
Are you My Guardian Angel?

A soldier met a doctor and later realises her problems with the gang called the " Black Dragon" and protects her, becoming her guardian angel. But both of them eventually had feelings for each other. How will it end?

DannyChin2557 · Realistic
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14 Chs

Chapter 4

After some time, James's wound almost recovered and he was discharged by Doctor Irene. While James was in the room packing his belongings, he was thinking. "Should I have made a move, I kind of have an uncertain feeling. She felt so... I don't know..."

During his long stay in the hospital, all the questions he had when he first got admissioned into the hospital remained with him until now. He packed his bag and got out of the hospital. His first step outside of the hospital was freedom to him after being stuck in his hospital room for a long time.

For a brief moment, he stood outside the hospital entrance. He inhales and exhales slowly, wanting to receive fresh air. He went back home and sat on the couch, thinking. " Should I ask Doctor Irene out?" After getting frustrated for too long, he decided to go back to the hospital tomorrow to ask Doctor Irene out...


He was nervous, just standing in the elevator like a rock... "Did I do the right decision?" His thoughts was disrupted by the elevator door opening. He stepped foot out of the elevator and walked to Doctor Irene's office.

His breathing got heavier and heavier as he got closer to Doctor Irene's office. He touched the door knob and thinks to himself "it's just like seeing her everyday James, don't screw it up". He knock on the door and opened it, seeing no one inside the room. He walked to the front desk and asked the nurse on Doctor Irene's whereabouts. "She went out sir" the nurse said. It was strange, considering that her dinner time was at 8pm but it's 10pm now... " Did she said where she went?" James asked again, wanting to get a clue. " She said that she went to a bar at 11th street.

James rushed out of the hospital and thinks " why a bar?" her shift has not ended yet... He drove to the location and looked around in the bar but James couldn't locate her. He suddenly saw some guards guarding an abandoned building. He got suspicious because why would people be guarding an abandoned building... He sneaked over to the abandoned house and quietly took out one of them, taking his pistol with him...

The other guard looked around. " Ayo, Mike. Where are you?" he looked around more... James sneaked up and knocked him out as well. He walks into the house and finds nothing but he suddenly heard voices...

"Where is the money!" A unknown man asked... A voice, Doctor Irene's voice it sounds like said... " I don't have enough money, that's all the money I have. please... just let me go!"

We won't let you go unless you give me the money!" The unknown man slaps Doctor Irene. She fell to the ground and cried.

"Hands in the air!" James shouts and all the men started shooting at James...