the points allocated for a win, draw and loss. Douglas astonishingly found out that the group he and Jason were been placed in was Group A and among the contestants in this tournament, his match was the first to be held! His match was the show opener! Douglas didn't know whether to laugh or to cry about this sudden development. He couldn't keep his lips from twitching in astonishment.

"Oooooh? It seems you are up first and then I will be next up." Jason said, with a broad grin etched on his face. He then lightly punched Douglas on his shoulder, as he chuckled, while saying, "Warm up the crowd nicely before my match, bro."

Douglas shifted his gaze towards the dude standing close, beside him. To Jason, his best friend. It had been five years, since he had last laid his eyes on him. Five years, since Jason enlisted and joined up with the red monks. The red monks were a private militia group that traversed the pacific continent, fighting bandits and terrorists, mostly in the smaller nations and aiding in keeping the peace in their own little way. Though for Jason, enlisting with the red monks was more of for training and gaining experience, than for the original mission of the militia.

Douglas noticed that his friend was some inches taller, than when he last saw him and he was now almost the same height as he was. This growth spurt astonished him. Jason was eighteen when he enlisted and so he should be twenty-three by now, which was also his age as well. He didn't ever think that one could have such an increase in height in their twenties, as Jason had. Mostly, such growth spurts were evident in early adolescents.

Well, it could be he's a late bloomer. Douglas thought

Jason's height wasn't the only change Douglas noticed. His baby face of five years ago had now slightly hardened and matured. He was looking manlier and he was even spotting a goatee under his chin. He had bulked up a lot as well, with his black t-shirt tightly fitted on his well-toned body, exposing his bulky biceps and the outline of his hardened chest, which was slightly bulging outwards. His reddish, orange hair had deepened in colour and it was now having some sort of semblance with the colour of the sun. He had let the hair grow a bit long, as the hair cascaded down to the end of his thick neck.

Though, Jason might have attempted to keep his mana fluctuations in check, but Douglas could still subtly feel a hot, fiery aura emanating from him, as the aura gently caressed his skin. This aura was by far a lot livelier, richer, more oppressive and felt a lot more combustive than the aura Jason had five years ago. It felt like a time bomb, raring to go off at any second. Douglas smiled at this welcomed development. His friend's ability and power must have gone up by a lot and he felt his friend was going to be force to be reckoned with in this tournament.

"Huh? Is there something on my face or what?" Jason asked, as he wondered why Douglas was staring at him for quite a while.

"Nah, it's nothing. I am just glad to see you, that's all." Douglas replied.

"Ooohhh? U missed me, didn't you?" Jason asked playfully, while chuckling.

"Hmmph!" Douglas snorted "Who will miss a troublemaker like you?"

"Just admit it, you did miss me."

"Well, just a little bit." Douglas silently said, while curving his lips to the side.

"So, this is where you've been Williams Jason!! I have been looking all over for you, you dummy! You just up and left me all on my lonesome!"

A girl's sharp, annoyed voice suddenly echoed from behind Douglas. He turned around to his behind and beheld an unfamiliar, cute, young girl, staring squarely at Jason. Her cheeks were cutely puffed up in annoyance and her dainty, white, jade hands, tightly placed on her small hips, as she stood in akimbo. She was quite small in stature, as her head was right at the level of Douglas or Jason's chest. She had an attractive, picturesque, oval face, that still looked quite pretty, despite it been contorted in annoyance. Her black hair was braided into long pigtails. She wore a beautiful, long emerald green dress, with white pearls embroidered on the hems, and she matched the dress with a captivating pair of golden slippers on her petite feet. Her clothing all together accentuated her cuteness.

"I'm really sorry, Illenia. You know I haven't seen my friend in a while, so I got way too excited and rushed over here without informing you." Jason apologetically said, as he guiltily rubbed the back of his head with his right palm.

"Umm, Jason, who is she? A friend of yours?"

Douglas inquired awkwardly. As it was only the contestants whom were still on the podium, he wondered how Jason was able to quickly acquaint himself and befriend one of the contestants in such a short amount of time of arriving in Zion.

"Oh yeah, you don't know her. She's my cousin, Renfield Illenia."

"Your cousin?"

Douglas was confused. How could one of Jason's cousins participate in the tournament? Or had the rules been adjusted to allow and accommodate two contestants from a single province, without him been aware?

"Yeah, my cousin from my mom's side. Remember, I once told you that my mom wasn't originally from the Benin province. My mom was born and brought up in the province of Dignah, but migrated to Benin, in order to start up her sculpturing business, as more people in Benin were interested in her sculptures than in Dignah. It was then that she met dad and well, you know. Illenia is the daughter of my mom's elder sister, who's the second wife to the Grand duke of Dignah. She is representing the province of Dignah." Jason explained in detail to Douglas, in order to clear up his apparent confusion.

"Oh, I see now. Hi Illenia, I'm Devon Douglas." Douglas introduced himself.

"I know who you are. Jason wouldn't stop talking about you, while we were on the way here. And also…" Illenia paused, as her slim neck tilted to her sides to take in her surroundings, "It seems you are infamously popular."

Douglas followed the eyesight of Illenia and he unsurprisingly noticed that the contestants on the podium and those in the audience placement, were contemptuously staring at him, with their evil thoughts and intentions clearly visible to one to notice. Some were even pointing in his direction, as they gossiped, whispered, cursed and grunted in vulgar tones. It was like he was a shit stain on a white garment.

Douglas had a strong feeling that if it weren't for the ban on fighting and the severe punishment implemented, as well as, the military personnel's guarding the entrances to the Amphitheatre, a group or two would have already made their way towards him to cause him some trouble. They might have tried to severely incapacitate him or even try to murder him. Though with or without the ban, he could take of himself with no difficulty.

"I hope you don't mind though?" Douglas inquired from Illenia.

"Nah, not at all. Any friend of Jason's is also a friend of mine, irrespective or who they are or where they are from." Illenia then stretched forth her dainty, right hand towards Douglas's direction, in a gesture of a handshake, while cordially saying, "It's nice to meet you, Douglas"
